Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Calvinists and Predestination
October 29, 2011

I seriously wonder how many anti-Calvinists can even state accurately what the Calvinists believe on predestination.

Also, how many Calvinists actually agree among themselves with their understanding of predestination?

I saw that cartoon, and commented with these words:
"I seriously wonder how many anti-Calvinists can even state accurately what the Calvinists believe on predestination.

"Also, how many Calvinists actually agree among themselves their understanding of predestination?"

A Calvinist rebutted:
"All Calvinists who hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith or the 1689 Baptist Confession of faith or the Canons of Dordt or the Belgic Confession or the Heidelberg are all agreed on the basics of predestination. If you do not agree with these multiple witnesses of the historic Church, then what you have gotten hold of is not the Biblical doctrine of predestination but another creature entirely.

I responded:
I am only making a factual observation. Why get so personal? I observe that Calvinists differ greatly on the matter of double predestination. Is that one of the basics of predestination? (something like that, but it was deleted! That the Calvinists are uniform in their belief is fiction!) )

Another Calvinist added:
What choice do we have? If God is omniscient then all things are foreordained and therefore predestined. If God is not omniscient then He is not God...If God did not "foreordain all things in one act" then we have a God who is mutable and who is not omnipotent. Denial of the Reformed faith destroys the attributes of God.
[sing: This Calvinist is ignorant that predestination has to do with people, not things or events!]

I responded:
Barry, think for a moment. Man, weak and feeble, necessarily think that it is absolutely needful to predestine all things beforehand so that all things can be under control, otherwise, there will be no control. And he foists that idea unto God too!

God, who is omniscient and omnipotent, does not need to predestine ANYTHING in order to remain in full control over all things. He gives His moral creatures made in His image full freedom and liberty... and he would still be in control of ALL THINGS.

God DID predestine PEOPLE... He predestinated some people unto glory, and ordained their redemption through an appointed Redeemer. He BYPASSED the rest - preterition. 

There is no necessity for the omniscient and omnipotent God to predestinate anything in order to remain in full and complete control of His creatures. His omniscience and omnipotence guarantee His full and complete control over everything. Just thinking

And the first Calvinist responded thus:
'So, you are saying that God is so sovereign that he does not need to be sovereign and can deny an essential attribute of His Very Being?'
[sing: obtuse Calvinist indeed: God is so sovereign that He does not need to predestine anything and still remain sovereign!]

I responded:
Hmmmmm, how did you make a conclusion like that?
Perhaps you may like to elaborate.

I made a comment about how calvinists differ greatly on double predestination, did you delete it? If it was a glitch, I will post it again.

He responded:
Sing: I am aware that you disagree with the 1689 and are also a dogged contender for your opinions.

I responded:
I agree with the 1689CoF I just disagree with the new school baptists who pervert its teaching. Since you are not interested in looking at predestination, I will leave. Thanks.

Adam Wells
Where is your post on double predestination? I would like to read through it.
[Check here:]

It was a comment on double predestination. The first Calvinist insisted that ALL Calvinists are agreed on the basics of predestination.

To remind him that such is not true at all, I gave the illustration of the vast difference among the Calvinists on double predestination. He deleted it!

There are ALL SORTS of people who call themselves Calvinists... it is a very popular label loved by many... there is that scholarly aura of intellectualism attached to it. I know of Calvinists who are not much different from Arminians in their theology - serious!

The truth is however, there are so many inconsistencies and contradictions in their belief system...

WCF affirms double predestination, but the 1689 CoF repudiated it.
Check here:

So many Calvinists believe that God did predestine ALL things... therefore even this discussion on predestination!

That implies that God predestinated some to be Arminians too. And I wonder why the Calvinists tried so hard to go against God's predestination to convert those Arminians!

Every proposition has its necessary implications! Some lesser Calvinists are obviously oblivious of that!

To put the record straight, I am not a calf, nor an arm!

The combination of two wrongs does not produce one right! <LOL> Good try, though!

Charles Page
There can't be but one type of predestination it's definition stands alone.

The year was 1957 I remember that storm just like it was yesterday Dad had just bought a new 1956 Ford Fairlane for $1275!
We got a good laugh out of that Baptist couple in the ditch. We didn't know what Calvinism was then but we sure knew Baptist!