Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Monergists oblivious to their silliness!

Monergists put the cart before the horse
and are oblivious to their silliness.


July 3, 2019

Monergistic in sound only but wholly synergistic in sense - quite typical; what's worse is that the Monergists are oblivious to their error.

In a post here by Monergism on its page, the Administrator speaks approvingly of the third scenario depicted in the picture.

But the third scenario is remotely monergistic.

Can you see it?

"... sinners are welcome here and I will change your heart to love the things I love...."

The plain meaning of the above is this:, when sinners (whose hearts are not yet changed, i.e. still dead in trespasses and sins) come to Christ, they are welcome by Christ, and He will change their hearts (by the divine act of regeneration) to love the things He loves.

And Monergism APPROVES this cart-before-horse salvation, that men whose hearts have not been changed can come to Christ to have their hearts changed; men dead in trespasses and sins must meet the condition of coming to Christ in order for their hearts to be changed by Jesus Christ. Monergism claims that this salvation is still unconditional by the free and monergistic grace of God.

Christ calls those whose hearts He HAS CHANGED to come to Him. Those coming to Him will find rest.

Matthew 11:28 KJV — Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The change of heart through the free and sovereign regeneration PRECEDES the ability to come to Christ.

Monergists put the cart before the horse and are oblivious to their silliness.