Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Conduct yourself honorably in the midst of personal attacks


Conduct yourself honorably in the midst of personal attacks (Nehemiah 6)

a. In the good work of rebuilding and repairing the wall of the city of God, there was not only bitter opposition to the good work from without, there were also all sorts of problems from within that hinder the good work,
  chapter 5. This is to be expected. It was so from the very beginning.

b. In chapter 4, the bitter opposition was aimed at the people of God collectively: ‘the Jews,’ ‘the feeble Jews,’ ‘they… they… they’ ‘attack Jerusalem…’ All these bitter opposition did not work because they have a god-fearing and dedicated leader to lead and to labor with them. The good work of repairing and rebuilding the wall of the city of God continue uninterrupted and marches towards completion.
- In chap.6 we see the change of tactic by the enemies. Now the attacks, in all their various forms are aimed at Nehemiah personally. The tactic is called, ‘Discredit the shepherd and scatter the flock,’ ‘Smite the shepherd and destroy the flock.’ Nehemiah said, “To me,’ ‘do me harm,’ ‘they sent unto me,’

1. Watch out against the subtle schemes of your enemies
a. They will propose to you peaceful co-existence and co-operation: “Come, let us meet together…”
- The plain of Ono was near the border of Samaria and Philistia, the country of the Ashdodites, who were allies of Sanballat. We will cease our opposition against the good work you are doing… We will co-operate!
- They will set before you all the reasons why it is necessary and advantageous for you to co-operate with them… to accept them as friends… for all sorts of mutual benefits, for the sake of the king, etc.
- They will also point out to you all the disadvantages of living separated lives from the world, missing out on all that the world could offer you… in reality are snares to your souls.
## See James 3:17- first pure, then peace. No peace with the enemies to God’s work. James 4:4.

b. They will be very persistent in their pretence: “Yet they sent unto me 4 times… in like manner 5th time…”
- Beware that their persistence does not mean any sincerity at all! Don’t take the bait!
- Often persistence will wear down any resistance. Sweet talk long enough and many will forget about the poison wrapped in those sweet words. Resists the onslaught of these temptations… Rm 12:2

c. They will employ slanderous letter to blackmail you: “… with an open letter in his hand.”
- Note, it is an open letter… intended to inflict the most damage. ‘It is reported… you… you… you… These matters will be reported to the king. So come, therefore, and let us consult together.’

d. They will even make use of false prophet to make false prophec concerning you to cause you to acts cowardly so that you may be discredited in the eyes of your people.
- “Gashmu saith it…” sowing lies that rebellion is in the air.
- They have secret informers who pledge loyalty to those who opposed the Lord’s work.
- “Shemaiah… Tobiah and Sanballat has hired him” to stumble Nehemiah, to act cowardly…

2. Be immovable in your own calling & priorities
a. Know the great work that you are called to do: “I am doing a great work.”  It is not only a good work… but a great work.  Great work – it is God’s work… unto God’s glory and honor.
- Great work – it is necessary for the spiritual well-being of God’s people.

b. Let nothing distract you from the urgency of the great work: “Why should the work cease while…?”
- Your calling is to be a Christian… why should you be distracted from your high calling to live as one?
- 1Pet 4:3ff…  Eph 5:15ff…  Tit 2:11ff.

c. Seek the needed wisdom, strength and protection from the Lord: ‘O God, strengthen my hands.’ v9.
- The leopard does not change its spots! Know the real character of the enemy.
- Do not be misled or deceived. 1Pet 5:8f. Mark them!

3. Expose the evil schemes of the enemies for what they are
a. ‘But they sought to harm me’: it was no effort at peace or cooperation. Evil and opposition was intended.
- It is not because Nehemiah didn’t want people… How often leaders like Nehemiah are misunderstood…

b. ‘You feignest them in thine own heart’:. they are all lies invented in your own heart.
- They are false accusations… false insinuations… blatant lies invented by their wicked hearts… calculated to stir up trouble and opposition from the Persian authority.

c. Why are they doing all those wicked things? ‘They all were trying to make us afraid… so that we would desert the good and great work, v9. The enemy wants the great and good work abandoned!

d. There are many shameless cronies of Tobiah among the people of God in Judah: v17. Very subtly Tobiah influenced them to oppose Nehemiah. They pledged their loyalty to Tobiah… not because of truth
- We must pledge our allegiance to the truth of God… not to men… no matter how close they are to us… whether by blood or by civil relationship. Sometimes, truth will separate father and son, Mt 10:34.