Here is a classic text for evangelism. Are you interested?
"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."
The Arminian would rejoice in the [assumption] that he just saved one from hell to heaven... when in reality, one that turns one from the error of his way simply puts him back on tract to enjoy the blessings of God in this life...
Bro. Jerry, preach on. We need saving grace every day of our lives while here on earth. We can rejoice in the finished work done on the cross for our Eternal Salvation.
Sing F Lau
"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him..."
This statement presupposes the SAD fact that BRETHREN can, and do err from the truth.
To begin with, God's children do hold on to serious errors... e.g baggage from his unregenerate days. Some of these - whether beliefs or practices - are hard to remove. It may takes years for some wrong ideas to be overcome by the gospel truth.
Apostle Paul even said that some of God's children are ever learning but never ABLE to come to the knowledge of the truth! Why? Because they ever learning from preachers and teachers of falsehood!
The duty of fellow brethren is to convert such erring brothers to the truth. An erring brother is described as "the sinner". Such must be converted... such can be converted... for he is a child of God.
Sing F Lau
"To err from the truth" does not necessarily imply that one has known the truth and then wander away from it. However, it is true that those who have been shown, and known the truth, may still be led away from the truth, much like the Galatians believers were.
To err from the truth includes those ignorant of the truth as well as those who actually believe and profess falsehood and lies.
The Scriptures is profitable in dealing with such brethren - for reproving and correcting such, in the work of converting him to the truth.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"
Sing F Lau
James gives a believer great encouragement to be involved in this great work of evangelism, in the work of converting the wayward and ignorant fellow brethren to the truth of the gospel.
"Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death..."
He "shall save a soul from death" - that's the true and great motivation for this work of evangelism. What is the death spoken of?
second death?
Sing F Lau
How could an erring brother in Christ ever come into second death??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? That's 7 times 7 question marks!
And you think your work of converting an erring brother could save him from second death??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? That's another 7 times 7 question marks!
Context, context, and context - the first, second, and third rule of sound interpretation!
Think again, Alan!
ok thanks for your gentile rebuke. So we are evangelising a christian brother? Therefore he can't be lost because Jesus Christ elected him and saved him already so he will persevere, But we are evangelising him because he's not aware yet that he is one of God's elect, So what does he need to be regenerated?
Sing F Lau
Alan, not rebuking at all... just directing you away from OBVIOUS errors - because that interpretation contradicts and negates plain and fundamental truths.
You say a whole lots of things, and I don't know where you get all of them. READ again the text under consideration? Here it is again:
"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."
Please get this passage into your head and chew it overnight... then you may begin to understand what is being said.
Hunt Sr.
Bro. Chapin, I think you are right on this. After all it is " Brethren" who have erred from the truth. It has to be brethren who are the ones who convert the erring person. No dead alien sinners included.
@ 'Therefore he can't be lost because ...'
IMO, False notions of the word, 'lost' is equivalent to arminian baggage, that is, thinking, 'hellbound'.
I do like what Sing had previously said, something 'lost' is separated from the rightful owner [ in this time world ].
Sing F Lau
"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins."
Leaving a brother who errs from the truth is a dereliction of the duty of brotherly love. Thou art thy brother's keeper!
To avoid that dereliction of duty, James not only give us a great motivation to fulfill that duty. There is a great emphasis to this fact here: "LET HIM KNOW..." So, let us get this very clear, and embed it in our heart and mind and soul!
To convert a brother from the error of his way accomplishes to two great things:
- you shall save a soul from death,
- you shall hide a multitude of sins.
Indifference to convert a brother from the error of his way will abandon him to be consumed by death, and be exposed to a multitudes of sins. And it is MOST UNKIND to leave them to themselves! It is the UNKINDEST thing towards your brothers to leave them to the error of their ways.
Now you understand why I keep 'pestering' the reformed baptists in Malaysia of their erring from the truth and the error of their ways! I want to save them from death, and save them from a multitude of sins.
Sing F Lau
To convert a brother from the error of his way accomplishes to two great things:
- you shall save a soul from death,
- you shall hide a multitude of sins.
Let me explain them now.
1. You shall save a soul from death:
Remember two basic things about this.
- A brother who errs from the truth and remain in the error of him way SINS... SINS... SINS. "He that converted THE SINNER..." declares James.
- And SIN not repented of, not turned away from, ALWAYS brings separation. A sinner remaining in the error of his way, unconverted to the way of the Lord, will be separated from the Lord as well as His people.
- Death speaks of separation. Physical death is the separation and body and spirit. At death, a man ceased to be a living soul. Spiritual death is the separation of man from God. There is what we called 'fellowship death'
- SINS not turned lead to death... sometimes literal death, the physical life cut short by the Lord, but always (under biblical order) leads to the death of fellowship among brothers. The brother who persists in the error of his way, under Christ's command must be expelled from the fellowship of God's people, and treated as a heathen. It also leads to the death of the fellowship with God... like in the case of the prodigal son.
I hope you get an idea of what James is saying. And your work and labor of converting an error brother shall save him from all these tragedy!
2.You shall hide a multitude of sins.
- Let it be stated that an error always begets more errors. Let it be said also, sins left unchecked will multiply like malignant cancer
- Converting a brother who err from the truth will save him from more errors, and save him from his sinful ways.
- Converting him stop him in the path to greater errors and more sinful ways!
- Converting him also means forgiving him on account of his turning from the errors and sinful ways.
The reformed baptists in malaysia are becoming like full-blown arminians now... e.g teaching one must believe in order to get eternal life, you believe in order to be justified by God, etc.
Didn't Christ said,
Mt 25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
Saving a soul from death... yes, this is a neglected teaching!
Sing F Lau
Christ taught it loud and clear... but deceitful disciples cunningly deflect it and make it to apply to the unbelievers!
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Wide gate and broad way are the ways of error James speaks of... and they leads to death... death of fellowship with the FATHER (yes, FATHER!), and with the fellow brethren, and messing up their redeemed lives that can be so blessed even here in this present life.
Wide gate and broad way are so appealing to our old man, but it leads to destruction here in this life.
Brother Sing I have to praise God for equipping you with such a Christ-like patience and endurance ... I can tell that the Lord shows you on daily basis how much mercy, kindness and grace is being given to you from Him.
Keep up the good fight of faith! fulfill your ministry!.... always remember you in my prayers, thanking God...
Sing F Lau
I am a most ill-deserving worm shown grace daily.
You were a worm, but now you are His precious possession