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That's Charles and sing sipping blue tea, and swapped caps! |
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September 26
(11th, and the last cup of tea in the series)
A brother who calls himself a 'true Calvinist' said:
I must admit I was once a Hyper-Calvinist of the Hardshell type, but through the grace of our Lord was brought back again to believe once more the Bible by correct and scientific exegesis, especially in rightly dividing the Word of truth. While actually answering you by and bye, I would like to show Hardshell Hyper-Calvinism is characterized by the following common presuppositions
11. Calvinists believe that all are commanded to repent, and this is ordinarily carried out by the ordinary ministry of the Word in obedience to the Great Commission; this can be often resisted and will always be resisted by the reprobates. But there is also an inner call and irresistible and interior in the soul of the elect which shall unfailingly take place in due time, and the effecting of the same cannot be done by the preaching of the Word but by the powerful operation of the Spirit. This inner call is distinguished from, but not separate in, the preaching of the Word. In cases where the ordinary ministry of the Word is not possible, like those elect who, by the pleasure of God, should be regenerated in infancy and the like, the Spirit of God, in His unquestionable sovereignty, is at liberty to regenerate and justify without the ordinary ministry of the Word.
(the 11th, and final point)
Any real hyper-calvinists out there?
Then come, and let's reason together.
What do you think of the 4th point?
Is that what you believe?
Are you rightly represented?
And Calvinists, please join in to enlighten us.
Sing F Lau
In point 10, Rocky A. Simbajon stated:
"... Every Gospel call or divine summon is always an inner activity which cannot be resisted."
In point 11, he stated"
"Calvinists believe that all are commanded to repent, and this is ordinarily carried out by the ordinary ministry of the Word in obedience to the Great Commission; this can be often resisted..."
Please make up your mind please: Can the gospel call be often resisted, or is every gospel call cannot be resisted? When it is often resisted, by whom is it resisted?
Sing F Lau
"But there is also an inner call and irresistible and interior in the soul of the elect which shall unfailingly take place in due time, and the effecting of the same cannot be done by the preaching of the Word but by the powerful operation of the Spirit. This inner call is distinguished from, but not separate in, the preaching of the Word."
The call that the Scriptures speak of is the effectual and efficacious call of an elect OUT OF his native state of sin and death to that state of grace and salvation... executed by God, wholly and solely by His free and sovereign grace... without any any gospel preaching. Every elect is effectually called in exactly the ONE and the SAME way... without the gospel ministry. There is no exception. Christ said so... red John 3:8. Any scheme that needs exception is of man's imagination!
The gospel ministry is ordained as the means to bring God's children to the truth of their salvation by God's free and sovereign grace. The gospel ministry is not the means whereby the Holy Spirit regenerates the elect dead in trespasses and sins.
The powerful operation of the Spirit in regenerating sinners dead in trespasses and sins is INDEPENDENT of the gospel ministry.
The sovereign wind will blow without the farmers' presence on the farm!!! Get the point?
"This inner call is distinguished from, but not separate in, the preaching of the Word."
So, the inner call is NOT SEPARATE in the preaching of the word... this can only mean that without the preaching of the word there can be no inner call. So the sovereign work of the Spirit in the inner call is DEPENDENT and CONDITIONED upon the presence of the preaching of the word.
Why do the 'true Calvinists' insist on joining together the effectual call of the dead to grace and salvation by God's free and sovereign grace and the gospel call of God's children to believe the gospel of their salvation through the gospel ministry? Why do they insist intruding into the divine work of regeneration the dead? Why aren't they content with the work of nourishing God's children through the gospel ministry? Why do they want to insist that they have an instrumental role in the regeneration of the dead?
That's pure SYNERGISM... and that's really what present day popular Calvinism is about despite all their monergistic claims!
Sing F Lau
"This inner call is distinguished from, but not separate in, the preaching of the Word. In cases where the ordinary ministry of the Word is not possible, like those elect who, by the pleasure of God, should be regenerated in infancy and the like, the Spirit of God, in His unquestionable sovereignty, is at liberty to regenerate and justify without the ordinary ministry of the Word."
The Spirit of God, in His unquestionable sovereignty as declared in John 3:8, regenerates every elect the same way.
But "true Calvinists" like Rocky QUESTION that UNQUESTIONABLE sovereignty of the Sprit, and insist that the Spirit's work of regeneration is DEPENDENT and CONDITIONED upon the preaching of the word.... "This inner call is distinguished from, but not separate in, the preaching of the Word."
Plain double talk!
- "true Calvinists" like Rocky, having departed from the gospel of free grace, SLANDER those who steadfastly hold to the gospel of grace as Hyper-Calvinists. There is no need of labels. It is better to consider each matter in the light of Scriptures.
"Denunciation is the last resort of the defeated opponents." Arthur Pink's statement to those who slandered him as a Hyper in his days.
Just who are "damnable heretics'??? - "true Calvinists" like Rocky A. Simbajon, or those he denounces as hyper-calvinists?
I sure have enjoyed reading these posts and especially appreciate the accompanying pictures.
Charles, that's you and me sipping some tea... and we exchanged our caps, did you notice!
Charles, that's you and me sipping some tea... and we exchanged our caps, did you notice!