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A gospel that is full of sound bytes but has no good news for those dead in trespasses and sins |
September 25, 2012 ·
Take a look at this picture below.
How much gospel do you see in the alliteration of G..... O..... S..... P..... E..... L.....?
Give your comments here:
What would you put for G..... O..... S..... P..... E..... L..... that we may have the gospel of God indeed?
This would be John 3:16 condensed:
G God’s
O only
S Son
P procured
E eternal
L life
Here's what I came up within 5 minutes, but I think it's pretty lousy too.
G God’s Glory is really what it’s all about. (Rom. 9:23; 11:36; 15:7; Col. 1:18)
O Only Jesus saves. (Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5)
S Spirit-regeneration is required. (Jn. 3:3, 8; Tit. 3:5)
P Personal faith and repentance of sins is required. (Acts 20:21; Lk. 13:3, 5)
E Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Rom. 10:13; Acts 2:21)
L Life eternal is promised to those who persevere in the faith. (Mt. 24:13; Jn. 3:36; 2 Tim. 2:12; 1 Jn. 3:14)
Not much "gospel" in the alliteration, Bro. Sing...
Go into all the world... where is the gospel in this?
Go into all the world... where is the gospel in this?
Can you tell me why?
Obedience required... is HARDLY any gospel, isn't it? Can you fulfil it?
Can you tell me why?
The salvation provided... what's the condition to get it? Can you meet it?
Can you tell me why?
Preaching is commanded... what good does that do to sinner dead in trespasses and sins?
Can you tell me why?
Eternal life is promised... and what must one do to get it?
Can you tell me why?
Love has provided it... what is it.... and how is it good news to anyone?
Can you tell me why?
Nicky wrote
What is the Gospel? (simplified)
1. The Gospel has its origin in God.
2. The Gospel has to be contrasted with the bad news.
3. The Gospel has heralds.
4. The Gospel has recipients.
5. The Gospel has to be believed and obeyed.
6. The Gospel has a promise for those who believe and obey it.
7. The Gospel has, for its end, the glorification of God in the Person and works of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is there any gospel here? Is there any good news in the above for sinners dead in trespasses and sins?
Seven statements ABOUT the gospel that has NO NO NO gospel in them!!!
Isn't that an amazing feat!
One possible content to the alliteration:
G... Good news of what God HAS DONE to save His people:-
O... Obedience for eternal salvation has been completely and perfectly rendered by Christ
S... Salvation is freely and sovereignly bestowed to each elect when they were dead in trespasses and sins. Pardon and peace are secured by the blood and righteousness of Christ
E... Eternal life is freely bestowed to the dead through the regenerating work of the Spirit.
L... Live and love the Lord who has saved you to the uttermost!
That's great, Sing! May I have your permission to reprint that? I really like it!
1 ! .. :)
Nicky, no permission needed... God's truth... no copyright.
Jonas NOg, what does "..1 ! .. :) " mean?
Communicate to be understood, please!
..:)1 faith, baptism, 1 GOD .. IN 3, 1 LORD .. 1 GOSPEL! :) TRYIN TO ECONOMIZE AFTER A VERY LONG COMMENT OF YOUR POST :)..xie xie bro.sing. m irritable a bit.. bothered by my allergy rhinitis .. but u'd keep me upbeat.. thanks:)
Often we hear the offer of the gospel...
The gospel can't possibly be offered. It can be proclaimed. The salvation which the gospel declares is not offered.
The offer of salvation is no good news whatsoever - those without salvation are spiritually dead, and hostile to the gospel, and the gospel is FOOLISHNESS to them. Try offering a loaf of bread to a dead man!
The salvation which was purposed by God and accomplished by Jesus Christ is freely and sovereignly applied to each elect personally by the Triune God. That results in a good news to be heralded, and God's children are called upon to believe the truth of their salvation by God's free and sovereign grace.
The gospel is the good news of what God HAS DONE to save His people. And such are called to believe what God has ALREADY done for them; to believe the truth of their salvation.
That was beautiful. I agree with every part of it EXCEPT, (as we've already discussed), I would take issue with the phrase "God's children" in the statement: "That results in a good news to be heralded, and GOD'S CHILDREN called upon to believe the truth of their salvation by God's free and sovereign grace." and the word "such" in the statement: "And SUCH are called to believe what God has ALREADY done for them."
I, as you know, would simply call upon all men everywhere to repent and believe the good news, and if they do, then it's proof that they are one of the elect. And of course, I would not be telling all men everywhere "Jesus loves you and died for you and has a wonderful plan for your life."
12 years ago I wrote a little tract which, admittedly, is not perfect, but I think it has some strengths that are lacking in most tracts. It's hard to cover all the bases in one, short tract. In fact, for that very reason, I've written a dozen or so tracts through the years. But here is the first one I wrote (sans Scripture). Your suggestions for improvement are most welcome.
God is love and has a special love for His own.
But God is holy too…just as holy as He is loving! You and I are not holy, but total sinners. Sin is independence from God.
The Bible says we all deserve to die for our sin; that proves how putrid sin is, and how just God is. Our sin puts us at enmity with a holy and righteous God.
But it’s not in God’s will that any of His own die. So, at His very own expense, God composed a glorious plan whereby the lives of those He chose would be spared, yet without compromising His need to still execute justice on sin. Since we could never satisfy God, God satisfied Himself by His perfect Son on behalf of those He chose—not because they were lovely, for they weren’t at all, but because of His unfathomable love! In the Person of Jesus Christ, God Himself stepped out of heaven, came to earth, and He Himself bore the consequences of the sins of many. On a torturous execution-cross, Jesus Christ willingly received the divine punishment as the sinless, sacrificial Substitute for many sinners by dying in their place. So the debt of sin has been purchased by the precious blood of Jesus for all those who trust in Him. God judged their sins and mine by treating His dear Son like us—the guilty ones! The barrier my sin created has all been removed, praise God! While I rightly deserve eternal condemnation, I was freely granted eternal pardon instead.
Not only has the penalty for my sins been fully paid for by the blood of Jesus, but the standard of absolute perfection that God demands has been performed by the life of Jesus. Not only are my sins removed by Jesus’ death, but they’re replaced with His perfect life. God legally transferred His righteousness into my life’s account, so that He can judge and receive me, no longer on the basis of my pitiful life, but on the basis of Christ’s perfect life on my behalf! For this reason, my acceptance before God is totally secure and unchangeable! How marvelous and profound!
Not only did Jesus live and die for sinners, but He victoriously arose from the dead three days later, conquering once and for all the power of sin and death and proving He reigns as The living, almighty, eternal, and exclusive way to God.
And so, the unspeakable result of all God did 2,000 years ago is that any person who wants to repent of his/her sins to trust in Jesus for salvation will receive the forgiveness of sins, freedom from the grip of sin, fellowship with God, a fulfilling life, and a future forever in Heaven. But it’s not automatic; God, by His sheer grace, must place you in a relationship with His Son, Jesus.
If you desire to be saved, then you must repent of (be willing to turn from) your sins as you place faith (child-like trust) in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In essence, you will be resonating what God is already doing in your life, for without Him you wouldn’t want to be saved. Simply turn your back on your sin and believe with your heart that Jesus died and rose again on your behalf and totally submit your life to Jesus as Lord. Humbly bow to God in prayer and surrender all your life over to Him this very moment!
To recap…God says all are guilty of sin and utterly helpless to save themselves. The penalty for sin is death. God chose to pay the penalty through Jesus' innocent blood for many sinners. (Jesus' perfect earthly life was also put to their credit.) Jesus was buried and rose from the dead, validating everything He said and did. Hence, everything needed to save sinners and bring them along to heaven (namely, payment for sin and a perfect life) resides completely in Jesus. God showed He has the power and love to save sinners. Do you want to know if Jesus died to save you? Here's the answer: For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
Will you call on the name of the Lord to be saved? God commands all sinners to repent and trust in Jesus for salvation. That is how to call on the name of the Lord to be saved. People go to hell because they chose to sin. People go to heaven because God chose to save them. Hell displays God’s wrath and power; heaven displays God’s love and grace.
Now it’s God Who saves—from start to finish and everything in between—by His grace and on the merits of His Son alone, not our own efforts or good works. Works can never save a person. God’s grace can never be earned or kept by good works. God will never owe you anything.
For all human achievement is fleshly and unacceptable to and unrewardable by God.
Confess Jesus as Lord TODAY because soon it will be too late and you will be without excuse.
Brother Nicky, you are concerned with the PRACTICAL MECHANICS of publicly heralding the gospel. In the nature of the case, the public heralding of the gospel, all the people in the audience are generally addressed, and that's true. There is no other way to publicly herald the gospel... unless the preacher is divine and knows exactly who are God's children and who are not in his audience... then he could specifically address them only.
I am dealing with the DIVINE INTENT of the gospel ministry. It has to do with God's children ONLY, and no one else.
The gospel ministry for the LIVING... FEED... FEED... FEED... them, said the Lord Jesus to Peter.
Brother Nicky @ "The gospel is the good news of what God HAS DONE to save His people. And such are called to believe what God has ALREADY done for them."
If the above is not the truth, then the ONLY other alternative you have left is this notion: you are calling upon those whom God has NOT saved through Jesus Christ, therefore still dead in trespasses and sins, to believe in Jesus Christ SO THAT God will save them.
What do you think?
When I brought attention to the word "such" in the statement, "And such are called to believe...", I was talking about the same, practical mechanics about who to herald the gospel to. That is, I thought you were saying we only herald the Gospel to God's children, to "such" as are elect. You nicely clarified your position in that you didn't mean to say that we only herald the Gospel to such as are elect unless we are divine and know who they are. I do know somebody, Abraham-Ashley Juliot, who believes this way. He says you CAN know who the sheep are, by their appetite for the things of God. And those are the people we should be witnessing to. This seems to be a position which you do not hold. I'm glad you clarified that.
Nicky, I do believe Abraham-Ashley Juliot has a point. Jesus did say we are not to cast pearl before swine.
In the public proclamation of the gospel, we do not know who are God's children in the midst of the audience.
When the hearers respond to the preaching of the gospel, we have some indication of who are the sheep in the crowd.
So, it is true when he says you CAN know who the sheep are, BY THEIR APPETITE for the things of God... and then devote attention to such people. That, in fact, is the practice and custom of Apostle Paul.
Let me jumble the letters, to reality, in human time, spiritually that is. Love of God #1. L. Go and Preach, the same, so. G and P, #2. Salvation and Eternal life is the same, so, S and E. #3. All from God, thus far. Leaving, the O, in obedience, man's "work" allowed, only by God, through His Spirit, in man. God's Love is First. God's Love is Spread by God through Preaching from Man. Man, having received Eternal Life from God, in God's time, certainly by Preaching, is no less God's doing. And Obedience to Love God and Love Man. How can a true believer Not obey, to be as God.
Hello Nicky, If I may clarify, I do preach and teach the scriptures even for the proud soul. "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake." (Titus 1:10-12) However, there are times when we are to "...Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words." (Proverbs 23:9)
When I preach good tidings, I seek to follow the Spirit of the LORD God "to preach good tidings unto the meek... to bind up the brokenhearted... to proclaim liberty to the captives... to comfort all that mourn..." (Isaiah 61:1-3)
To all faint and weak souls, who are lost and fatherless. Behold, tidings of great joy. Jesus Christ has come to seek and save you. "...the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Lk 19:10) "...in thee the fatherless findeth mercy." (Hos 14:3) "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." (Eph 1:7)