28, 2010
10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of
There are two distinct but related matters here.
So then faith cometh by hearing.
Hearing by the word of God.
'So then faith cometh by hearing':
- tells the necessity of preaching the
gospel. Preaching the gospel DRAWS FORTH the grace of faith that HAS BEEN
worked by the Spirit of Christ who dwells in the hearts of the children of God.
Without the preaching of the gospel, the grace of faith worked in the hearts of
God's children will not be manifested. Life and immortality in them would not
be made manifest! The gospel preaching brings to light the life and immortality
in a child of God.
1:10 "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus
Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to
light through the gospel."
'And hearing by the word of God':
- hearing is an activity of life. The ability to
hear spiritual things proclaimed in the gospel is through the spiritual life
given BY the life-giving person designated as the Word of God.
19:13 "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is
called The Word of God."
Charles Page
the preaching of the gospel, the grace of faith worked in the hearts of God's
children will not be manifested."
This seems to be what I am saying about 'no fruit' regeneration (eternal salvation) no evidence is manifested till (temporal salvation) conversion brought about by preaching the gospel. I always emphasize a chronology between regeneration and conversion. What think ye?
is ALWAYS prior to conversion by the gospel ministry, both LOGICALLY and
CHRONOLOGICALLY. Simultaneity is a LOGICAL impossibility. Whoever does not
agree, indicate so, and I will gladly explain, if you really want to know and
believe the truth.
faith worked in the hearts of God's children will not be manifested" does
not mean other graces worked in the heart are not manifested. The grace of
faith REQUIRES the gospel ministry to manifest it BECAUSE "faith cometh by
Cornelius was converted through the preaching of Apostle Paul, he was already
manifesting works of righteousness. The eunuch before he was converted by
Philip was already manifesting work of worship!