Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Cornelius and his salvations

Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 22:08:22 +0800

Dear Bee,

I will make some comments in your posts.

You wrote: But for the time being - just thinking off my head, I wonder whether what Bunyan said about God preserving the lives of His elect until conversion is just referring to the norm, exception besides.

It is never safe to speak of God's work of saving His people in terms of the norm or the exception. With God there is NO norm or exception - because He is infinite, eternal and unchangeable, and His own work of securing eternal salvation for His own people is always effectual. Once we introduce the notion of the norm and exception, we will have many attending difficulties... such as: what constitutes the norm? does exception constitutes another way of salvation? etc, etc.

In the monergistic aspects of salvation [eg. foreknowing, predestination, calling, legal justification in Christ, vital justification and definitive sanctification at regeneration, and glorification] there is no norm nor exception at all.

In the synergistic aspects - gospel conversion and progressive sanctification - there is vast degree of variation. What conversion constitutes a norm - those converted by the free-will gospel (in all its shades) or those converted by the free-grace gospel? There is no norm nor exception either. Is the believing dying thief the exception? Is apostle Paul the norm? Is the Corinthian believers the norm and the Thessalonian believers an exception? Which of the seven churches in Revelation is the norm? Do you see the difficulties once the concept of the norm and exception is found.

You wrote: I have to admit that this teaching was "strange" to me on first reading. I even have difficulty accepting Manasseh as a believer for he is to me synonymous with "one who constantly provoked God to anger". Nevertheless, if I were to reason that the main task of God's people on this earth (a task that we cannot do in heaven) is to be a witness of God's saving power/grace to the unconverted, and that task we can only do if we are converted, then conversion is important even if not essential to eternal life, right?

I don't know why Bunyan would pick Manasseh to illustrate his point. Give him a tinkle if you can!
I believe the chief task of the NT church is to maintain the true and spiritual worship of the one true living God in the name His Son Jesus Christ and through the ministry of His Spirit, and the great commission is only a means to that chief end. Faithfulness to the great commission is to ensure that the chief end is maintained... faithfulness to the GC will ensure that some of God's elected, Christ's redeemed and justified, and Holy Spirit's regenerated people are gathered into the visible church.

It is impossible to make converts out of those who are not God's elected, Christ's redeemed and justified, and Holy Spirit's regenerated. This is not to deny that man-made gimmicks and manipulations can't produce converts of their own kind.

Preaching and the ministry of the word is necessary and needed to gather into the visible church those whom Christ has saved for Himself and whom the His Spirit will regenerate. Some are very mistaken to think that the gospel preaching brings salvation to sinners. The gospel preaching announces the glorious salvation that has taken place... and those who are regenerated are enabled to believe such good news... because the good news is already true of them!

Conversion is important. That's why the risen Lord instituted the GC. As a father, I am not only interested in conceiving lives. I am also interested in nurturing life that have been conceived. The Triune God ordains the ministry of the word for the nurturing of His children, the elect whom he has saved by His and regenerated by His Spirit. And He has committed this means into the hands of the church in the GC. Therefore the number of God's redeemed elect (already eternally saved by the finished work of Christ) gathered into the visible NT church depends upon the faithfulness of the NT church in obeying and carrying out the GC. That is why the church must take the GC seriously because the temporal spiritual well-being of God's elects on this earth, here and now depends greatly upon whether they receive the benefits of the ministry of the word. The temporal well beings of the immortal souls conceived by me depends very much upon my wife's faithfulness in bringing to them the benefits in this temporal life.

No church, individually or corporately would dare claim that she has fulfilled her task completely, such that no elect is missed out!!!

You wrote: Therefore this will be the norm - i.e. a regenerated person will normally be also converted. Those elects who are regenerated but not converted will not be able to proclaim the good news of salvation in Christ to the unconverted nor be able to demonstrate by their changed lives the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, even though they themselves may enjoy the gift of eternal life because they do not have that conscious experience of having "a new name and a new heart".

I believe a regenerated person will always be converted when the gospel of sovereign grace is preached to him. The Lord Jesus said, "Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me." Please NOTE VERY CAREFULLY: coming to Christ is the RESULT of first having heard and learned from the Father... (John 6:45, Heb 8:10). A person believes the gospel because he has first been taught directly by God without human means.

So, if the gospel of sovereign grace (there are many false gospels!!!) NORMALLY reach those who are regenerated, then it is indeed that a regenerated person will normally be converted also. Do you see the point???

Consider the case with Cornelius in Acts 10.
"Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."

When apostle Peter were inspired to utter these grand words in Cornelius house sometimes in the first century, when the gospel message were still limited to the Judean region, he spoke of those like Cornelius in EVERY NATION who fear God and work righteousness. Cornelius himself may be dismissed as a proselyte to the Jewish faith. But what about those who are outside the pale of the Jewish proselytism?

In every generation, there were people like Cornelius... who fear God and works righteousness even though they have never been converted by the hearing of the gospel. The gospel message failed to reach them! But God is not handicapped by the church's failure to save any of His elect, even though the church failure does deprive God's regenerate people great blessings to be experience here and now in this brief life through this fallen world.

Therefore the church must work hard to bring to the gospel to them, not that they may be saved eternally... but that they may enter into the joy of knowing their salvation in the blessed Lord Jesus Christ... and have hope and assurance and comfort as he trudges through this fallen world of sins. That's the whole purpose of the great commission. ONLY such will receive the gospel anyway!!! To all others, the gospel is foolishness!

Do pray that wisdom be given me too... for I am in need of much myself.

seeking and learning,

Dear brother Sing,

My comments on these two paragraphs of yours:

sing said:
"Preaching and the ministry of the word is necessary and needed to gather into the visible church those whom Christ has saved for Himself and whom the His Spirit will regenerate. Some are very mistaken to think that the gospel preaching brings salvation to sinners. The gospel preaching announces the glorious salvation that has taken place... and those who are regenerated will believe such good news... because the good news is already true of them!

Conversion is important. That's why the risen Lord instituted the GC. As a father, I am not only interested in conceiving lives..... The temporal well beings of the immortal souls conceived by me depends very much upon my wife's faithfulness in bringing to them the benefits in this temporal life."

My comments:
Is preaching the gospel merely to gather the elect of God and for nurturing the elect? I believe it is more than just that. Without the gospel sinners cannot be saved because God has appointed the preaching of the gospel as the means to save sinner. Even in the case of Cornelius, the gospel is necessary to bring him to eternal life.

Acts 10:14, who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved. ----- Peter must preach the words of God so that Cornelius and his household will be saved.

Acts 10:18, when they these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, 'Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life." ----- repentance leads to eternal life. Repentance comes through the hearing of God's words.(as preached by Peter.)

Acts 13:46, then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, 'It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. ----- the rejection of the preached word leads to the rejection of everlasting life.


Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 00:08:27 +0800

Dear Gee,

Thank you for your few comments. I do understand them. Please continue believing what you believe: that one believes IN ORDER to have eternal life.

I hope you understand my position too - that one believes because he has been bestowed eternal life by God's free and sovereign grace when he was spiritually dead in sins and trespasses. It is alright that we disagree. One can only believes what one presently understands what the Scripture teach.

See my comments, marked ##

Gee = Is preaching the gospel merely to gather the elect of God and for nurturing the elect? I believe it is more than just that. Without the gospel sinners cannot be saved because God has appointed the preaching of the gospel as the means to save sinner. Even in the case of Cornelius, the gospel is necessary to bring him to eternal life.==

## First, your word 'merely' is mischievous. Do I take it that you do agree that the gospel IS INDEED for the gathering into the visible church those whom Christ has saved for Himself and whom His Spirit has regenerated, BUT NOT MERELY THAT?

You also said, 'I believe it is more than that.' Do I take it that you do agree that the gospel IS INDEED for the gathering into the visible church those whom Christ has saved for Himself and whom His Spirit has regenerated, BUT MORE THAN THAT? (I very much doubt this is what you mean... since your 'more than that' is diametrically opposed to and repudiates completely the major premise!).

So please clarify for me. I need to know precisely whether what you are actually saying. I don't want to misunderstand you.

Gee== Acts 10:14, "who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved." ----- Peter must preach the words of God so that Cornelius and his household will be saved.==

## Asking questions is a wonderful way to learn. I am only asking to simulate some thinking. You may consider to provide your answers.
- Was Cornelius a regenerated man before Peter came to preach the gospel to him, when the angel spoke these words to him?
- If he was, how did this regeneration come about? Was it by something he did, like hearing the gospel preached, etc?
- If he was, what kind of life was birthed in him? Is it spiritual and eternal life?
- If he wasn't, how would you explain the descriptions of Cornelius before he met Peter to hear the gospel for the first time.

Consider the descriptions such as ... he was a devout man, one who feared God... prayed to God always... whose works of righteousness have come up for a memorial before God.....
Are these descriptions of an unregenerated or a regenerated man? Compare these descriptions with the description of ALL natural man in Romans 3:10-18. May the Lord grant you light.

You said, "Peter must preach the words of God so that Cornelius and his household will be saved." I want to ask, 'Will be saved' in what sense?

Do you agree that there are several aspects of salvation spoken of in the Scriptures. Only those who
- HAVE BEEN SAVED (by the finished work of Christ from the eternal condemnation upon sins, and applied personally at effectual calling) are among those who
- ARE BEING SAVED (through the ministry of the gospel from the consequences of sins in this life here and now), and
- SHALL BE SAVED (through the glorification at the second coming of Christ.)

I have said this several times... perhaps you don't agree. or perhaps it has not registered in your mind. Or perhaps you don't EVEN understand. Whatever... I apologize for repeating.

When you are exhorted to work out your own salvation (Phi 2:12), what salvation is spoken of? What kind of salvation are God's regenerated people to work out in their lives? Eternal salvation? Or temporal salvation to those who HAVE BEEN GIVEN ETERNAL SALVATION?

When apostle Paul told Timothy these words, "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you,' what salvation is spoken of? Eternal salvation? Or temporal salvation to those who HAVE BEEN SAVED, bestowed eternal salvation at regeneration, the birthing of eternal life? A faithful ministry will save the pastor and his believing hearers from the great evils of ignorance and darkness, false doctrines and false practices (with all the evil consequences) in this life. Could a preacher save (temporal deliverances though the ministry of the word) himself and his believing hearers unless they HAVE BEEN SAVED eternally by the finished work of Christ applied to them at regeneration?

When apostle Paul said these words, 'Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control' (1Ti 2:15), what salvation is spoken of? Eternal salvation? Or temporal salvation to those who HAVE BEEN SAVED? Temporal salvation when believing women obey the gospel commands and play their biblical roles and save themselves from all sorts of miseries... and enjoy the blessings of God?

Do you believe that it is only those who HAVE BEEN SAVED by the finished work of Christ and applied at regeneration that are capable of BEING SAVED by the ministry of the word (including the preaching of the gospel), and only those who HAVE BEEN SAVED shall BE SAVED at glorification?

May the Lord grant us to see yet more light.

I have rambled on too much


Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 01:21:32 +0800

Dear Gee,

See my comments ## on the rest of the verses quoted:

Gee==Acts 11:18, when they these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, 'Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life." ----- repentance leads to eternal life. Repentance comes through the hearing of God's words.(as preached by Peter.)

## It is very easy just to hear the sound of the words... and fail to catch the sense of the words.

I think you have made a VERY BIG JUMP from God granting to them the 'repentance to life' to man's 'repentance leads to eternal life.' However you bridged the two, I know not.

I would make a few observations for your kind consideration:
1. 'Repentance to life' is a spiritual grace granted by God, i.e. worked in the heart by the Spirit of God. This is VERY different from saying that a person's act of repentance leads to eternal life. A person dead in sins and trespasses cannot possibly believe or repent. Read John 3:3-6.
2. The Jews, who had always believed that 'repentance to life' was granted solely to them only, were constrained to acknowledge that the same grace HAS ALSO been granted by God to the Gentiles.
3. Repenting and believing is the manifestation and evidence that the grace of 'repentance to life' has been granted. The graces of repentance and faith are worked in the hearts of those who have been regenerated unto eternal life. With the grace of repentance to life, those who hear the outward gospel call will respond. Their response manifests the granting of the repentance to life. There is spiritual life to animate the spiritual activity of repentance and faith.
4. Repentance indeed comes through the hearing of God's words... but repentance is IMPOSSIBLE without the prior regeneration by the Holy Spirit unto eternal life.

Gee == Acts 13:46, then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, 'It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. ----- the rejection of the preached word leads to the rejection of everlasting life.

## The idea that 'rejection of the preached word leads to the rejection of everlasting life' FLOWS from the erroneous and illogical idea that the worthiness unto everlasting life is dependent upon some acts of men, e.g. the reception of the word of God." Basic truth is: spiritually dead man must first be given eternal life before he can perform spiritual acts like believing the gospel!

It makes me tremble to think that such idea is even entertained!!! Whatever has happened to the settled and non-negotiable doctrine of salvation by grace, that eternal life is a free gift of God in Christ Jesus... totally and completely unmerited, independent of any acts of man; and without which MAN CANNOT see nor enter the kingdom of God!

If we are led to understand the passage above to teach in the slightest manner that 'worthiness unto everlasting life is dependent upon some acts of men' we have repudiated the most fundamental tenet of the Christian faith, that eternal life is the free gift of God... with absolutely no one worthy of it!

I believe apostle is simply declaring that the rejection of the preached word EVIDENCES or DEMONSTRATES the absence of eternal life in them. Therefore there is no further purpose labouring among them. He is declaring that he is moving on.

That's my two-cents comments.

brother sing

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 10:05:06 +0800

Dear brother Sing,

My comments in #

I think it becomes clear to me that our main difference lies here.

Your understanding:
You believe that at regeneration, eternal life is granted, and then faith (repentance and believe) comes later depends on whether the regenerated person hears the gospel or not. If he does, then he will repent and believes, thus, to you, faith is the evidence of eternal life. The Gospel is not essential to salvation/eternal life. Chronologically, regeneration and faith need not take place at the same time. (Do correct me if I have misrepresented you.)

My understanding is this:
When a sinner is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, he is given the ability to understand God's truth, at the same time without fail, he will be led to hear the gospel and thus, have faith and be saved. To me, the gospel is essential because faith comes by hearing of the gospel.

Chronologically, all these take place at the same time (it is a package). Personally, I will not want to try to figure out what exactly takes place at regeneration because this is a mysterious work of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord says to Nicodemus (Jn 3) and I don't think the Bible tells us exactly what happens either (unless I am mistaken). To me, faith is the evidence of regeneration, and faith is the instrument to receive salvation. Gospel preaching is essential to salvation. And I believe this is consistent with Acts 11:14, and 11:18; 13:46.

Does man contribute to his salvation? Not at all, all of God's free grace. Regeneration is God's sovereign work, and faith is God's free gift (Eph 2:8). The hearing of Gospel? God is sovereign and faithful, He will make sure the gospel is preached/shared/communicated to the regenerated person. Our God is great!

I think this explains why we understand Cornelius's conversion differently. The issue we need to look at is this: Can we separate regeneration from faith, or are they chronological one?

We both believe in regeneration, but you believe that eternal life is granted at regeneration, thus, the gospel is not essential to his salvation/eternal life; while I believe that eternal life is granted when the sinner comes to faith in Christ, thus the gospel is essential to his receiving of eternal life/salvation. Please let me know whether I have correctly understood your understanding.


Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:57:22 +0800

Dear Gee,

Thanks for your comments. I will reply your post in parts in order to keep them short. Please read them patiently. I believe you may yet learn something fresh from the Scriptures. It took me several years of rigorous examination... to move to where I am now. I may still be wrong... then I need to be shown a more consistent way.
My response marked ##

Gee== Your understanding: "You believe that at regeneration, eternal life is granted, and then faith (repentance and believe) comes later depends on whether the regenerated person hears the gospel or not. If he does, then he will repent and believes, thus, to you, faith is the evidence of eternal life. The Gospel is not essential to salvation/eternal life. Chronologically, regeneration and faith need not take place at the same time. (Do correct me if I have misrepresented you.)

## You are close enough. Logically and chronologically, regeneration must precedes the initial conversion [repentance and faith in Christ]. Regeneration is independent of any human means. Conversion is dependent entirely upon the ministry of the word.

However, I would need to add that the ministry of the word is NECESSARY ONLY for timely/temporal salvation... much like the nappies, milk, clothes are necessary for the baby's temporal well being. They have nothing to do with the conception of the immortal soul of the baby, and they are utterly irrelevant when the life does not exist! I hope you understand the illustration. But your statement that the gospel is not essential to salvation (understood in its eternal sense, in contrast to temporal sense) is a fair representation of my understanding.

So, you must always quote that I believe that the gospel is not necessary for the eternal salvation, but necessary for the temporal salvation of an elect. Eternal salvation must be bestowed first before an elect can be brought into temporal salvation by the ministry of the word.

Eternal salvation results from the DIVINE act alone, and it is instantaneous, complete, and unrepeatable alone. This is pure grace rightly understood.
Temporal salvation comes by the HUMAN acts in response to the DIVINE grace that has worked in that human heart. IF YOU GET THIS POINT CORRECTLY, YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD WHERE I AM NOW.

Gee: Chronologically, all these take place at the same time (it is a package). You must then conclude that before Peter came to Cornelius, he was a man dead in sins and trespasses. Then Peter came along to preach the gospel to him, the Holy Spirit regenerated with ability to believe; and believing he received eternal life. You would also conclude that every elect shall receive this 'package' of salvation... so every elect is not only regenerated with eternal life, but every elect will also hear the gospel and come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ - and all this take place at the same time.

I would be very pleased for you to show me where this understanding is inconsistent or inadequate with the teaching of Scriptures.

seeking and learning with you,

Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:59:01 +0800

Dear Gee,

Let me continue in my comments:

Gee==Personally, I will not want to try to figure out what exactly takes place at regeneration because this is a mysterious work of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord says to Nicodemus (Jn 3) and I don't think the Bible tells us exactly what happens either (unless I am mistaken). To me, faith is the evidence of regeneration, and faith is the instrument to receive salvation. Gospel preaching is essential to salvation. And I believe this is consistent with Acts 11:14, and 11:18; 13:46.==

## Deut 29:29 'The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.'
There is indeed a mysterious element in the regeneration. However, it is always good to embrace what the Scriptures does say PLAINLY - for what is revealed DO BELONG US, to be believed and preached!

The Scriptures has revealed VERY PLAINLY AND EXPLICITLY about these few things:
- Regeneration precedes faith. (I think you do agree). 'Unless one is born again, he CANNOT...' He CANNOT what? Why does he CANNOT?
- Regeneration is NEW birth by God's sovereign effectual grace. What is begotten in the new birth? A life? What kind of a life? - What is the biblical adjective describing this life birthed by the Holy Spirit?

You may be interested to know that the term 'spiritual life' is NOT FOUND even once in the whole of the Bible (KJ and NKJ translation, at least).
- Here are some HARD DATA for your consideration. In the KJ version, 'everlasting life' is used 11 times, 'eternal life' is used 26 times, life eternal and life everlasting are used 4 times each. All these occur in the NT except 'everlasting life' once in the OT. (If you want the software for this exercise, you can download from my 'Online Bible' CD). Eternal life is spiritual life... birth at regeneration... It is this eternal life birthed at regeneration that enables a child of God to believe.
- Are we afraid to give plain answers to these questions, because our answers MAY show forth the errors of our beliefs? Are we reluctant to be converted to the plain teaching of the Bible?
- May I suggest that you abandon the utterly unbiblical idea of a spiritual life birthed at regeneration, and then eternal life at faith in Jesus Christ. This idea CANNOT be supported by Scriptures. Period.
- The life birthed at regeneration is eternal life. The non-biblical phrase 'spiritual life' is an adjective explicative of that eternal life.

Faith and eternal life are put side by side in the Scriptures (I have shown you many such passages from John's Gospel). What is your answer to the question I posed there? There are only two positions:
- It is either that faith in the gospel enables a person to obtain eternal life, or.
- It is that eternal life birthed at regeneration that enables a person to believe the gospel.

There is nothing mysterious about this matter - the chronological and logical order of things - is plain and simple for all who would humbly want to know and embrace the truth. Why shut your eyes to the plain and obvious truth?

Gee== To me, faith is the evidence of regeneration, and faith is the instrument to receive salvation. Gospel preaching is essential to salvation. And I believe this is consistent with Acts 11:14, and 11:18; 13:46.==

## Very well said, faith is indeed evidence of regeneration... because without the prior regeneration, there is no possibility of believing the good news of the glorious salvation already accomplished by Jesus Christ.

Major premise: Faith is the evidence of regeneration.
Minor premise: Regeneration is the bestowal of eternal life.
Conclusion: Faith is the evidence of eternal life ALREADY bestowed.
Delusion: Faith is in order to obtain eternal life which is offered.

You hold to the major premise but reject the necessary conclusion. Instead you hold on to the lie.

I fear that I am repeating myself here. The difficulty boils down to how we view regeneration. How do you see regeneration? I see regeneration as the gracious application of the eternal salvation upon an elect. Regeneration speaks of God's sovereign and gracious act in applying the eternal salvation which Christ has secured unto an elect of God. Because I see it this way, faith, which is the fruit of regeneration, evidences the eternal salvation which has been applied at regeneration.

How can faith, which is the OUTCOME, the EFFECT of the application of the eternal salvation at regeneration be the instrument to receive eternal salvation? This is plain nonsensical! HOW CAN AN EFFECT OF SALVATION BESTOWED BE THE MEANS TO RECEIVE THAT SAME SALVATION? Please explain the logic and rationality of this who idea. Don't you see any problem with such idea? It is the same as saying, breathing is necessary to receive life!!! Breathing is an effect of life, an evidence of life. Breathing is necessary to receive and enjoy the temporal blessings of life... but not to receive life.

Isn't this something SO VERY SIMPLE. There must be a severe theological prejudice or willful ignorance somewhere... perhaps a very serious confusion between life itself and the acts and benefits that accompany that life. Faith is necessary to the conscious enjoyment of the temporal benefits of that eternal salvation... but not necessary to receive eternal salvation, because faith is a blessing of that very eternal salvation.

I agree that faith (believing the gospel message of the accomplished eternal salvation by Christ) is the means to enter into a conscious and subjective knowledge and enjoyment of the gospel benefits


Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:57:24 +0800

Dear Gee,

Let me continue to comments on your comments. It is my desire to search the Scriptures together with you, to RIGHTLY divide the Word of God.

Gee == My understanding is this: "When a sinner is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, he is given the ability to understand God's truth, at the same time without fail, he will be led to hear the gospel and thus, have faith and be saved. To me, the gospel is essential because faith comes by hearing of the gospel. Chronologically, all these take place at the same time (it is a package)."

## Thank you for stating your present position.
I think I do understand your position completely. I WAS there and struggled for several years. I can no longer remain there because this position is not true to biblical data. That position is wholly inadequate, and inconsistent to plain biblical data. There are many... but I will just endeavour to point out just a few glaring inconsistencies and deficiencies, just based on what you have written above.

I CONCLUDE from your statement the following:
(Please correct me if I conclude incorrectly or unfairly! If I do conclude correctly, would you kindly acknowledge whether you accept those conclusions are representing your position)

Some deficiencies:
1. Your 'at the same time without fail' is at best INADEQUATE, for there are God's regenerated elect who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the word.
- You may solve this inadequacy by resorting to the 'exception' clause. However, once you employ your 'exception clause' you explicitly introduce another bigger problem - there are different ways of eternal salvation for God's elect - one way by hearing and believing the gospel, and another way without hearing and believing the gospel. This is the inevitable conclusion even though it may be strenuously denied.
- What is it that guarantees 'at the same time without fail'? Divine sovereignty? Is divine sovereign subject to failure? Has divine sovereignty failed, since we can't deny the fact that there are God's elect who did not hear the gospel nor are capable to express faith (this fact is at least acknowledged by the Particular Baptists who framed of the 1689 LCoF).

2. Eternal salvation is purely and solely by the regenerating work of God unto eternal life. Gospel ministry is to inform and announce the good news of that eternal salvation which God Himself has purposed, Christ Himself has accomplished and the Holy Spirit Himself has applied to each elect individually at God's approved and appointed time. The gospel ministry is UTTER foolishness to all except those to whom the eternal salvation has been applied by the Holy Spirit.

3. Your 'at the same time without fail' is at worst a PLAIN DENIAL of the IMPARTIALITY of God in accepting sinners.
Please study Acts 10:34-35: This verse is very significance. It will be a good exercise to print out this section and use it for a bible study session in your church. Let the people actually STUDY the Bible!!!!!

"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: 'In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.'"

When Peter was inspired to utter those momentous words (these are momentous words indeed!):
- What glorious truth dawned upon him?
- What momentous truth was revealed to and understood by him?
- What was his deficient thought/belief until then (i.e. did not perceive until then)?
- In what sense does God show no partiality? (the same phrase is used in Romans 2:11.)
- In what context is the impartiality of God spoken of here?
- On what basis does God accept people?
- On the basis of whether they hear and believe the gospel?
- Or on the basis of their fear of God and the works of righteousness ?
- What explains the fear of God and works of righteousness of such people who have not heard the gospel? Something done to them, e.g. gospel preached to them? Something they do, e.g. like believing the gospel? Or something God sovereignly done to them - the divine and sovereign (i.e. without man's playing a part) work of regeneration?
- Concerning the 'whoever fears God and works righteousness' found in every nation who are accepted (present tense... ) by God - has the gospel been communicated to them? have they heard and believe the gospel?
- What is the explanation that there are men like Cornelius in every nation who fear God (simple present tense) and work righteousness (simple present tense) BUT who have not had the gospel brought to them?

- IS IT NOT GOD'S SOVEREIGN WORK OF REGENERATION? And is not the GC to bring the gospel to such that they may be informed of the great work of salvation already accomplished by Christ and applied to them by the work of the Holy Spirit?
- Those who do believe the gospel, is it not because eternal salvation has been applied to them at regeneration, PRIOR to their believing? If so, isn't faith an EVIDENCE of that eternal salvation ALREADY applied at regeneration?
- Yes, faith is necessary... necessary for what? That's a different subject altogether... dealt with quite sufficiently in the past.

[Bee, KY and LKM, if you are still listening and following, please give some time to study and answer those questions on Acts 10:34-35. I would be interested in your answers, and your conclusion. My advice, DO NOT FEAR to go where the Scriptures lead you.]

4. GOSPEL PREACHING and BELIEVING THE GOSPEL IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - we both agree on that. So, please never misrepresent me on this. HOWEVER, the question is: absolutely necessary for what? (It is like saying and asking: nappies, milks and clothings are absolutely necessary... but necessary for what? For the life that already exists, or to bring life into existence?) To whom is the gospel message relevant to? Whom among the human race will receive and believe the gospel?

You believe it is necessary for eternal salvation. I believe this is INCONSISTENT AND DEFICIENT.
The simple reason is that only those who have the eternal salvation applied to them already at regeneration (like Cornelius) is able to benefit from the gospel ministry... will believe the good news of their eternal salvation already accomplished and applied to them. The gospel ministry will bring much temporal salvation to them in this brief life as their await for their final redemption at glorification.

There is a VAST range of temporal salvation brought by the ministry of the word to God's regenerated elect. It ranges from those who never hear the gospel, to those who sit under faithful ministry of the word. And among those who sit under the faithful ministry of the word, those regenerated elect who respond better to the means of grace will experience greater temporal salvation - quantitatively and qualitatively.

The eternal salvation of each elect is as sealed and as certain and as complete when God sovereignly, at His approved and appointed time, bestowed eternal life to them at regeneration.

b. I will continue if you are still interested to hear... some glaring inconsistencies and deficiencies of your position... as I see it. Please remember that I am OUT-fallible, and not IN-fallible. :-)

seeking and learning with you,

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 08:59:29 +0800

Dear brother Sing,

My comments in marked 'Gee'.

sing: I CONCLUDE from your statement the following:
(Please correct me if I conclude incorrectly or unfairly! If I do conclude correctly, would you kindly acknowledge whether you accept those conclusions are representing your position)

Gee: I do believe that 'all elect persons who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word' (1689 LCoF, ch 10, art. 3) is indeed an exception to the norm. God is sovereign in His ways of saving sinners, it is all grace whether it is through the normal way or the exceptional way. For the normal people who are capable of being called by the ministry of the Word, God's sovereignty will ensure they will hear the gospel.

There are many exceptions to God's way of dealing with us. Eg. i.] the Bible says the wages of sin is death. Yet not all sinners die, there were exceptions to this: Elijah and Enoch. ii]. it is appointed for men to die once, but after this, judgment. Yet Lazarus died and then was resurrected, and there are others who died and was resurrected.

Obviously God is free to act above the norm as and when He chooses. After all, He is God. But at the same time, we cannot draw/formulate our doctrines from the exceptions, because they are the exceptions.

sing : Please study Acts 10:34-35: This verse is very significance. It will be a good exercise to print out this section and use it for a bible study session in your church. Let the people actually STUDY the Bible!!!!!
"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ³In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him."

Gee: What was Peter's problem (in fact the Jewish Christians as well)? Acts 11:1-2.
Their problem is one of race and culture. The Jews have always look upon themselves as a special people of God, the Gentiles are 'dogs'. They have always believed that if the Gentile should enjoy God's blessing, they should be converted to "Jews" first, that is, be circumcised and embrace their Jewish traditions. That is why eventually the Council at Jerusalem wrote the letter to clarify this (Acts 15:24)

Through the vision given to Peter at Acts 10, he was fully convinced that whoever God will save, nobody must reject just because they are not Jews. In Acts 10:34-35, shows that Peter was fully convinced about this matter when he heard that God had also prepared Cornelius for this great event, that is God's saving mercy will dawn on the Gentiles by His grace and nothing else. So in these two verses, it shows that Peter realize that what God is able to save in one race, He is able to do the same in another race. What is acceptable to God? It is the fear of God and the works of righteousness.

Is Peter saying that Cornelius is saved at this point before he preaches the gospel to him? There is no evidence to indicate that. 10:4, merely indicates what kind of man Cornelius was. He was sincere and religious. And God knows that. Are all God-fearers saved people? There is nothing to indicate that.

In fact, the evidences indicate otherwise, look at Acts 13:16, 26. Paul warned them (the Jews and the God fearers) not to despise the glad tidings (13:40-41) that was sent to them (13:26, the word of this salvation has been sent; 13:32, we declare to you glad tidings...)

What is this glad tidings about? It is about the forgiveness of sin, v38; it is about 'by Him everyone who believes is justified......,' v39. Obviously, their sins need to be forgiven, they are not yet justified before God unless they believe. They need to hear the gospel and believe in order to be saved, that is, have their sin forgiven and be justified before God.

Was Cornelius an exception to this? Again, there is nothing to indicate that. In fact he needs to hear the words by which he and all his household will be saved. (Acts 11:14). He need to believe in Christ in order to receive the remission of sins (Acts 10:43).

Is there any evidence in the Scripture to indicate that the Gospel is necessary for temporal salvation and not for eternal salvation? Is there such a thing as temporal salvation (this is new to me)?

How do you explain the following two verses:
i.] Jn 3:36, He who believes in the has everlasting life, and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
ii.] James 1:18, Of his own will He brought us forth by the word of truth.......

All these verses (in fact many more) indicate that believing the truth (the gospel) is essential to receive eternal life, otherwise God's wrath is still upon us. This is against what you believe, that is, a person can be regenerated and may not have faith because he has not heard the gospel, and yet has everlasting life! But Jn 3:36, says a person who does not believe has no everlasting life, shall not see life, and God's wrath is still upon him.


Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 19:27:43 +0800

Brother Gee

I hope to be brief this time. My new comment marked ## Yours in colour.

Gee == I do believe that 'all elect persons who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word' (1689 LCoF, ch 10, art. 3) is indeed an exception to the norm…
Obviously God is free to act above the norm as and when He chooses. After all, He is God. But at the same time, we cannot draw/formulate our doctrines from the exceptions, because they are the exceptions.

## I do understand what you are saying. You can see it as an exception (with its attendant inconsistencies) or you can see it in another way, which I believe is perfectly biblical.

In term of eternal salvation, there is no exception or norm. The examples you pointed out are interesting but hardly applicable. In all these exception, the way they are saved is still EXACTLY THE SAME, even though the external circumstances attending each of them may vary greatly

Romans 8:29-30 says, "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

Sadly, this glorious passage is so often understood as though it says this [note all the additions]
"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called [effectual call to grace and salvation, but so many take this as gospel call to conversion] and whom he called, THEM HE ALSO CONVERTED: AND WHOM HE CONVERTED, them he also justified: and whom he justified, HE ALSO SANCTIFIED: AND WHOM HE SANCTIFIED, them he also glorified."

I feel that many have have conveniently and UNCONSCIOUSLY added and demanded more things as necessary for the ETERNAL SALVATION [sic] of God's elect that God Himself DOES NOT require.
[As I demonstrated before, the justification spoken of here CANNOT be justification by personal faith in Christ. It is the personal application of legal justification at regeneration... because this aspect of justification is absolutely true of every elect.

There is NO EXCEPTION in God saving sinners eternally. When He bestows eternal life at regeneration, that regenerated person is destined for eternal glory... no ifs, no buts, regardless of the degree and amounts of gospel blessings he may experience and enjoy in this life before entering glory.

However the gospel blessings and benefits, quantitatively and qualitatively, a regenerated elect may enjoy in this brief life is dependent upon many human factors. Some enjoy none... others to a greatly varying measures, depending on such factors as the purity of the gospel preached to them, availability of the various means of grace, the quality of the ministry of the word, the quality of pastoral oversight and care, etc, etc.

Only those who have been eternally saved IS CAPABLE OF BEING SAVED in the temporal sense... of benefiting from the means of grace.

I hope you begin to see a vast and distinct difference between eternal salvation which is wholly God's work, and the temporal salvation which is dependent upon the responses of those who HAVE BBEN SAVED to the means of grace that they may be saved here and now.

Eternal salvation is purely and solely by the regenerating work of God unto eternal life. Gospel ministry is to inform and announce the good news of that eternal salvation which God Himself has purposed, Christ Himself has accomplished and the Holy Spirit Himself has applied to the elect individually at God's approved and appointed time. The gospel ministry is UTTER foolishness to all except those to whom the eternal salvation has been applied by the Holy Spirit.

Gee== What was Peter's problem (in fact the Jewish Christians as well)? Acts 11:1-2.
Their problem is one of race and culture. The Jews have always look upon themselves as a special people of God, the Gentiles are 'dogs'. They have always believed that if the Gentile should enjoy God's blessing, they should be converted to "Jews" first, that is, be circumcised and embrace their Jewish traditions. That is why eventually the Council at Jerusalem wrote the letter to clarify this (Acts 15:24)
Through the vision given to Peter at Acts 10, he was fully convinced that whoever God will save, nobody must reject just because they are not Jews. In Acts 10:34-35, shows that Peter was fully convinced about this matter when he heard that God had also prepared Cornelius for this great event, that is God's saving mercy will dawn on the Gentiles by His grace and nothing else. So in these two verses, it shows that Peter realize that what God is able to save in one race, He is able to do the same in another race. What is acceptable to God? It is the fear of God and the works of righteousness.

## Intimately connected with the prejudice of race and culture is the matter of salvation.
Up to this point, Peter the Jew had always thought that salvation is confined and limited to those who have the oracles of God, i.e. the Jewish nation. His mindset is very much like the mindset of many reformed people... eternal salvation is IMPOSSIBLE WITH THOSE, who by God's providence, have never had the gospel message brought to them. His mindset is very much like the mindset of the many reformed people who think that God is PARTIAL in that eternal salvation is only possible with those who have the privilege of having the gospel communicated to them.

What was revealed to Peter is that God is IMPARTIAL in His acceptance of sinners... through His own sovereign work of regeneration and bestowing upon them eternal life. And this eternal life birthed in them WITHOUT the hearing of the gospel manifest itself in the fear of God and the works of righteousness. The GROUND of God accepting them is His own free and gracious act of regenerating them and bestowing them eternal life.

So there ARE persons in every nation that ARE saved eternally... EVEN THOUGH they ARE still in ignorance and darkness about many things. The preaching of the gospel and the ministry of the word is DESIGNED AND ORDAINED to bring them out of darkness and ignorance... to instruct them in sound doctrine, to reproof them, to correct them, to train them in all righteousness. 'GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES.....' How often we forget to ask the question, a very basic question, 'Just who do we hope to make disciples out of'? Do we hope to make disciples out of those who God the Spirit has NOT regenerated, still dead in sins and trespasses? I surely hope not. I firmly believe disciples can only be made out of those whom God the Spirit HAS ALREADY regenerated.

Gee == Is Peter saying that Cornelius is saved at this point before he preaches the gospel to him? There is no evidence to indicate that. 10:4, merely indicates what kind of man Cornelius was. He was sincere and religious. And God knows that.
Are all God-fearers saved people? There is nothing to indicate that.
In fact, the evidences indicate otherwise, look at Acts 13:16, 26. Paul warned them (the Jews and the God fearers) not to despise the glad tidings (13:40-41) that was sent to them (13:26, the word of this salvation has been sent; 13:32, we declare to you glad tidings...)
What is this glad tidings about? It is about the forgiveness of sin, v38; it is about 'by Him everyone who believes is justified......,' v39. Obviously, their sins need to be forgiven, they are not yet justified before God unless they believe. They need to hear the gospel and believe in order to be saved, that is, have their sin forgiven and be justified before God.
Was Cornelius an exception to this? Again, there is nothing to indicate that. In fact he needs to hear the words by which he and all his household will be saved. (Acts 11:14). He need to believe in Christ in order to receive the remission of sins (Acts 10:43).

## There are so many issues involved in what you have written above.
- There is the issue of eternal salvation by the work of the eternal Spirit's regeneration, and the temporal salvation which comes through the gospel ministry by men. Only those eternally saved by the DIVINE ACTS of God can benefits from the gospel blessings here and now ministered by and through God's appointed means. If you understand this distinction, perfects answers are readily available for all your rhetorical questions above.
- There is the issue of various phases of forgiveness: legal/objective forgiveness when all our sins were imputed to Christ when He died on the cross. There is also the vital forgiveness when the Holy Spirit apply that legal and objective forgiveness to us by His work of regeneration. Through the Spirit's work of regeneration, an elect is personally and vitally forgiven. The purpose of the gospel is to announce to such a person of the forgiveness of sins that HAS taken place by divine grace.
- GOOD NEWS is NEWS of WHAT HAS HAPPENED BY GOD'S GRACE!!! GOOD NEWS is not what will happen if the hearers will do something!!!!!
- When a regenerated person hears the gospel, he is brought to a experimental knowledge and subjective enjoyment of the forgiveness of sin that HAS TAKEN place by God's grace.
- You are speaking about forgiveness in the last sense... and you are correct that the gospel message is needed to bring about this experimental knowledge and subject experience of the forgiveness of sin that HAS TAKEN place by God's grace.

The gospel message HAS NOT, DOES NOT, WILL NOT bring about forgiveness of sins. It announces the forgiveness of sins that has already taken place... and those regenerated elect who do hear such glad tidings WILL have experimental knowledge and subjective enjoyment of the forgiveness of sins in Christ.

-There is the issue of the different phases of justification: forensic justification by the righteousness of Christ at the cross, the vital justification when the Holy Spirit apply that justification at our regeneration, and the experiential justification which is by faith in Jesus Christ. You are speaking of justification in the third sense.
- God the Son secured the right to eternal life for all the elect. God the Father imputed that right to eternal life to all the elect. The Spirit bestows that actual eternal life to each elect at God's appointed and approved time. Personal faith that follows EVIDENCES all the former actions of the Triune God.
- IT IS MOST UNFORTUNATE that the word 'justify' is not rightly understood in its various and different context. In light of what God has done, faith in Christ justifies in that sense that it VINDICATES that the believing person is indeed redeemed, justified and regenerated by the divine grace.
- By my faith in Jesus Christ, I justify (evidentially) myself that I am indeed am elect child of God, redeemed by Christ, justified (legally and forensically) by God on Christ righteousness imputed to me, regenerated by the Holy Spirit of God... born with eternal life... which enable me to repent and believe when the gospel is communicated to me. What the gospel message declares to me is ALREADY true of me because of the work of grace ALREADY begun in me, therefore I believe the gospel.

Gee == Is there any evidence in the Scripture to indicate that the Gospel is necessary for temporal salvation and not for eternal salvation? Is there such a thing as temporal salvation (this is new to me)?

## Any evidence? I believe the whole Scriptures is written upon that foundation. The revelation of God is chiefly intended for those whom He has chosen from before the foundation of the world, and the same for whom Christ died, and whom the Holy Spirit will regenerate at God's approved and appointed time. The gospel message which announces the great work of salvation God has accomplished is GOOD NEWS ONLY to such, and no one else. May be, this is simpler: spiritual food is only intended for, and will, benefit those ALREADY divinely born with spiritual life. Even so, physical food is only intended for, and will, benefit those ALREADY humanly born with physical life.

Is there such a thing as temporal salvation (this is new to me)? you asked. I AM SO glad you ask. I believe this is really where the chief obstacle lies - this thing about temporal salvation. Let me give another try at explaining. I grapple with this matter myself for a long time. I asked all the same questions you are asking... because I was also in your present position... seeing things in a limited and narrow scope. That is why I said that salvation is a multi-faceted jewel. I mentioned about the article which answered and untangled many knots I was wrestling with. I recommend that you give it another careful reading... some have rejected it out of hand to their own poverty.

Let me use an illustration. Now, all the good things we shower upon our children (from the day they were conceived with that immortal soul) are all of temporal value only... providing them nurture and comforts and assurance for the time here and now. It has no eternal significance. All the good things of life shower up the enhance the temporal well being of the life (immortal in nature) already conceived. Conversely, all the deprivation of the good things of life adverse affect the temporal well being of the life already conceived. The abundance or the deprivation of temporal blessing does not affect in anyway the immortal nature of the the live already conceived. Remember the good things of life can only be enjoyed by the life that already exist. The good things of life - say for example... nappies, milk, warm clothes, etc - are not needed for the begetting of that immortal life... but these good things will nurture, comfort and enhance that immortal life in time, here and now (i.e. temporal) before it enters into the eternal realm.

EVEN SO, in the spiritual realm. When by the sovereign grace of God, the Holy Spirit regenerates and beget eternal life in an elect, that elect is already eternally saved... in the absolute sense of the word, in that such a person is destined for eternal glory. (Please consider Romans 8:29-30 again, without man's addition please.) However it is God's good purpose that such as are regenerated with eternal life and bestowed eternal salvation and destined for eternal glory should be nourished, nurtured, comforted and assured as they journey through this perverse and wicked world. The church is commissioned to preach the gospel of eternal salvation by grace to the world... because God's regenerated elect are among sinners in every nation of the world. The gospel blessings (like the good material things of life) is relevant ONLY to those who have life to profit from it. Disciples can only be made out of those whom the God had chose, Christ has redeemed and justified, and the Spirit has regenerated. To be taught to obey all that the Lord has commanded bring untold temporal salvation to those who are already eternally saved when they are regenerated with eternal life.

Gee === How do you explain the following two verses:
i.] Jn 3:36, He who believes in the Son has everlasting life, and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
ii.] James 1:18, Of his own will He brought us forth by the word of truth.......

## The answer is quite simple if you have understood in any measure what I have said above.
i. John 3:36. There are several things here you may wish to note.
- You may still continue to hold to an indefensible position that everlasting life is the result, the consequence, the effect of believing. You do agree that regeneration must precede faith. You may still disagree that eternal life is the product of divine birth by the eternal Spirit of God. That's ok with me.
- The text plainly say that he who believes in the Son has everlasting life... possesses life as a present reality, not as a future potentiality. He who believes SHOWS, EVIDENCES, DEMONSTRATES, JUSTIFIES that he POSSESSES eternal life, life which is spiritual and everlasting.
- One who hears and does not believe shows that he DOES NOT POSSESS eternal life, therefore shall not see life, with the wrath of God abiding on him.
- The text applies ONLY to those who have had the gospel preached to them but continues unbelieving and unrepentant. I ask you a simple question, I don't know whether you have ever asked, 'Does the BIBLE ever label a person to whom the gospel message had never been communicated as one who is UN-believing and UN-repentant?

ii. James 1:18. There is just one very major point here.
- You need to make a very clear distinction between regeneration which is entirely MONERGISTIC, without any human agency; and conversion which is always SYNERGISTIC, the regenerated elect's response to the gospel means through the agency of man.

Gee == All these verses (in fact many more) indicate that believing the truth (the gospel) is essential to receive eternal life, otherwise God's wrath is still upon us.

All these verses DECLARES that believing the truth evidences POSSESSION of eternal life. All those verses are INDICATIVE STATEMENTS OF FACT... not subjunctive statement of potentiality.

I am puzzled, very honestly puzzled, that one the one hand, you are very sure that regeneration must precedes believing. Why regeneration must precedes believing I wonder? Why is it impossible to believe without regeneration. On the other hand, you believe that believing is necessary to obtain eternal life.

I would to God that you can sit down and reconcile these two beliefs. You have given your answer - that regeneration enables a person to believe so that he may obtain eternal life. If you do believe that, I fear that you believe in a 'regeneration' of man's imagination, VOID of all the significance vested with it by the Scriptures.

Gee == This is against what you believe, that is, a person can be regenerated and may not have faith because he has not heard the gospel, and yet has everlasting life! But Jn 3:36, says a person who does not believe has no everlasting life, shall not see life, and God's wrath is still upon him.

## John 3:36 deals with those who do hear but reject the gospel. Often we think this is the only aspect of salvation the Scriptures speaks of. I do agree that it is the MAIN aspect, but not the ONLY aspect. Half the wondrous story is not told, the lesser known half.

The Scriptures also speaks of God's elect in every nation whom He regenerates and bestows eternal life, which then manifest itself in the fear of God and work of righteousness, even in the absence of the gospel. You insist that God is partial - bestowing eternal life/salvation ONLY to those who do hear and believe the gospel, who do have the gospel brought to them. The Scriptures declare that God is impartial... and accepts sinners PURELY on the basis of His sovereign work of regeneration APART from gospel message. The GC is to reach out to such with the glorious gospel... the gospel preaching is necessary... not that sinners dead in sins and trespasses may secure eternal life by it, but that those ALREADY bestowed with eternal life may have joy, comfort, assurance of hope, etc... before they are glorified.

Your present restricted view does not encompass the full scope of God's redemptive purpose. You believe that there is NO elect among all those multitudes of the world in those countless generations who did not hear the gospel. I fear that that view does not square with ALL the fact of Scriptures. I have abandoned it.

A simple question: for whom are the nappies, milk, warm clothes, etc? For whom is the glorious gospel message for? Is it a means to bring eternal life... or it is for the nourishment of those who have eternal life?

I have rambled on for too long. Please, consider the things I have said, and see whether you understand. I don't expect you to agree, unless God give you further light. All I seek is understanding, so that one day when I am gone, I trust you are able to represent me correctly to those who have slandered me in public and in private.

Thank you for your patience. I have written enough. I will burden you no more.

your brother in Christ,

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:17:24 +0800

Dear Gee,

A few more questions to stimulate thinking and learning:

Acts 11:14 "... who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved. ----- Peter must preach the words of God so that Cornelius and his household will be saved.

We have noted some descriptions of Cornelius before he ever heard the gospel.

The Scriptures described Cornelius in this manner:
- He is a devout man... Acts 10:2
- He is one who feared God with all his household... Acts 10:2
- He gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always... Acts 10:2
- Whose prayers and alms have come up for a memorial before God..." Acts 10:4
- He was ready to hear all the things commanded by God... "Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God.² Acts 10:33.
- Of whom God said, "What God has cleansed you must not call common" - and this repeated three times. 'Has cleansed' is present perfect tense... Cornelius has been cleansed by Good before Peter ever came to him. Go figure what that imply!
- Of whom the angel said, "your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God."

I highlight all the above to ask you to consider some simple related questions.

Was Cornelius 'saved' in any way before he ever heard the gospel?
Can a non 'saved' man behaves like Cornelius had been?
In what sense is the preaching of the gospel necessary for a person to be saved - to be saved in what sense?

Acts 10:34-35: "Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ³In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him."

When Peter was inspired to utter those momentous words, what glorious truths dawned upon him?
- In what sense God shows no partiality?
- On what basis does God accept people? On the basis of their hearing the gospel? Or on the basis of the fear of God and the works of righteousness - the EVIDENCE of His grace of sovereign work of regeneration?
- These 'whoever fears God and works righteousness' found in every nation who are nonetheless accepted (past tense) by God - have they heard the gospel?
- What is the explanation that there are men like Cornelius in every nation who fear (simple present tense) and work righteousness (simple present tense) BUT who have not had the gospel brought to them?
-- Can you now solemnly declare with Peter, 'IN TRUTH I perceive that...'?

Brother Gee, I am not interrogating you. I am only asking to stimulate the study of Scriptures. That is my manner of studying Scriptures... asking questions.

Even a man like Apollos needed to be instructed more accurately in the Scriptures. "Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord though he knew only the baptism of John. So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately." Acts 18:24-26.

We are probably a 1000 miles behind Apollos... and a long way to go.
Glad to have your company still... others have part company in studying. They have arrived :-)

Take all the time you need to ponder what I have mused.

seeking and learning,
brother sing

Thursday, February 28, 2008

John 3:16 - How did God so love?

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world..."

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

The well-known passage naturally provokes a question that is seldom asked: How did God so love? Is there a way to have a feel [yes, just a feel, for we can’t fathom the true depth, height, breadth] of the greatness and vastness of God’s love? To that end let me TRY to draw your attention to some simple truths that are plainly declared in these verses.

Here are some thoughts in outline form:

1. The greatness of God’s love is evidenced by the object loved – the world
a. The world is often understood as indicating the largest possible number, i.e. ‘absolutely everyone.’ So it is understood that God so loved because he loved the largest possible number of people.
- This is obviously wrong because it contradicts what is plainly stated elsewhere in the Scriptures. ‘His people,’ ‘as many as God has given to Christ,’ ‘sheep,’ ‘I do not pray for the world’ etc., are all contrary to that idea.

b. Man’s double standard: no one has to love absolutely everyone to be very loving!!!
- It is to be understood in its ethical sense – the kind of object loved, not the quantity of object loved. The Scriptures do say that God loved a vast BUT specific multitude and brought them to heaven – Rev 7:9. 19:6.
- ‘World’ describes the ethical state, the spiritual condition of the people loved by God. They were of the world, the world marked by worldliness and rebellion against God, men, and women whose lives are marked by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
- The objects loved are the worldly sinners who are by nature lie in spiritual darkness and death:
- The objects loved are the worldly sinners who are by nature in rebellion and enmity against Him as God and Creator:
- The objects loved are the worldly sinners that are by nature utterly un-loveable and deserving of just condemnation:
- The objects loved are none other than the sons of disobedience and children of wrath, who wallow in wickedness and unrighteousness.
- Therefore, even if God had loved just one such sinner, it would have been the greatest love. But He loved a vast multitude of such. It is a sinners’ religion because it is a religion centred on the Saviour that God Himself has provided for His chosen people.

2. The greatness of God’s love is demonstrated by the immense costliness of that love
a. God so loved, He loved such sinners with an immense and immeasurable love that He sacrificed His only begotten and beloved Son for the most undeserving and ill-deserving sinners.
- He gave the most precious for the salvation of the most undeserving and ill-deserving. He did not spare His only begotten Son.
- He sent Him to the cross to suffer that horrendous agony and horrific death, in order to suffer and to bear away the just and holy wrath against their sins; yes, the sins of others, even the sins of those for whom He came to save.

b. God so loved… He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to save the justly condemned, the undeserving and ill-deserving sinners that they should not PERISH in the lake of fire. They deserved to perish forever in the lake of fire. God reversed that doom!
- God so loved… He sent His only begotten Son that He might live the perfect and sinless life for His people, and to secure the perfect righteousness for them. God freely provided this perfect righteousness for His sinful people.
- Christ did what sinners cannot do for themselves… living a sinless life of perfect obedience to all the laws of God.

c. God so loved… He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and to die in the place of His people to bear away God’s holy wrath and just condemnation upon them that they deserve for all their sins and unrighteousness.
- Christ suffered for sinners what they justly deserved for their sin against God, eternal condemnation.
- It is a love that delivers the recipients from their greatest and deepest woes, eternal condemnation, and miseries.

d. God so loved… He resurrected His only begotten Son from the dead so that He might conquer death and destroy the power of death upon His people.
- He exalted His Son to the highest power, glory, and majesty; to Him is committed all power in heaven and on earth.
- Death, the wages of sin, is paid and canceled; His people are justified and reconciled to God.

3. The greatness of God’s love is vindicated by the effects of that love
a. God so loved… He imputed Christ's righteousness by free grace to His people while they were yet dead in sin, and in enmity against Him. God justified them FREELY based solely on the finished work of Christ. At effectual calling, God removes their personal condemned state and declared them personally righteous. He calls them out of the state of sin and death to righteousness and eternal life.

b. God so loved… He gives eternal life to His people while they were dead in sin through the regenerating work of His Spirit at the new birth, and adopts them as His children. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.”
- Regeneration or new birth is the absolute prerequisite for conversion. Only those who are born of the Spirit of God can be brought to faith by the gospel preaching. To those dead in sin, the gospel is utter foolishness to them.
- Except one is born again, he is spiritually dead, he has no spiritual sight to see, and he has no spiritual life to enter…

c. God so loved... He adopts those born again by the Spirit; they are not just saved, they are made members of His family; they are given the rights and access to all the blessings of the divine household. Behold what manner of love... 1John 3:1f

d. God so loved… He gives eternal life to His people SO THAT they may believe the gospel, the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ to save His people. ‘Whoever believes HAS eternal life.” This is grace indeed!
- John 17:1 “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
- John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” Note the tenses. This is a declaration of fact: whoever believes HAS eternal life; whoever believes DOES SO because he possesses eternal life. It is not a conditional offer: if you believe, you will receive eternal life.
- Spiritual life is the absolute prerequisite to any spiritual activity – such as knowing, understanding, believing, and obeying spiritual truths. God gives spiritual life to His people when they were spiritually dead.

e. God so loved… He nourishes and trains His children to live godly and holy through the ministry of the Word in the church. He preserves His children in their eternal salvation. Eph 4:11f. He trains and guides and comforts His children as they journey through this world to their celestial home.

f. God so loved… He shall resurrect and gather all His children to dwell with Him in the eternal bliss of the new heaven and new earth after the Great Judgment Day.
- Jesus Christ said, “I give them eternal life… My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

4. The greatness of God’s love is affirmed by the simplicity of the means appointed to manifest that free grace salvation
a. Whoever ‘believes’ has life… It is like saying, ‘whoever breathes has life.’
- To believe is the easiest activity of a living child. This is so evident that it doesn’t need to be proven. Nothing is easier than the act of believing. It requires no hard work whatsoever.
- There are so many things a little child cannot do, but he can and will believe the great and mighty things the parents will tell him. The capability to believe is innate in a child unless of course has mind has been poisoned and prejudiced against those things.
- So also with a person born again by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God who dwells in him enables him to believe the good news of what God has done through His Son Jesus Christ to save him. The grace of faith is a fruit of the Spirit… the Spirit works the grace of faith so that a child of God may believe the gospel of his salvation by the free and sovereign grace of God.
- Whoever believes in Christ as the Saviour gives proof and evidence that he has been saved by God through Christ Jesus. He has passed from death to life… It is because he has passed from death to life that he is able to believe. Not the reverse.
- Many believe a lie, contradict Christ and rob the glory and honour due to Him.

b. Imagine, if some other means were appointed, say ‘whoever theologizes, rationalizes, is consistent, is sound-minded, etc… then it would be very difficult, wouldn’t it?
- Believe what the word of God tells us about Him as our God and Creator, our sinful condition and utter helplessness, Christ sent to save poor sinners such as us and gives us eternal life that we may believe all that He has done for us… for our salvation from eternal condemnation.
- Salvation is by grace and grace alone, without your co-operation whatsoever. All your co-operation is only possible AFTER you have been saved, bestowed eternal life.
- Whoever believes that Jesus Christ is the one and only Saviour CAN KNOW AND KNOW WITH certainty that he has the eternal life that God has freely bestowed upon ill-deserving sinners.
- It is very necessary to believe Jesus Christ as the one and only Saviour… for that’s is the only way that you may know that you are among those whom Christ came to save.
- That explains for the ultimatum in Christ’s words – Mk 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

God so loved… 1John 3:1 ¶ Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."

Rebel sinners in enmity against God, children of disobedience and children of wrath, slaves of sin in bondage to the devil are turned into sons of God by the love of God exercised toward them.

O what manner of love!

Look at these related articles:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Speaking In Tongues

On Aug 24, 2007, at 6:04 AM, a brother wrote:

Please do give your understanding whether you believe in Speaking In Tongues (the glossolalia).

Dear Brother,

Some brief comments to your question:

1. Yes, I do believe in the biblical gift of tongues - please take careful NOTE, SINGULAR GIFT, but PLURALITY OF TONGUES. The singular gift enables ONE man to speak MULTIPLE languages that he has not known or learned before.

1Co 12:10 "To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another, divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:"
Another is SINGULAR, tongues are PLURAL.

1Co 14:18 "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:"
Apostle Paul is SINGULAR, and tongues are PLURAL.

2. The Biblical gift of tongues enables men to speak languages that they have never learned before:
Acts 2:7-11
And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?
8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

Biblical tongues are spoken languages that can be understood by the hearers who speak those languages and can be interpreted by those who do not know the language.
Imagine you were a trader in Corinth, and visited a church there in the first century. And imagine you speak only Cantonese, and it is God's purpose for you to hear the gospel and believe in Jesus Christ. God enables someone in the church to speak in Cantonese... so that you may hear and understand the wonderful work of God. But all the rest in the congregation does not understand Cantonese, and would not be edified. God would give someone else to interpret the Cantonese into Greek so that the rest in the church may also be edified. Now you would appreciate those rules for orderliness in 1Cor 14, when the gift of tongues was still in operation.

3. Biblical gift of tongues enabled ONLY SOME (yes, ONLY SOME) to speak languages they have never known or learned before.
1Co 12:28 And God hath set SOME in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

ALL the rhetorical questions demand a negative answer. Only some have the gift of tongues... and it is sovereignly determined by the Spirit of God who are given the gift. 1Cor 12:10 "To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will."

None of the 3000 converted on the day of Pentecost spoke in tongues.
Those who did speak were of the apostolic church gathered on that day.

4. Biblical tongues were means to declare the wonderful works of God - the gospel - the good news of salvation accomplished in Jesus Christ.
It was a sign gift to them that have not believed because they have not YET heard the wonderful work of God in their own languages. Can you imagine the effect of a Galilean who knows only his mother tongue and preaches to you in Cantonese??? It would be a mighty sign to you from God...
Acts 2:11 "We do hear them [Galileans] speak in our [of so many nations listed] tongues the wonderful works of God."
1Co 14:22 "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe."

Tongues are for a sign to them that believe not... them that are not yet believers... THAT THEY may be brought to faith by hearing the wonderful works of God in their OWN LANGUAGES.
Tongues were NEVER given to believers to GRATIFY themselves.
Modern tongues are gibberish nonsense... far removed from biblical tongues.

5. Biblical tongues have ceased after the apostolic times.
Biblical tongues were an APOSTOLIC gift given to the apostolic church for a specific reason... to EXPEDITE the spread of the gospel and the establishment of the NT church. When the purpose has been served, they cease.
1Co 13:8 "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away."

"They shall cease." Apostle Paul wrote the epistle (1Cor) probably in AD 59. Sometimes in the future of AD 59, tongues SHALL cease. They shall cease - no doubt about it, if words have any meaning. But WHEN shall/did they cease? When that which is PERFECT is come... and that which is PERFECT came in the lifetime of Apostle Paul... with the completion of the revelation of God through the last Apostle - John.

6. The modern phenomenon of speaking in tongues is non-sensical gibberish.
It is REMOTELY related to the biblical tongues. Modern tongues are gibberish nonsense that do not communicate the wonderful work of God in Jesus Christ.
Too many are sincerely deceived and self-conceited.

I hope these brief points help to deliver you from your 100% delusion on the biblical tongues issue.

just my understanding,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sin and Righteousness — Imputed and Imparted

Romans 5:18-19

Don Fortner

Many who rejoice in the testimony of Scripture regarding the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us in justification strenuously object to the equally clear teaching of Holy Scripture that the righteousness of Christ is imparted to chosen, redeemed sinners in sanctification (the new birth). They do so because some heretics use the term "imparted righteousness" to teach that God the Holy Spirit imparts a meritorious righteousness to us, mixing grace and works. But we must not allow some heretic to rob us of the joy of precious gospel truth. I do not intend to quit calling Christ "Christ," because the pope calls him "Christ"!

Let me be crystal clear. – The righteousness of Christ that is imparted to God's elect in regeneration [i.e. at effectual call to grace and salvation involving personal justification, regeneration, and adoption] has nothing to do with meriting God's favor in salvation. The righteousness of Christ imparted in the new birth is the righteous nature imparted to (given to and created in) us by God the Holy Spirit in the new birth, by which we have been made "partakers of the divine nature" (2 Pet. 1:4). This "divine nature" is "that new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness" (Eph. 4:24), "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). It is this new, righteous nature that was created in us in regeneration, which is ever in conflict with the old Adamic nature (Rom. 7:14 -25). It is the "seed" of God placed in man, which "cannot sin" (1 John 3:9).

Adam's Sin
All that our father Adam did as our federal head in the garden, we did in him. All that Adam did was imputed to (charged to) us by God. So that we were "made sinners" by that one man's sin. All that Adam became as the result of his fall, we became by natural generation. Every human being, being born of the seed of Adam, is born in sin, a natural born sinner, depraved in all his being. Adam's sin was judicially, legally imputed to us when he sinned in the garden; and his sinful nature was imparted to us in time when we were born of his seed by natural generation.

Christ's Righteousness
In like manner, all that Christ did in his obedience to the will of God, as the Federal Head and Representative of his elect, we did in him. His righteousness was imputed to (charged to) us when he died as our Substitute in the complete accomplishment of our justification (Rom. 4:25 ). As it was that we received Adam's fallen nature by natural generation, in the new birth (regeneration) all who are born of God have Christ's righteous nature as our Mediator imparted to us.

"Made Righteous"
In verse 18 the Holy Spirit tells us, "by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." Notice that the words here have reference to that which was done in the past. When Christ was "made sin" and satisfied the justice of God for us by his death upon the cross, we were made "the righteousness of God in him." His righteousness was imputed to us in justification.

Now, look at verse 19. – "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." Here when the Spirit of God speaks of the result of Christ's obedience unto death, he tells us that "by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." Here he uses the future tense. Those words cannot possibly refer to righteousness being imputed to us in justification. That was done at Calvary . Here the Scriptures assert that all who were "made righteous" in justification (the righteousness of Christ being imputed to them), shall, at the appointed "time of love," be "made righteous" in the new birth by the righteousness of Christ being imparted to them in the new creation of grace.

The righteousness of Christ imputed to us in justification is the basis for and cause of the righteousness of Christ being imparted to us by the Holy Spirit in regeneration.

"Cannot Sin"
It is this new nature that is created in us in the image of Christ, a nature that "cannot sin" (1 John 3:9). It is the old man that sins, not the new. It is written, "Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me" (Rom. 7:20 ). The believer is a person with two distinct, separate, warring natures: the old man and the new, the flesh and the spirit. Our sins, everything evil in us and everything evil done by us, are the works of the flesh. Our goodness, (if I may use such language), everything good in us and everything good done by us is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:17 -23).

When God saves a sinner, he does not renovate, repair, and renew the old nature. He creates a new nature in his elect. Our old, Adamic, fallen, sinful nature is not changed. The flesh is subdued by the spirit; but it will never surrender to the spirit. The spirit wars against the flesh; but it will never conquer or improve the flesh. The flesh is sinful. The flesh is cursed. Thank God, the flesh must die! But it will never be improved.

Revelation and Experience
This dual nature of the believer is plainly taught in the Word of God. Carefully study Romans 7, Galatians 5, and 1 John 3. It is utterly impossible to honestly interpret those portions of Holy Scripture without concluding that both Paul and John teach that there is within every believer, so long as he lives in this world, both an old Adamic nature that can do nothing but sin and a new righteous nature, that which is born of God, that "cannot sin," that can only do righteousness.

Every believer knows the duality of his nature by painful, bitterly painful experience. Ask any child of God what he desires above all things and he will quickly reply, "That I may live without sin in perfect conformity to Christ, perfectly obeying the will of God in all things." But that which he most greatly desires is an utter impossibility in this life. Is it not so with you? Though you delight in the law of God after the inward man, there is another law of evil in your members, warring against you. You would do good; but evil is always present with you, so that you cannot do the things that you would. Even your best, noblest, most sincere acts of good, when honestly evaluated, are so marred by sin in motive and in execution, that you must confess, "All my righteousnesses are filthy rags!"

It is this warfare between the flesh and the spirit, more than anything else, that keeps the believer from being satisfied with life in this world. Blessed be God, we shall soon be free! When we have dropped this robe of flesh, we shall be perfectly conformed to the image of him who loved us and gave himself for us!

Imputed Righteousness and Imparted Righteousness
"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous"–Rom. 5:19.

Imputed righteousness is an act of God's grace in redemption. Because the Lord Jesus Christ lived in righteousness upon this earth as our Representative and died under the penalty of God's law as our Substitute, the law and justice of God declare that we are righteous. The very righteousness of Christ, his perfect obedience to God as a man, has been imputed to us. That is to say, righteousness has been laid to our account.

In exactly the same manner as our sins were imputed to Christ, his righteousness has been imputed to us. When the holy Lord God made his darling Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, sin for us, he charged him with our sin. The Son of God became responsible to the law of God for the sins of his elect. And the penalty of sin was exacted from him. He died under the wrath of God. Even so, God having imputed the righteousness of Christ to us who believe, we have become responsible for righteousness in the sight of God's law. And we shall receive the just reward of the law for righteousness, eternal life, and everlasting glory.

As our works of sin were made to be our Redeemer's, so his works of righteousness have been made ours. As he received the reward of our sin, we must receive the reward of his righteousness. That is substitution. Our righteousness before God is perfect, unalterable righteousness. It is the righteousness of Christ, our Substitute. Child of God, can you realize this? Your standing, your acceptance with God never varies. God is always well pleased with you in his Son!

Imparted righteousness is an act of God's grace in regeneration. In the new birth God gives his people a new heart, a new will, a new nature created in righteousness and true holiness. Your standing before God is not improved at all by imparted righteousness in the new birth. Imparted righteousness is God giving you a heart, nature, and will of righteousness so that you now love the things you once hated and hate the things you once loved. By this act of divine grace in regeneration the righteous nature of Christ is imparted to God's elect.

We rejoice in the righteousness of Christ imputed in justification and in the righteousness of Christ imparted in regeneration. Both are precious boons of God's free grace in salvation; and both are necessary. They should be maintained and fully preached side by side. The righteousness by which we are justified is imputed. The righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven.

"Imparted Righteousness"
"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."–2 Pet. 1:3-4

Just as the fallen, unrighteous nature of Adam was imparted to all men by natural birth, the holy, righteous nature of Christ is imparted to all God's elect in the new birth. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to us for justification. And the righteousness of Christ is imparted to us in regeneration, by the irresistible power and effectual grace of God the Holy Spirit (1 Pet. 3:10 -12; 1 John 3:7-9).

I Am Not Saying
I am not saying that the believer is without sin! He is not. Sin is what we are by nature. Sin is mixed with all we do. Sin mars our best thoughts, blackens our best deeds, corrupts our best words, and defiles our noblest aspirations.

I am not saying that the old nature is changed in regeneration; it is not. Flesh is always flesh. It never improves. It never becomes spirit. It only corrupts, rots and, thank God, in time dies.

I am not saying that the believer's works can ever be accepted before God upon their own merit! They are not. We offer up our prayers and sacrifices to God, which are accepted by him, only upon the merits of Christ's righteousness and blood atonement (1 Pet. 2:5).

I Am Saying
But I am saying that the person who is born of God is a new creature in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17 ). He has a new nature, which is Christ in him the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). All who are born of God walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16 -23). We love the law and truth of God. We love holiness. But, oh, the evil of our hearts!

There is a constant warfare within! (See Rom. 7:14-25). All who are born of God mind the things of God ( Rom. 8:5). This is imparted righteousness. Believers love Christ and one another. They identify themselves with Christ, his gospel, and his church. Believers are men and women of honesty and integrity. They live honestly, pay their bills, and speak the truth. Believers hate their sin and long to be free of it. They are generous, kind, and merciful. In a word, all who are born of God are committed to Christ, sold out to him. And they will continue in the faith, clinging to Christ alone unto the end.

Those who do not have this imparted righteousness are no more born of God than those who do not have Christ's imputed righteousness are justified before God.