Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Monday, May 11, 2020

A begotten god!

That is blasphemous heresy by both the Nicene Creed and the NASB translation. Both teach a begotten god.

"... I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light... "
~~ Nicene Creed
("God from God" - A God born of God before all ages, a God begotten by God from all ages, an eternally begotten God.)

John 1:18 (NASB)
No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.
("... the only begotten God..." - a begotten God.)

John 1:18 (KJV)
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Our God is not begotten! He is the eternal God! He is the everlasting God! He had no beginning! He had no begetting!

Here is the issue of this 2000-year-old controversy:
1. Jesus is a Godman with both a divine and human nature (Col 2:9).
2. His human nature had a beginning in Mary’s womb (Luke 1:35).
3. His divine nature is God the Word without beginning (John 1:1).
4. He is the Son of God made of a woman for his human nature (Gal 4:4).
5. He is a Man to die for us as our Mediator – the man Christ Jesus (I Tim 2:5).
6. He is fully God in His divine nature, but as such He could not die for us.
7. We must distinguish His two natures and not confuse or mix them.
8. He grew in wisdom in His human nature, but not in His divine.
9. He was tired, hungry, thirsty, and died only in His human nature.
10. In His divine nature, He created the universe and is eternal God.

The eternal God, without beginning or begetting of any kind, became flesh 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14; I Tim 3:16; Matt 1:23).

Jesus Christ definitely had a beginning … in His human nature! … as the Son of God and Son of David through Mary biologically and Joseph legally.

There was no Jesus Christ before Mary’s conception. Jesus is a Man – the Godman. He has a birth event and birth date.

He never had a beginning in His divine nature … for He was the eternal God the Word (John 1:1)!

God the Father by the Holy Spirit begat the human nature in a virgin’s womb … which made Jesus the Son of God (Luke 1:35).

Jesus is the only begotten Son of God in His combined nature as the Godman, when God became flesh (John 1:14).

Jesus is the Son of God … as the whole New Testament teaches … Jesus of Nazareth … with a birth event and birth date.

The Word of God is not the Son of God … the Word of God is God! Glory!

The Word of God was begotten and became God’s Son ONLY when He became flesh (John 1:14).

Jesus is NOT the only begotten Son of God in His divine nature, for His divine nature is eternal God, unbegotten in every sense.

The Nicene Creed is very wrong, just like the JW’s, to say that God begat God before all ages … a begotten God!

This is blasphemous heresy! Jesus is not a begotten God from before all ages! He is the begotten Son from 2000 years ago!

His Godhead is eternal God as much as the other two Persons in the Godhead.

He is God! He is not “a god.” He is not a “begotten god.”

Jesus is Jehovah in His divine nature in every sense of the word! I AM THAT I AM … not begotten in any way whatsoever!

Jesus Christ is a man. A Godman! Both God and man. But Jesus is a man, and He did not exist as the Godman until 2000 years ago.

~~ copied

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