"... as many as..."
when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the
Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed."
IMPORTANT thing to note is the CONTEXT of this statement - describing "the Gentiles..." at a specific location and time.
this plain and obvious context is ignored. With one great leap of
imagination, this great statement is turned into a context-less UNIVERSAL
statement, ending up with the popular error, i.e. every single one ordained
unto eternal life by God, will, without exception, hear, and believe the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
truthful statement can be so easily turned into a fable.
many as" must be understood in its proper context.
ORDAINED - brought LIFE unto the ones who were ordained, and therefore belief,
ordained to eternal life." - that simple past and completed action took
place in eternity. Each and every one ordained unto eternal life is regenerated
directly/immediately by the direct and sovereign activity of God at God's own
appointed and accepted time. These regenerated, in possession of eternal life,
are capable of believing the truth of their salvation by be free and sovereign
grace of God in Jesus Christ.
MANY of such among the Gentiles as are mentioned in Act 13:48 heard the gospel and believed it.