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Eat to live! |
(written to a Christian sister on December 29, 2010 4:53:41)
Dear Sister Y,
By God's goodness, our lives have crossed path, and I pray the Lord will bless this crossing unto mutual edification. It is my prayer that as a servant of Christ, I would be a blessing to you and your husband in the days ahead.
Please let me say that you are blessed with a good husband, one who cares enough for the truth of the gospel, and desire to lead his family in the way of truth and godliness. May our Lord make you a great helper to him. You are blessed to be in a very advantaged and desirable position to begin with. The financial situation of your husband allows you to be a full-time home maker, and work from home as.... That is a privilege and blessing few godly woman are blessed with. Most have to slog away to help make ends meet at home even though they wish to be full time home maker. Of course many women of the world work to keep up with a vain life-style and worldliness.
It is time of the year to make new year resolutions. I hope your new year resolutions include those in this particular direction - be a great helper to one whom you have united yourself heart and soul. To pursue and strive for his well-being and continued usefulness should be your great aim in the new year, and every year, as long as you both shall live. This is because your happiness is intimately and inextricably bound up with his. Do all you can to make sure he remains healthy and strong. There are so many factors that are working against his physical well-being... and it is your great responsibility to protect him from them. Great effort must be made.
Let me be a little specific in what I have in mind. There are some crucial things that a wife can, and must do to protect and preserve the health and well-being of her husband. Let me suggest these things for your consideration.
Begin to learn and pick up the skill and art of a cook, and you will be a good cook serving your family one day. This is one of the greatest thing a wife and mother can do for her husband and children. This is one thing a wife and mother can do to ensure the health and happiness of her family. Many women made themselves widows prematurely because of too much fast food and dining out. Fast food and dining out too often kill many men at the prime of their years... No sane wife and mother would want that to happen to her. Others have so much health problems as a result of careless diet. Many become sexually dysfunctional before their age to the grief and sorrow of their young wives.
Modern diet and eating habits - regular hawkers food and convenient fast food - of many typical Malaysians KILLS!
The convenience and ease of dining out is a great enemy. Abundant disposable income compounds the problem. But love and determination can triumph and overcome it. A wise wife and caring mother alone can provide wholesome, healthy, and delicious meals for her husband and family.
A whole lots of food outside is "good for the taste buds, deadly for the heart."
Learn to cook simple meals from fresh vegetables and meats and fish... begin early and build a healthy family. And if you learn to bake bread n buns, pizza n pies, etc, you will make your family among the blessed few in this world, and yourself the envy of many wives and mothers.
Graciously explain to your dear husband why you want him to eat home cooked meals more often.
Encourage him to choose simple wholesome food. Men are often very careless about their eating habit... and this is where their wives ought to pay special attention as a helper... make sure to have balanced and wholesome meals. Many careless and foolish wives end up with sick husbands and obese and unhealthy children. You can guard yourself against all these evils and heartaches... and prevent them from happening.
Make dining out a luxury on special occasions ONLY. And avoid fast food.
That's your great challenge for the new year, and the years ahead.
Make it your goal to recovering the lost art of a godly home-maker. Do not let other things distract you.
Share with your husband your goal for the new year and the years ahead, and I can guarantee you that you will find the greatest supporter in him, if he wish to live beyond middle age!
And may the Lord bless your husband with grace and wisdom to lead you in the year ahead, to greater godliness and usefulness.
your brother and servant of Jesus Christ,