Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The 1689 Confession of Faith : 26.7

The 1689 Confession of Faith - A midweek bible study notes
Chapter 26 - Of the Church
1689.26.7 Of the Power and Authority Entrusted by Christ to each Local Church 

Chapter 4: Christ, the alone Head of the Church, is invested with all power and authority…
Chapter 5: Christ executes the invested authority to gather the redeemed into local churches…
Chapter 6: Christ’s local churches are made up of visible saints, those called out of the world…
Paragraph 7: Christ gives to EACH local church all power and authority needful for her calling and duties…

The subject of rule and discipline in the local churches, both formative and corrective, is repeatedly emphasized by Christ; the rule and discipline presuppose the power and authority to do so.
- Each church is held solely responsible for managing her own affairs; Christ never asserts, assumes, or remotely implies that the other churches may exercise church discipline/rule by intervening in another church's affair. He alone is the all-capable Head of each local church.
- Too many think otherwise; denominational churches and feudalistic mindsets are common.
- ALL power in any way required for each local church to fulfil her calling by the Lord has been committed to her by the Lord Himself. There is therefore NO higher ecclesiastical power outside or above the local church.
- Each local church constituted according to the mind of Christ, has complete sufficiency of all the power and authority from Christ, to carry out her calling and manages her affairs, according to the command of Christ; the church has no other business.
- This is the glorious liberty of each local church, even the smallest or the weakest enjoys under the headship of Christ; guard this precious liberty jealously; there are too many, with sincere intention, who want to usurp Christ, and lord over other churches.

b. Therefore popular forms of church government are not according to the Bible:
- Episcopacy (by a hierarchy of individuals), e.g. RCC, Anglican Church;
- Presbyterianism (by a hierarchy of committees), e.g. all kinds of presbyterian churches;
- Congregationalism (by the members of the church)

These are not according to Christ's mind as declared in His word.
Independency (by the elders with congregational consent) alone is the biblical form of church government.

c. The church in Jerusalem (Acts 15) had a unique authority in the outworking of redemptive history, and therefore was NOT normative for any other local churches in subsequent ages; it does not repudiate Independency.
- It was the church with the twelve apostles who were the foundation of the church. It was also the first and ONLY 'mother' church of Christianity. The church in Jerusalem was unique.
- Acts 15 provides no basis for Episcopacy or Presbyterianism or Popery. These man-made forms are handmaids to ecclesiastical tyranny.

Paragraph 7 deals with the subject of the power and authority of a local church.

(1689.27.7) "To each of these churches therefore gathered, according to his mind declared in his word, he has given all that power and authority, which is in any way needful for their carrying on that order in worship and discipline, which he has instituted for them to observe; with commands and rules for the due and right exerting, and executing of that power.”
14 Matt. 18:17, 18; 1 Cor. 5:4, 5, 5:13, 2 Cor. 2:6-8

Five distinct matters related to this power and authority are stated in the paragraph.

1. The Stated Recipients of the Power and Authority Entrusted
a. “To each of these churches therefore gathered, according to his mind declared in his word..."
- To each of these churches: each church individually and separately, independent of other churches.

 b. A local church is a group of believers GATHERED according to Christ’s mind, as described in the previous paragraph,
- “A local church is a body of believers in Christ, baptized upon a credible profession of faith, and voluntarily associate under a special covenant for the maintenance of worship, the truths, the ordinances, and the discipline, of the gospel according to the word of God.”

c. To each of these churches: power and authority are invested in the churches; please note, the power is not invested in individuals!
- The power invested in the churches is to be exercised and administered according to the mind of Christ alone.

d. Christ’s mind concerning the gathering (calling out and institution of them into) HIS churches is declared in His word, the Holy Scriptures. Mt 28:19-20.

2. The Sovereign Source of the Power and Authority Entrusted
a. To Christ alone, as Head of His church, has been given “ALL power in heaven and in earth.” Mt 28:18

b. Christ alone has all the power and authority needed by the churches…
- A church has none to give to another church.
- A church does not need any apart from that of Christ.

c. Christ has entrusted all necessary power and authority needed by each local church, freely and sovereignty.
- A church gathered according to the mind of Christ does not lack, or stand in need of any, from another church, or any other source.

3. The Complete Sufficiency of the Power and Authority Entrusted
"... which is in any way needful for their carrying on..."

a. All power and authority needed by a church for her calling, works and government have been entrusted to her by the Lord Jesus Christ; none is needed from any other outside the church.

b. A local church gathered according to the mind of Christ is not deficient or lacking in any power needed for all her calling, works, and discipline.

4. The Specified Purpose of the Power and Authority Entrusted
a. "... for their carrying on that order in worship and discipline, which he has instituted for them to observe…”
- The purpose of being entrusted with that power and authority is very specific.
- The words “order in worship and discipline” sum up the calling and the work of the church. The church has no other business.

b. What Christ Himself has instituted to be observed, He has given the necessary power and authority to be observed.

5. The Regulated Administration of the Power and Authority Entrusted
a. "... with commands and rules for the due and right exerting, and executing of that power."
(This last clause is carefully elaborated in the next paragraph, a beautiful logical progression.) 

b. “with commands and rules”: the power and authority entrusted to the church by Christ must be executed and administered according to His expressed will.

c. The due and right exerting, and executing of that power entrusted is defined by the commands and rules laid down by Christ, the head of the church.
- This is to safeguard a church from ecclesiastical tyranny, and the Lord’s flock from being lord over by hirelings. 

1. Does a loose gathering of believers constitute a church? Why?
- How does the Confession define a church?

2. "Pastor-teachers are needed for the well-being (health), but not the being (existence) of the church." Discuss.

3. How does the Confession assume that church membership is commanded by Christ?

4. What context does Mt 18:15-20 presuppose?

5. "Biblical discipleship requires believer's baptism, church membership and submission to Christ's appointed authority in the local church."  cp Mt 28:19-20.  Comment.

6. Do 'parachurch' organizations (eg. non-local church-based Seminaries, Bible Colleges, Student Fellowships, etc ) have Christ's authority committed to them? Why? 

7. Does the Independency form of Church government mean isolationism? Why?

8. Why is Independency the stalwart against ecclesiastical tyranny?

9. How does Christ command Christians to join local churches?

10. How are NON-Independency forms of church government hand-maids to ecclesiastical tyranny?