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Picture with Mathiu's copious notes |
Beware!!! BEWARE!!! Many came to falsely "teach" but factually accuses saints from pulpit also!!!
Picture originally obtain from Pj Walters.
Like trying to "baptist" people "BACK" into the OLD testament!! That is also one such plain tactical plan.
Wow.... this is exactly what I am fighting now!! We seem to want unity at all costs... even if we have to ignore doctrine.
I would ignore the writing on the right... it is hard to understand what the person is saying.... and alot of spelling issues too. But the quote is very thought provoking.
Yeah, I'm not sure what point they were trying to make by the writing on the right side either...can you help us Matthew?
Verses taken out of Context to prove a Doctrine without Hermenuetics... Almost sounds like a Proverb... :-)
Steve, Yeah, I'm not sure what point they were trying to make by the writing on the right side either...can you help us Matthew?<<< They systematically from at least 328AD tried to bring His saints back into the OLD testaments and preaches a false Eternal creature work base salvation. Even the dedication of the King James Translation Epistle Dedicatory:
and sustained without by the powerful protection of Your Majesty's grace and favour, which will ever give countenance to honest and christian endeavours against ***bitter censures*** and ***uncharitable imputations***.
Some of their most proud "signs and wonders":
In our time, many many of the bible prophecy has already been fulfilled; very few are left.
Why I do NOT have ANY good feeling towards the Jesuits priests line, at all. Even if they teach 1+1=2 and also 1x1=1. They are still liars.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of ***Satan*** with all power and signs and ***lying*** wonders,
Sing F Lau
"Verses taken out of Context to prove a Doctrine without Hermenuetics"
That's the trademark of Matthew!
I think everything he writes that I've read is out-of-context and he's honestly Mathiu builds hypothetical and often erratic conjunctions from his writing. It's almost like he's just out there screaming into the wind by himself. I like the irony in his statement "dead drunks." Yeah, Ong...cursed are the drunks and yet you condone the alcoholic Jesus false doctrines based off of back-tracking Law with Grace. Makes sense? Either I'm theologically inept or I'm just tired of seeing Matt's cynical debates posting to my wall feed. I have a job, a life, and maintain them under God but I've got better things to do than to promote dogmatic doctrines which twist conformed fundamental Biblical theology.
Sing F Lau
"I think everything he writes that I've read is out-of-context and he's honestly Matthew Ong builds hypothetical and often erratic conjunctions from his writing. It's almost like he's just out there screaming into the wind by himself.
I have told him the same thing in different ways IN PERSON... but to not avail!
Sing F. Lau, this probably my 10th time saying something to him over the web. But you have in person. I'm sure you and I are one of very many. He's like one of the Sanhedrin, you can't persuade them that they are way off-their-block and they'll alienate you if you try. If Matthew Ong learned a few things about the commission God has for the elect "glorify God in all that you do," then maybe he'd focus more on witnessing to the lost that confusing the lost and the saved and making a fool out of himself.
@Sing: Just to clarify this here, do you or do you not agree the Lord's supper uses alcoholic wine and NOT grape juice as I have watched a few times?
Sing F Lau
Come and see for yourself, uncle Mathiu! Get some eye salve to help your eyes see clearly! And better still QUALIFY yourself to taste whether it is grape wine or grape juice - do you have skill to distinguish the two or not?
Why raise that subject to divert what Brother Daniel and I are pointing out to you. Even Brother Daniel is saying exactly what I have been telling you all along. By humble and turn from your haughty stubborn way!s
@Sing: I still have not change the position on King James Translation alone is complete and without error which both you and also daniel clearly object to and also promote someone needs to learn another tongues to know some simple english preserved truth. I would not be surprise that you are trying to blur what is made clear in the bible to young christians that just got converted from false heathen buddhism. If you do not like what is being written here, there is a button call "unfriend" do use it like Daniel. The LORD omnipotent is my provider.
Sing F Lau
Matthew, the last I heard from your own mouth is that you believe these concerning the KJB:
- KJB Bible is the inspired translation. And you quote a good man for your authority to believe such notion. I advised you to ascertain from the man himself whether he believes such. What was his answer to you???
- That those who do not use the KJB "ARE OF THE DEVIL." This was heard by three members of Sungai Dua Church. When you were warned and rebuked for such notion, you wriggled and wiggled.
I have no problem with KJB... you do.
And why you are so offended by the simple fact that a proficient knowledge of the original language is USEFUL... and helps a student of God's word in rightly dividing the word of truth. If you don't know Greek it is ok... but don't be so stupid as to deny the usefulness of a proficient knowledge of Greek... because the NT of the KJB is translated out of koine Greek! Don't be an ostrich! No one say the knowledge of Greek is necessary for salvation, or without which the KJB cannot be understood. And I know you probably can't make the distinction any way!!! You are just too DENSE and obtuse...
Take for example:
Mat 28:1 ¶ In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
Textus Receptus
28:1 Ὀψὲ δὲ σαββάτων τῇ ἐπιφωσκούσῃ εἰς μίαν σαββάτων ἦλθεν Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ καὶ ἡ ἄλλη Μαριὰ θεωρῆσαι τὸν τάφον
"the sabbath' and "day of the week" are both translated from the same Greek word "sabbaton." Knowing this FACT has help bible student to rightly divine this important passage! Do you know? Sober up! Matthew.
1Cor 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
You befriended me. The onus is on you to undo it if that's your wish!
It really isn't funny to see a man like Mathiu degrade himself so many times. He's a typical Ruckmanite, except if I were to categorize him he'd be a "Revised Ong-Ruckmanite" because his babbling is like listening to a control-group of liberal archaic Romans trying to figure out how the Bible came to be in English. I work a corporate office job for 9-hours of my day, then have time for the gym and God all through it.
However, Ong-ology says: The Bible was never originally in Hebrew O.T. or Greek N.T., those who question Ong are heretics, the martyrs of the dark ages and other early reformers were not really saved before being burnt...just confused, those who question Ong are heretics, Jesus was a drunkard and every verse can be taken out of context to support a movement that claims many hoaxs about proper theology, those who study fundamental theology are heretics, don't tell Ong about the Masoretic texts because Ong-ism law teaches that antisemitism and that those who believe in a Masoretic used in the 1604 King James staff are either heretics or Messianic New Age, and the number one rule of Ong-onlogy is...Mathiu Ong can override all of his contradictions by DOS command "Ctrl + Alt + Print Scrn" and then circle everything in red with Microsoft Paint tools and add text-box to emphasis his delusions.
Someday Matt's going to wake up and realize that he wasted days getting drunk and writing homespun psuedo-theological footnotes and references into scripture verses and spent no time actually humbly glorifying God or witnessing the Gospel to the lost. Someday, that day may come too late because he's as prideful as they come.
lol....I do NOT need to press Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen....Just "print screen" lol....Thanks so much to educate me in computing usage. .
Bro. Mathiu, we all can get carried away from time to time. Pray that we be not carried away by delusions of our own minds.
For the record, I had posted only the picture. Bro. Mathiu added his words to the right side.
Why would I call him brother Matthew. This guy fell off the yutz wagon a long time ago. He sounds like a local tyrant who has nothing better to do but get on Facebook and post over-emphasized messages which are laughable to people who honestly don't left from right when it comes down to reality. They don't have lives, they don't care about commission. All they want to do is bicker, debate, and cry and draw attention to themselves with cheaply made computer templates when they don't get their way. Your mama didn't spank you enough as a kid Ong. Maybe that's the reason why you are the way you are. I would honestly compare you to such heretic psychopaths as the late and evil Jeffery Lundgren. Because he literally drew a following to the point of where he was leading a cult and then shot a family behind a barn...by people of his religious cult that he had brainwashed. PJ: Honestly, you gave Matt a picture of an idol? Come on, the man thinks he's Julius Caesar. Of course he's going to embellish it. Matt, you do what you want, I saw every friend I had subscribed to you leave for the same reason...you have lost your mind and hate any and everyone who isn't bowing down at you or praising you with attention for your erroneous pseudo-theology. Mr. Lau is right, nothing can convince you. So, keep yelling in the wind and leading your online cult. I've got a job to do and a God to glorify, I don't have time for knock-offs like you.
It really isn't funny to see a man like Mathiu degrade himself so many times. He's a typical Ruckmanite, except if I were to categorize him he'd be a "Revised Ong-Ruckmanite" because his babbling is like listening to a control-group of liberal archaic Romans trying to figure out how the Bible came to be in English. I work a corporate office job for 9-hours of my day, then have time for the gym and God all through it.
However, Ong-ology says: The Bible was never originally in Hebrew O.T. or Greek N.T., those who question Ong are heretics, the martyrs of the dark ages and other early reformers were not really saved before being burnt...just confused, those who question Ong are heretics, Jesus was a drunkard and every verse can be taken out of context to support a movement that claims many hoaxs about proper theology, those who study fundamental theology are heretics, don't tell Ong about the Masoretic texts because Ong-ism law teaches that antisemitism and that those who believe in a Masoretic used in the 1604 King James staff are either heretics or Messianic New Age, and the number one rule of Ong-onlogy is...Mathiu Ong can override all of his contradictions by DOS command "Ctrl + Alt + Print Scrn" and then circle everything in red with Microsoft Paint tools and add text-box to emphasis his delusions.
Someday Matt's going to wake up and realize that he wasted days getting drunk and writing homespun psuedo-theological footnotes and references into scripture verses and spent no time actually humbly glorifying God or witnessing the Gospel to the lost. Someday, that day may come too late because he's as prideful as they come.
lol....I do NOT need to press Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen....Just "print screen" lol....Thanks so much to educate me in computing usage. .
Bro. Mathiu, we all can get carried away from time to time. Pray that we be not carried away by delusions of our own minds.
For the record, I had posted only the picture. Bro. Mathiu added his words to the right side.
Why would I call him brother Matthew. This guy fell off the yutz wagon a long time ago. He sounds like a local tyrant who has nothing better to do but get on Facebook and post over-emphasized messages which are laughable to people who honestly don't left from right when it comes down to reality. They don't have lives, they don't care about commission. All they want to do is bicker, debate, and cry and draw attention to themselves with cheaply made computer templates when they don't get their way. Your mama didn't spank you enough as a kid Ong. Maybe that's the reason why you are the way you are. I would honestly compare you to such heretic psychopaths as the late and evil Jeffery Lundgren. Because he literally drew a following to the point of where he was leading a cult and then shot a family behind a barn...by people of his religious cult that he had brainwashed. PJ: Honestly, you gave Matt a picture of an idol? Come on, the man thinks he's Julius Caesar. Of course he's going to embellish it. Matt, you do what you want, I saw every friend I had subscribed to you leave for the same reason...you have lost your mind and hate any and everyone who isn't bowing down at you or praising you with attention for your erroneous pseudo-theology. Mr. Lau is right, nothing can convince you. So, keep yelling in the wind and leading your online cult. I've got a job to do and a God to glorify, I don't have time for knock-offs like you.
Post script" Mathiu is one classic example of "Zeal without doctrine is like a Sword in the hand of a Lunatic."