This is a stunning sunset; it's not a sunrise. |
24, 2011
popular text abused and perverted by gospel regenerationists:
whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall
they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in
him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a
preacher?" Romans 10
F Lau
happens because of their ignorance concerning the distinction between eternal
salvation bestowed by God's free grace and temporal salvation wrought through
the gospel ministry.
salvation bestowed by God's free grace enables a child of God to perceive and
believe the gospel. And the perception and belief in the gospel save a
believer, but save from what?
way God saves a sinner, and the way believing saves a believers are entirely
different. But the gospel regenerationists are ignorant of this basic
A biblical distinction
is the essence of sound theology.
· 11y
Sing F Lau
who are they who shall call upon the name of the Lord: those already
regenerated, or those still dead in trespasses and sins?
who are they who shall believe: those already regenerated, or those still dead
in trespasses and sins?.........
who are those who shall hear and discern the gospel: those already regenerated,
or those still dead in trespasses and sins?
are they that shall call upon the name of the Lord? Those who are still dead in
their trespasses and sins, or those whom God has effectually called out of
their native state of sin and death to that of grace and salvation?
the former, how are they able to call upon the name of the Lord? Please
the latter, how DOES the salvation that comes through their activity of
believing differ from the salvation that God has bestowed upon them by freely
by His grace and which enabled them to believe? Are they speaking of the ONE
same salvation?
same Apostle said, " For the preaching of the cross is to them that PERISH
foolishness; but unto us which ARE SAVED it is the power of God."
preaching of the gospel comes to two DISTINCT categories of people: those that
are perishing, and those that ARE SAVED.
gospel is brought to those that ARE SAVED - i.e ALREADY saved by God's free and
sovereign grace with ETERNAL salvation, effectually called out of their native
state of sins and death WITHOUT the gospel preaching. Them that ARE SAVED are
there first before the gospel arrives... the gospel comes to them that ARE
SAVED. Get the point?
and believing the gospel ALSO saves - but saves in an ENTIRELY different
sense... the gospel saves them that ARE SAVED (by God) from ignorance and error
and darkness and lies and superstition, and enlightens them and makes them wise
(instructed and informed) unto their eternal salvation by God's free and
sovereign grace.
gospel truth instructs them to live godly, soberly and righteously, thus saving
them from the temporal effects of sins in this life. The gospel truth arms and
equips THEM THAT ARE SAVED to work out their own salvation with fear and
trembling, saving them from this perverse and wicked generation.
S. Ng
Calvinists were consistent with their proclamation that "Gospel" +
"Saving Faith" are the tools that bring about eternal salvation, I
would like to see how that 'tool' is applied to infants, the mentally
challenged and the thief of the cross!
S. Ng
thief was saved not because he heard the gospel - there's no record of it on
the bible that the Lord Jesus preached the gospel to the dying thief! It was
clear that he had to be regenerated prior to faith, that's why he responded IN
Sing F Lau
Calvinists were consistent with their proclamation that "Gospel" +
"Saving Faith" are the tools that bring about eternal salvation, I
would like to see how that 'tool' is applied to infants, the mentally
challenged and the thief of the cross!"
have an ingenious solution: invent an 'exception clause'! This is serious!
that is only adding LIES to LIES.
said categorically,
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but
canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is
born of the Spirit."
"... SO IS EVERY ONE that is born of the Spirit."
are no two ways about it. Either one or the other, direct immediate
regeneration by the Spirit without gospel means, or mediated regeneration by
the Spirit through the gospel means.
simple fact that they have to invent an exception clause to cover their exposed
backside is enough to betray their error.
Sing, What
does Paul mean by asking this:
me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by
hearing with faith?" Thank
Theodore Nettles
is a difference between the new birth and the manifest, special demonstration
of the Spirit. Before the Holy Ghost came down in a special, empowering way in
Acts 2, Jesus said that men were pressing into the kingdom. We know from his
convo w/ Nicodemus that no man can see nor enter in without the new birth. How
could they have been pressing into something they could neither see nor enter
into? They had been born again, but had not yet received the special
manifestation that was first shed upon the church in Acts 2. Also, how were
Moses & Elijah there on the mount of transfiguration? They must need have
been born again, yet they didn't have what we have today in the church.
Therefore, when Paul made that statement to the Galatians, he was not referring
to the regeneration, but to the special manifestation. That comes when we
believe the gospel of grace. When we believe God and it is counted to us for
righteousness. But, for a man to believe in Christ's gospel, he must have
already been born again. Otherwise, he can't compare spiritual with spiritual.
He would onlt be able to compare spiritual with carnal, and that, my brother,
won't work. 1 John 5:1, 1 Cor 12:3, etal.
Sing F Lau
commented on your wall, you deleted them. I don't do such thing. You are
welcome to express your ideas here FREELY. I am always thankful to any one who
would show me the truth and turn me from errors. I have learned much, which is
why I am no longer a RB, even though I was one for 20+ years!
3:2 "This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works
of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
me ask you: Is your "did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by
hearing with faith?" ONE AND THE SAME AS "were you regenerated by
works of the law or by hearing with faith?"
your answer is yes, then I will explain what Paul mean.
A biblical distinction
is the essence of sound theology!
like you are given to sound-byte-ism! <LOL>
enables a child of God to believe the gospel.
the gospel of Jesus Christ enables a child of God to experience the blessedness
of their salvation, the spiritual graces of faith, hope and love. That is only
possible through the hearing of faith... THAT IS, to receive the Spirit.
· 11y
Sing, Is
Regeneration ''receiving the Spirit" or not?
Sing, It's
not disgraceful to limit people's exposure to doctrinal error.
do not let doctrinal error stand unchecked on my comments when I do not have
the time to adequately reply. Just
F Lau
best way to limit people's exposure to doctrinal error is to EXPOSE the error
with cogent arguments, not the cowardly way of deleting comments that honestly
interact with one's beliefs, and that expose the weakness and deficiency of
one's views.
F Lau
Regeneration ''receiving the Spirit" or not?
answer: NO.
no condition.
the Spirit: conditioned upon hearing of faith.
[Apostle's question PRESUPPOSES that: "Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?"
question, please.
me a PRIVATE message, and then I will discuss it with you. I
will not allow you to spew falsehood where my friends can see it. Thanks.
not a condition for God to give you His Spirit.
F Lau
me inquire then: is there the receiving of the Spirit WITHOUT the hearing of
brings a spiritually dead person to eternal life. That is not the giving and
receiving of the Spirit.
is no condition attached to regeneration... a man dead in trespasses and sins
cannot meet any condition.
3:2 "This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works
of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
Paul explicitly states that the receiving of the Spirit is BY BY BY BY BY BY
the hearing of faith. Without the hearing of faith... NO NO NO NO NO NO
receiving of the Spirit.
blind cannot see this plain and obvious truth.
disagree with Paul.
F Lau
me a PRIVATE message, and then I will discuss it with you."
subject worth discussing ought to be discussed in public. That way, errors get
an opportunity to be exposed, and truth an opportunity to be affirmed and
Sing F Lau
3:2 "This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works
of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
Joseph Theodore has given an excellent explanation to the above.
4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into
your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
BECAUSE YE ARE SONS... that is, they are sons PRIOR to God's sending forth the
Spirit of His Son into their hearts... leading to the joyous EXPERIENCE
Sons by decree before time
Sons by legal purchase at the cross
Sons by personal regeneration at God's appointed time
Sons through faith in Christ... experiential (not every elect will experience
this practical aspect).
Sons by the glorification
Theodore Nettles
receiving the Spirit in this context means regeneration, and you don't receive
it but by faith, then:
Romans 3 says that the unborn again man fears not God, yet you are saying that
that same man must have faith in one he does not fear in a reverential sense.
Romans 3 also says that the unborn again man doesn't know the ways of peace,
yet you advocate that that same man must transcend the carnal nature and
exercise faith when he can't know any way to do so
Romans 3 also says that the unborn again can't seek after God, yet that same
man has to now incorporate to himself the substance of things hoped for and the
evidence of things not seen.
Romans 3 also says that the unborn again does no good and does no
righteousness, yet that same man has to somehow do that which will inculcate
him with the Spiritual birth. If doing such an action is not righteous and
good, I don't know what is.
Romans 8 says that the natural man's mind is not subject to the righteous rule
of God, neither indeed can be. Yet, that same natural man has to perform that
which you say he must, even when the Bible says that he won't and can't.
Faith is listed in Galatians 5 as a fruit of the Spirit. You may say that all
men have some root measure of faith, or you may advocate that God gives enough
faith in each elect for him to perform acceptably. In either case, you're saying
that the faith must be exercised prior to regeneration. Yet, if that man has
within him ANY measure of a fruit of the Spirit, then we must say that the
Spirit in some sense resides in that man. Well, consequently, if that's so then
he is ALREADY born again and secure for heaven for Romans 8 says if the Spirit
of Christ be in a man, the he is Christ's (present tense).
many, more could be offered.
Theodore Nettles
as far as a condition for receiving the Spirit, Jesus stated that the regeneration
comes as the wind blows - where it so chooses to do so. By the time you can
respond to it, it has already blown. In Isaiah 40 it is made clear that none
can direct nor counsel him in this work. Yet, in Jesus' teaching on the coming
of the Comforter he gave a prerequisite - if ye love me, keep my commandments.
In Galatians 3, the clear inference is that they were no longer feeling that
same manifestation due to incorporating works-religion into their
"worship". In other words, they lost the Spirit through their
misdeeds. The REGENERATION takes place in the womb in ignorance, on a road to
Damascus in persecuting, or while suffering on a cross while cursing the Lord.
The MANIFESTATION comes to believers whose heart has already been tendered by
the Spiritual birth who now trust in Jesus as the alpha and omega in eternal
salvation. The former is a one-time eternal work. The latter can be quenched,
or grieved, or doubted away. thanks be to God that, even though it is the same
Spirit who provides both, the twain are not the same!
Bro. Joe, " In Galatians 3, the clear inference is that they were no
longer feeling that same manifestation due to incorporating works-religion into
their "worship". In other words, they lost the Spirit through their
sure you're referring to a different spirit than the Holy Spirit in your
reference. Paul, in writing to the churches in Galatia knew they needed much
teaching in the difference ion the Law and Grace.
believe these Galatians were children of God and as such, regenerated and not
unregenerated. If this be the case, they could not 'lose' the Spirit, could
they? Please explain...thanks.
Theodore Nettles
losing the new birth of soul & spirit which is caused by the Spirit. True,
that Spirit will always abide in a regenerate. I was referring to the special
manifestation of the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, aka the Comforter which was
promised unto the NT church. If I confused, I apologize. It's likened to the
experience of David in Psalm 51, Take not thy Holy Spirit from me (I hope I'm
wording that right, no Bible here w/ me now). David's Spiritual life couldn't
be lost, but his special communion w/ the Spirit that he had in his days was
lost due to his gross errors. Sorry I was not concise enough.