Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Four Chinese Brothers...


From: sing
Sent: 30 August 2005 12:36
To: Lee, Tang, Loh (Ipoh East Church)
Subject: Re: churchmanship

Brother Lee,

I am glad that you have been chewing on the matter. I hope some progress is made from where you and I left off the discussion some distant while ago.

I don't know whether Rome was built in a day, but theologically there is nothing new under the sun. I think we agree on this.

By 'this view' in your question, I take it that you mean 'saving faith is an evidence of justification (and regeneration and adoption too - since these all are simultaneous, through logically distinct).

I don't know much history at all. In any case, the 1689 LBCoF is a historical document. So, if my understanding of the CoF is correct and consistent (he who disagrees please feel free to prove me wrong - I would be very thankful to be shown my errors), then, historically that body of men holds to that view. I believe that view was the standard view among the early particular baptists for quite a long time until it gradually became a minority view for various reasons - the rise of Arminianism which is naturally popular even with the true children of God; through misunderstanding from WITHIN and vicious and sustained caricatures from WITHOUT.

There are those who hold to this view today who have never departed from that understanding of the 1689 CoF. And there are more and more people from all places returning to the primitive (Collins: "adjective, of or belonging to the first or beginning; original") view of the early Particular Baptists. I believe I am one of them.

I was explaining the problem to brother Loh the last time I was in Ipoh, using this illustration.

There were 4 Chinese brothers in Shanghai (representing the early Particular Baptists embracing the truth summarized in the 1689 CoF- of which John Gill was the great and undisputed representative, even Mr. Spurgeon acknowledged this common fact). One went to Taiwan, another to Japan and one went to America.

After many years, the three brothers return to Shanghai, and the four brothers are together again. They began to squabble as to who among them are true Chinese in values and outlook. The one who went to America became an Arminian (still speaking the same language but a different gospel); the one to Taiwan became a 'standard reformed' (retaining old biblical language but with a different twist of the meaning); he who went to Japan became outright liberal! The one who went to Taiwan retains lots of 'chinese-ness' in him - he is the equivalent of a 'standard reformed'. When the four have come together, all of them claim to be Chinese... but only one of them remains a true original - one who stays put in Shanghai.

The 'standard reformed' brother back from Taiwan called the brother who has remained in Shanghai a 'hyper-calvinist' - and the literature of the 'standard reformed' publishing houses (whether from the Baptist or from the paedo-baptist) have INDOCTRINATED a whole generation in this falsehood! The brother who turned Arminian calls the 'standard reformed' brother back from Taiwan a 'hyper-calvinist'. The brother who has who remained in Shanghai can only sigh with grief - that his three brothers have all departed from their original beliefs.

I know this is a poor illustration, but it is sufficient to explain the confusion of various groups who claim to hold the beliefs summarized in 1689 CoF, but believe very different things in the fundamental of the faith.

But some former Arminians and some 'standard reformed' people, having realized the theological roots are abandoning the 'strange' ideas they have picked up while away from Shanghai, and have returned to the faith of their fathers.

The one who remained in Shanghai is known as Primitive Baptists today.
There are other churches that went astray, have realised their errors, and have reformed and returned to the original faith of the Particular Baptists. Some identify themselves with the Primitive Baptists. Others returned to the same truth but did not bear the name Primitive Baptists. I will give you more of these later. So, this view of justification is not held by the Primitive Baptists alone. There are other Baptist churches on both sides of the Atlantic holding to this primitive biblical teaching.

A few brief thoughts for your consideration.

Pastor Lau