What's the gospel?
What is the good news?
God has purposed eternal redemption for His people,
Christ has secured and accomplish that redemption for His people, and
the Holy Spirit has applied that redemption to each elect personally.
The gospel is the good news
of what God HAS done for His people.
It is entirely and completely independent of what man does.
And whoever believes HAS eternal life.
This is a statement declaring about the believing one.
A man believes the gospel BECAUSE he already possesses eternal life.
Without eternal life, he would still be in enmity against God.
This eternal life has been bestowed upon him by God's free and sovereign grace, thus enabling him to believe the gospel as the good news of God's power in saving him.
Sing F Lau
Here is an interview with Christians "What is the Gospel?" [HQ]
Click here and listen to it... only takes a few minutes.
This interview was conducted at a Christian book store convention. 1 out of 60 people got it right.
Some of the questions asked in the interview:
- What is the gospel to you?
- How would you define the gospel?
- What must I do to be saved? [o! saved from what?]
- What is the word which is spread?
- Does God expect us to be perfect to get to heaven?
- What does the word justification mean?
- What does it mean to be justified?
Would the members and adherents of the so-called reformed baptist churches in Malaysia do any better? Tell us, what is the gospel?
Sadly, no, the reformed churches would likely echo the many mistaken answers. My answer: The gospel is the GOOD NEWS that Jesus Christ has by one offering sanctified and justified all those that the Father gave Him in the covenant of grace and that all those without fail will be with Him in eternal heaven.
Sing F Lau
Brother Mark, winter hibernation is over!
Thanks for your helpful statement on the gospel.
Strictly speaking, the GOODNESS of the gospel is wholly and completely independent of the deeds or thoughts of man; its GOODNESS lies entirely and solely in the sovereign purpose and free activities of the Triune God - i.e. They ALONE purposed that eternal salvation for the elect, They ALONE accomplished that eternal salvation for the elect, and They ALONE applied that eternal salvation to each elect personally. With the application, each elect is perfectly fitted for eternal glory, without any further help from men.
The gospel is good news of what God has ALREADY DONE to save His people through His Son Jesus Christ, and applied by His Holy Spirit.
And this good news is sent for the instruction and enlightenment and edification of such as have been saved with eternal salvation by the free and sovereign grace of God.
Good news is news of what HAS HAPPENED by God's free grace; it is not an offer of something good will happen if some conditions are met!
But so many define the gospel as good news because of something in them or done by them.
"The gospel is good news of what God has ALREADY DONE to save His people through His Son Jesus Christ, and applied by His Holy Spirit."
Amen and Amen. It is finished.
@Bro Sing.... LOL 'winter hibernation is over!' Love it! I provoked Mark a bit with my VERY short response re: Justification, I think. BIG GRIN!
Agreed with Mr. Thomas :) My husband says Gospel means 'Good News' NOT 'Good Options', lol
Brother Sing may I quote you? :)
Sing F Lau
Anything you can see, they are for public consumption!
Not allowed to quote anything you don't see!