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broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction |
On March 9, 2007 11:53:10 PM GMT+07:00
Hello friends,
Those who are still student of God's word, let us consider a popular and well-known passage.
Give it a careful thought, and share what you think.
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
Matt 7:13-14.
This passage is MOST COMMONLY understood as teaching how a man might avoid eternal destruction and find eternal life: eternal life is found and eternal destruction is avoided by his effort of entering the strait gate and going on the narrow way, in his daily life.
Is this what you have been taught, and believe, too?
Let us ask a few questions:
1. To whom did Christ address these words of exhortation? Is it to those already born with eternal life or to those still dead in trespasses and sins?
2. Is the destruction spoken of eternal destruction? Nearly all affirm 'yes.'
3. Is the life spoken of eternal life? Nearly all affirm 'yes.'
4. Or is it suffering temporal destruction and finding an abundant life spoken of? Very many mocked at this view.
Let us reason together. Consider a few thoughts.
1. Do those without eternal life - i.e. still spiritually dead in trespasses and sin, and not regenerated by the Spirit of God - do they have any ability to enter at the strait gate and walk the narrow way in order to get eternal life? "Except a man be born again, he CANNOT see... he CANNOT enter..." John 3:3,5. If a man who is not born again by the Spirit of God cannot see and cannot enter the kingdom of God, could he EVER SEE to enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow way? Many preachers defy Christ's word and teach, 'Most certainly. A man must enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow way in order to have eternal life.' But are those still dead in trespasses and sins able to enter the strait gate, and walk the narrow way?
2. These words of exhortation are addressed to the disciples (Mt 5:2), and therefore those already born again by the Spirit of God and possess eternal life. These are exhorted to a discipleship of daily entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way, and not the wide gate and broad way of worldliness. Only those with eternal life are able to enter at the strait gate and walk the narrow way to begin with. Spiritual birth and eternal life is a PREREQUISITE to a discipleship of daily entering at the strait gate and walking the narrow way - to walk godly, righteously and soberly.
3. But there are many with eternal life (regenerated by God's free and sovereign grace alone) who fail to enter the strait gate and walk the narrow way IN THEIR DAILY LIVES... much like their cousin Mr Lot. Many of God's children enter in the wide gate and walk the broad way in their daily lives... Few of them walk like their father Abraham. Lot suffered terrible destructions in this life by his life of entering in the wide gate and walking the broad way. But Lot is in heaven today... see 2Pet 2:6-6. Abraham enjoyed the abundant of life by his life of entering in at the strait gate and walking the narrow road.
Let's assume that the passage is indeed speaking about eternal life, as imagined by very many preachers:
1. Then according to the passage, ONLY FEW find eternal life! If that's the case, then the heaven would be VERY sparsely populated. However, this popular idea openly contradict the Scriptures itself, which declares: "After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes..." Rev 7:9.
2. Then according to the passage, eternal life is found by what a man does - by his entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way. In which case, then eternal life is by man's works. But if it is by works, then it is no more grace. Instead it is the reward for those few who enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow way; eternal life is a reward to man's work of obedience; then eternal life is found by those few through their work of entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way. Then it must be concluded that those few saved themselves from eternal destruction by their entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way. This is nothing but eternal salvation by works... which clearly repudiates the teaching of Scriptures.
3. Our eternal life and eternal salvation is wholly by the free grace of God, bestowed upon us while we were spiritually dead in trespasses and sins. This basic truth is affirmed every where in the Scriptures . Our finding abundant life and salvation from temporal destruction are indeed by our daily entering in the strait gate and walking the narrow way in this life here on earth.
God freely bestows eternal salvation to us so that by the eternal life in us we work out our own salvation here in this life on earth while journey to our eternal home.
There are MANY Lots, and only FEW Abrahams, among God's children according to Mt 7:13-14.
Beware of the 'swiney' life of Lots that leads to temporal destruction. Follow the princely life of Abraham that find abundant of life here on earth. In the eternal sense, both are equally saved by God's free grace: equally justified, equally regenerated, equally adopted, equally glorified - all by God's free and sovereign grace. In the timely or temporal sense, Lot suffered destructions, but Abraham experienced abundant of life.
Lot squandered away his redeemed life... but Abraham saved his redeemed life.
Enough for now... to stir some thinking, I hope.
a student of God's word
On Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:08 am Brainy Giant wrote:
Can you tell us the major differences between your understanding of divine predestination and that taught by the Islamics?
Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:47 am
I don't know if I can... I don't know what is taught by the 'Islamics.' If you know, please let us know. It is odd that you ask such a question - it betrays that you have some serious problem with my view. What have I written that betrays SUCH fatalistic idea in your mind. Just curious.
I can tell you the little I know what I understand the Bible to say.
"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” EVERYTHING HERE IS MONERGISTIC - SOLELY AND COMPLETELY by free and sovereign divine grace - of pure and unadulterated divine grace in our eternal salvation. Also all the divine actions here embrace and apply to every single elect in Christ.
Now let me explain.
The first basic point to note concerning Romans 8:29-30 is that the people embraced here includes every single elect. This simple fact should inform us how we understand the wonderful declaration... The exact number predestinated is the same number effectually called unto eternal life through free grace justification based solely on the righteousness and blood of Jesus Christ. Every single elect predestinated to be conformed to the image of God’s Son, God called... God justified... and God glorified… all by God’s free grace, without any human co-operation. Not a single elect of God missed this call. So, what is this call? Is it the gospel call to faith, or effectual call unto eternal life? This call cannot be the gospel call to conversion - because the gospel call to conversion does not reach every single elect who are effectually called unto eternal life, see 1689.10.3. The call here is the divine effectual call unto eternal life - and this is true of every single elect, with no exception whatsoever, 1689.10.1.
Every elect is called unto eternal life by the direct and immediate and efficacious call of God through His Word (life-giving Christ) and Spirit. This He did by justifying them, i.e. He removed the just condemnation upon them, and imputed to them personally the righteousness of Christ, all by pure free grace, not on condition of faith. One is gravely mistaken in understanding the call in Romans 8:30 has anything to do with the gospel call. It is classic eisegesis by very many - the free-willer as well as the so-called 'reformed' folks.
The justification spoken here is the justification applied to an elect at effectual calling unto eternal life, spoken of in 1689.11.1. This is the justification applied to every single elect personally. This is not the justification experienced by faith through the gospel call - because not all the elect will receive the gospel call and experience justification by faith. The justification spoken of here is justification prior to faith; i.e. justification applied when an elect was a condemned, dead child of wrath. This passage does not support the view of gospel call leading to justification by faith. There is no gospel call here. There is no justification by faith here. There is effectual call unto life... effectual call unto life requires the removal of the condemnation of death, i.e. it requires the justification secured by Christ to be applied to the elect personally. There is justification by divine free grace through the righteousness of Christ applied to an elect personally. When condemnation is removed, eternal life is bestowed; yes, eternal life is bestowed... thus guaranteeing glorification. Effectual call unto eternal life guarantees glorification regardless of the amount of salvation blessings one will experience through the ministry of the word.
There is no gospel call here. Apostle Paul did not say, “whom the preacher called God justified.” The preacher issues a gospel call to conversion. But what did Christ say about the call to life? John 5:25 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” Please note, this does not say the ministry of the preached word, nor the preached words of Christ, it is not the voice of the preacher, but the ‘voice of the Son of God’. How easy it is to usurp Christ in the effectual calling of the spiritually dead elect to eternal life with the preachers’ gospel call of the regenerated elect to belief in the truth.
Those that God has predestinated to eternal salvation, God himself will bring them to eternal salvation, without any assistance or cooperation from finite man.
Where then is the place of the ministry of the word? Good question. It is very necessary for God's children - elect already regenerated by God - to hear the word of truth, the gospel of their salvation (Eph 1:13). They need to hear and to know the truth of their glorious salvation by grace. God has appointed the ministry of the word to bring temporal blessings to His children here on earth.
The ministry of the word is MOST NECESSARY - but only for the purpose it is ordained by God, not what man has VAINLY imagined. Preachers have been called to feed the lambs... but many have vainly and foolishly think that God called them and commissioned to HELP God birth His children. The command is, "God, and make disciples..." Too many think it is, "Go and make children of God." God's children must be discipled... instructed and taught the truth of their eternal salvation by God's free grace, taught to observe all the commands of Christ - this will bring them the temporal salvation in this life. The command is, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." Only those whom God has already effectually called to eternal life, eternally saved, are capable of receiving teaching from God-sent preachers. Too many foolishly think, "Go ye therefore, and assist God to bring forth His children."
The ministry of the word is MOST UNNECESSARY for the BEING of God's children.
The ministry of the word is MOST NECESSARY for the WELL-BEING of God's children.
It was never ordained for that purpose. Deluded man has perverted it. I have not heard of a father who ever claim that diapers and baby clothing has anything to do with the BEING, the conception and birth of a child. But there are too many deluded preachers and believers that the ministry of the word and faith has something to do with their BEING as children of God
Without the ministry of the word, not one jot of the eternal salvation of one elect is ever lost.
Without the ministry of the word, a child of God is deprived of the temporal salvation which comes from the ministry of the word. That explains the urgency of 'preach the word, be instant in season, and out of season...' That explains the command, 'take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou BOTH SAVE THYSELF, AND TEHM that hear thee.'
Would the eternally wise God risk the eternal salvation of His elect by conditioning it upon something finite man must cooperate and assist? God forbids.
That's about all I know - and it is a fraction of a drop in the south china sea.
God is sovereign, and I am an optimist.
Now, you may tell me the difference between what I believe and what a muslim believes about predestination.
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On Mar 13, 2007, at 7:20 PM, Brainy wrote:
Will God accept anyone who does not love Him?
Is our love to Him as important as the legal ramifications of justification to Him?
Do those who have not called upon the name of the only begotten Son of God, love Him?
Can they even know Him?
Brainy Brian,
I am puzzled most of the time by your rhetorical interrogative questions, and I ask myself what have I written that provoke such questions.
Let me give my sandy thoughts to your 'rhetorical' questions - so put on goggles.
1. Will God accept anyone who does not love Him?
As I understand from the Bible, God's acceptance of a sinner - condemned, dead and alienated slave - begins in TIME by His free and sovereign work of effectually calling him personally to grace and salvation - by removing that condemnation through justification, by removing that spiritual deadness through regeneration, and by removing that alienation through adoption and bestowing the Holy Spirit to dwell in His child. God put His laws into their mind and write them in their hearts, Heb 8:10. I do expect such as born of God Himself will somehow love God from the heart no matter how ignorant he may be. HOWEVER, I do believe that the gospel ministry would enhanced that love for God in a mighty manner. Nevertheless God ACCEPTED [simple past tense] a sinner while he was in enmity against Him and gave His only begotten Son. God the Father does scourge and chastise a loveless and cold-hearted child of His. The issue of acceptance with God is a settled matter once for all by God Himself... by His free and sovereign grace.
2. Is our love to Him as important as the legal ramifications of justification to Him?
Don't understand your question. What are the legal ramifications of justification? If you tell me what they are, and how important they are to God, then I may attempt to answer your question.
3. Do those who have not called upon the name of the only begotten Son of God, love Him?
Simple answer is YES and NO. Cornelius loved God before he was informed of the Lord Jesus Christ by the preaching of apostle Peter, and called upon Him. Those devout Jews who were converted on the day of Pentecost - they love the Lord God... but were ignorant of the Lord Jesus Christ until Apostle Peter preached Christ to them. Their BEING sons of God is independent of and PRIOR to their calling upon the name of the only begotten Son of God. They were born sons of God on the basis of the life and death of the only begotten Son of God. The gospel ministry is to inform them of the truth concerning their Lord and Saviour --- that they may hear and believe Him and call upon Him. Without the gospel ministry they would have no knowledge of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They would be deprived of the temporal salvation which the ministry of the word has been appointed for. Ignorance is certainly no bliss... it deprives a child of God, destined and fitted for eternal salvation by God's free and sovereign grace - of so much temporal blessing while he lives here on this earth.
God does not just care for the eternal salvation of His elect. He cares for the temporal salvation of His elect here on earth too. That explains the command, "Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world."
The command here has NOTHING to do with the eternal salvation of God's elect. The Triune God takes care of that all by Himself... Romans 8:28-29. The command here has to do with the temporal salvation of God's children - go and teach God's children that are found in all nations... in teaching and preaching God's children are made manifest by their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... these are to be baptized and gathered into NT churches... to be taught to observe the instruction of Christ here on earth as they trod through this world to their eternal home.
4. Can they even know Him?
Ordinarily, without the ministry of the word, GOD'S CHILDREN would have no knowledge of Christ. They are eternally saved by grace alone that they may know Christ... and be saved timely through the gospel ministry."And this is life eternal, THAT - THAT -THAT they might thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent."
Now tell me how many buckets of sand you will send over.
Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:48 am
Howdy sing,
My comments ##
== I am puzzled most of the time by your rhetorical interrogative questions, and I ask myself what have I written that provoke such questions. Let me give my sandy thoughts to your 'rhetorical' questions - so put on goggles.==
## They are not rhetorical, they, IMHO, go to the heart of the matter. Goggles on and sand shovel ready. :-)
1. Will God accept anyone who does not love Him?
God the Father does scourge and chastise a loveless and cold-hearted child of His.
## Sing, I deleted the contents that you and I agree on, the remaining sentence seems to be the crux of our differences.
2. Is our love to Him as important as the legal ramifications of justification to Him?
Don't understand your question. What are the legal ramifications of justification? If you tell me what they are, and how important they are to God, then I may attempt to answer your question.
## Justification is all about legality, it is a court room term. It means that the sinner stands before God just and undeserving of the Law's penalty. What I am asking here is this, Is the love of the redeemed sinner for God as important as his being justified?
3. Do those who have not called upon the name of the only begotten Son of God, love Him?
Simple answer, NO. I hope this is the answer you wanted to hear. Why, do you expect me to say 'yes.'
## Then they have not been brought where they even begin the fulfill the first and greatest commandmentMatthew 22:36-38 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
Isn't this a commandment that would have been in effect pre-fall? Are you saying that when God regenerates or gives spiritual birth that they are not new creatures? Their basic morality has not changed?
Deuteronomy 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
What is jealousy? It is not wrath produced by the alienation of affection from one to another? If God is not loved, He is jealous.
Jesus goes so far as to say,
John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
If God were you father.... you would love Me.... But you say that this is not a true statement, rather it should be, "If God were you father AND YOU HAVE ALSO HAVE HEARD THE GOSPEL AND PLACED YOUR FAITH IN ME.. then you will love me, BUT AS FAR AS YOUR ETERNAL SALVATION, IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER.
This not what Christ said. How are the elect of God manifested? They flee to Christ in repentance. How many of the elect flee to Christ. "ALL that the Father hath given Me shall come to Me." Being born of God and fleeing to Christ are not separate operations that can occur only half way and not be completed.
People are different. Some are enlightened and convicted of sin for some time before they come to Christ. But once fully regenerated, they will flee to Christ. He that predestined the regeneration has also predestined the gospel witness.
A forgiven sinner,
Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:48 am
Brainy Brain,
My comments marked $
BB: Sing, I deleted the contents that you and I agree on, the remaining sentence seems to be the crux of our differences.
$ So what is the difference? Is it that you do believe every child of God, by virtue of that divine act of regeneration from spiritual death, would love God intelligently without the ministry of the word? I do believe the ministry of the word is very essential if a child of God is to love Him intelligently.Or is it that you believe that the ministry of the word is indispensable means for the regeneration of sinners death in trespasses and sin. I do believe God produces His children without the slightest help from man. But his training is left to the ministry of the word!
BB: Justification is all about legality, it is a court room term. It means that the sinner stands before God just and undeserving of the Law's penalty. What I am asking here is this, Is the love of the redeemed sinner for God as important as his being justified?
$ : That you have to ask God: whether the love of the redeemed for God is as important as their being justified. I really don't know.What I can tell you is this:
- God Himself justifies the UNGODLY by His free grace, without any mean or any assistance from the person justified... because the person justified is in the state of condemnation and death.
- God Himself, freely and sovereign, justifies EVERY ELECT - so that NONE of His elect would remain under their just condemnation and perish eternally.
- God Himself, freely and sovereignly GUARANTEE the legal justification of every elect ... and this not conditioned upon anything in man of of man.
- God Himself, freely and sovereignly GUARANTEED that each and every elect is EQUALLY justified legally.
I can't tell you if I could said the same about God working freely and sovereignly in each of His redeemed elect so that every one would automatically and without fail love Him? I suppose if the love of His redeemed people for God is important enough FOR HIM, He would make sure that is so by His wisdom and omnipotent power - that EVERY justified elect would love God with the noble power that the glorified saints now have!
What I can tell you is this: God did appoint the ministry of the word, so that His redeemed people may be instructed and taught the truth, be trained in all righteousness, godliness... exhorted to love God because he has first love us. I think for God's redeemed people to love God is VERY IMPORTANT for the redeemed people themselves... their loving God is absolutely essential to their WELL-BEING here on earth. It is important enough to God that He sovereignly and wisely appointed means - the ministry of the gospel - to that end.
BB: Then they have not been brought where they even begin to fulfill the first and greatest commandment
## That's the important function of the ministry of the word - to bring the children of God to the knowledge of that first and greatest commandment. "How then shall they call upon the name of the Lord in whom they have not believed?And how shall they believe of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Go, preach the gospel and make disciples of such... teaching them to observe all things that Christ has commanded - which includes "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. " Teach him, and train him, rebuke and correct him...Brother, have you begin to FULFILL the first and greatest commandment yet? Do you ever hope to fulfill it ?
BB: Matthew 22:36-38 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. Isn't this a commandment that would have been in effect pre-fall? Are you saying that when God regenerates or gives spiritual birth that they are not new creatures? Their basic morality has not changed?
## Pre-fall or not, I don't remember saying one way or another. You tell us what you think.When God regenerates and give ETERNAL life (the term 'spiritual life' DOES NOT occur in the NT) a sinner is made a new creature. There is a new creation. They are given a new nature, with a new inclination. They are now CAPABLE of receiving the things of the Spirit of God... they are capable of being trained and instructed in righteousness and godliness. Regeneration DOES NOT bring them to a life of righteousness and godliness. Righteousness and godliness MUST BE TAUGHT and INSTRUCT through the ministry of the word.
You are probably saying that the divine work of regeneration AUTOMATICALLY brings about a radical change in the outward life of righteousness and godliness. I really wish this is the case. Pastoral work would be so easy and tearless! But alas, that just a silly dream. There would be godliness and righteousness everywhere!!!
BB: Deuteronomy 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
## Just who do you think God is addressing? Pagans?Remember the folly of wise Solomon in dabbling with IDOLATRY???
God's very own children are inclined to all forms of idolatry... called spiritual adultery...
Who do think James were warning in his epistle? Pagan Gentiles, or God's children?
BB: What is jealousy? It is not wrath produced by the alienation of affection from one to another? If God is not loved, He is jealous.
## Yes and yes, if God is not loved by His redeemed people, He would be VERY jealous. All go to show that God's people do fail to love God as they should, and they fail miserably... and I fail more miserably. Don't think you do any better! God cares not the least bit when the children of the devil love Him not. God expects the children of the devil to hate him... that is acting true to their nature.
BB: Jesus goes so far as to say, John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
## Of course... these people have been taught and instructed by the Lord Jesus himself... they have the oracles of God... if they are the children of God, they would receive and love Christ, sent by God. But they were of their father the devil.
BB: If God were you father.... you would love Me.... But you say that this is not a true statement, rather it should be, "If God were you father AND YOU HAVE ALSO HAVE HEARD THE GOSPEL AND PLACED YOUR FAITH IN ME.. then you will love me, BUT AS FAR AS YOUR ETERNAL SALVATION, IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER.
## The children of God need to hear the gospel if they are ever to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Romans 10:13-15. And for heaven sake, ONLY GOD'S CHILDREN - regenerated with eternal life, would call upon the Lord. But no hearing, no calling. No calling no temporal salvation. They already have ETERNAL SALVATION through effectual calling.If a child of God has not heard the gospel of their salvation, is not instructed concerning the Saviour Jesus Christ, how would they love the Lord jesus Christ? How shall they love Him of whom they have not heard???
You eternal salvation is a SETTLED matter... you contribute nothing to you. You cannot improve it one tiny bit even if you have a 1000 lives to live. And you can possible love Jesus Christ your Saviour and Lord if you do not hear the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation BROUGHT TO YOU.
BB: This not what Christ said. How are the elect of God manifested? They flee to Christ in repentance. How many of the elect flee to Christ. "ALL that the Father hath given Me shall come to Me." Being born of God and fleeing to Christ are not separate operations that can occur only half way and not be completed.
## "ALL that the Father hath given Me shall come to Me."Brainy, sometimes you can be TOO BRAINY that you end up shooting your own feet... good thing it is just your own feet, and not your own brain, for that would be the end of this discussion.
You did read my comments on Romans 8:29-30 didn't you? Have you forgotten what is said there? Do you really want to make this statement "ALL that the Father hath given Me shall come to Me" to mean that every elect of God will hear the gospel and flee to Christ?
I suggest to you that the statement make more sense if you understand "All that the Father hath given to Me shall come to Me" because the Father will draw each one to Christ in effectual calling to grace and salvation, the Father will UNITE each elect to Christ in the effectual calling to eternal salvation. In this sense alone, the statement can be true of every single elect. All are EFFECTUALLY CALLED. NOT ALL are outwardly called by the gospel.
Effectual call unto grace and salvation is a separate and distinct operation by the free and sovereign grace of God.... WITHOUT the aid, or cooperation of God... God begins and completes it Himself, without human aids. He freely and sovereignly brings in His children into BEING. The gospel call to bring God's children to believe the truth is a separate and distinct operation delegated to His church to carry out. This operation is very essential for the WELL-BEING of God's people here on earth.
BB: People are different. Some are enlightened and convicted of sin for some time before they come to Christ. But once fully regenerated, they will flee to Christ. He that predestined the regeneration has also predestined the gospel witness.
## The regenerated, when they hear the word of truth, the gospel of their salvation, are drawn to the truth by the spirit of God. There are regenerate children of God who do not hear the word of truth, the gospel of their salvation. The hearing of the gospel is necessary for them to call upon the name of the Lord. Those regenerate whom the gospel failed to reach, there would be no calling upon the Lord Jesus... yet they do have love for God in their heart. Cornelius is a good example. But the gospel came to Him, and he was converted. He was regenerated long before the gospel was brought to him by Peter.
God predestinated EVERY SINGLE elect of His unto eternal life.
Christ commanded the gospel to be preached to them.