Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

How is a man justified by God?
February 4, 2020


Ron asked the author, Thomas:
"So where do you stand? How is a man justified?"

Sing commented:
"That's an excellent question!"

[I assumed that Ron is inquiring how a guilty sinner, in his native state of sin and condemnation of death is justified by God. Only such a man needs justification before God the Judge.]

Thomas responded:
"... (2) On justi[fi]cation. Martin Luther said that he would provide The Diet of Worms with a simple answer. Well, here is my simple answer to your question: justification, like salvation and eternal life, is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ."

Sing commented:
Thomas @ "... here is my simple answer to your question: justification, like salvation and eternal life, is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ."
Whether Luther the monk gave that simple answer or not, I know not but one thing I'm pretty certain of is that your statement in answer to Ron's question is irrational and nonsensical.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the effect of the eternal life already FREELY GIVEN at regeneration; "except a man be born again, he cannot..." [It is common sense that life precedes the activities of that life; faith in Jesus Christ is the activity of the eternal life already begotten at the regeneration of the spiritually dead. But sadly, few understand this plain biblical truth solemnly declared by Christ Jesus Himself.

Faith in Jesus Christ is NOT the condition or instrument to obtain eternal life; it is evidence of the eternal life ALREADY  freely bestowed. [Breath is evidence of the dead man having been brought back to life. Some stupid [i.e. lacking common sense] folks so sincerely believe that the breathing of the dead man [ 😮 😮 horror of horror] is the instrument/means for his quickening from the dead.

The same goes for justification and eternal salvation.

Only a man whom God has freely bestowed eternal salvation is capable of believing.

Only a condemned man whom God has FREELY justified by His grace alone is capable of believing; his believing gives evidence of his justification by the free grace of God.

Faith - believing, that is, receiving and resting in Jesus Christ for salvation - justifies, certifies, demonstrates, evidences, vindicates that the believing one HAS BEEN FREELY justified by God, FREELY bestowed eternal life, and eternal salvation, delivered from the eternal condemnation of sin.

I hope this helps. It may not since it is so contrary to popular notions in Christendom.

May the good Lord grant you understanding. Amen.


With that, Mr Thomas resorted to name-calling... saying that I'm Reformed Baptist of some sort... that I'm a Calvinist... blah, blah, blah.

I do wish that the RBs and the Calvinists, and I, be theologically agreed on this point, but ALAS!

[Photo: a suspension bridge at Tamparuli, KK, Sabah, courtesy of Joe Chin.
The bridge is there first, then you can be seen standing on it. You didn't suspend yourself in the air and then the bridge is formed under your feet! Putting the cart before the horse is lacking common sense (i.e. plain stupid); it's a rare virtue today.

Sing F Lau
Thomas, I'm glad you are posting them here. You can be assured that none of your comments will be deleted.

You will be safe here; your comments won't go missing in cyberspace.

[Alas, Mr Thomas has deleted all his comments below!]

Sing F Lau
What then is "free grace" in your understanding? Tell us.
Your simple answer - ".... justification, like salvation eternal life, is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ" is no free grace - that's what the Reformed Baptists and the Calvinists believe toooooooooo.

Sing F Lau
Poor Thomas, you invited me to take a look at your post, and I made a comment that your simple answer to Ron's question is riddled with inconsistencies and are nonsensical, and you feel humiliated! O, I'm so sorry.

Dhong Ejnar Rue
For the longest time, I sense that there is really something wrong with Calvinism and Arminianism, and when I encountered writings from Primitive Baptists it occurred to me what is the main issue.

Sing F Lau
Tell us, what's the main issue. It may help some readers!

Dhong Ejnar Rue
Sing F Lau, It's all about how a sinner obtains eternal salvation.
It has been made clear to me and thanks to God for the old Baptists. Their writings about Justification, Regeneration and Adoption are very clear that the people of God got to possess eternal salvation all by the direct and sovereign work of God.

Sing F Lau
Thanks. Like many, I parroted grace among the RBs for 20+ years without understanding it, until the Lord taught me the distinction between unconditional eternal salvation by the free and sovereign activities of the Triune God and temporal salvation through the obedience of those whom God has already freely bestowed eternal salvation.

It is the former that enables and makes possible the latter; the former is by grace, the latter through the obedience of those that are already SAVED; the former is the cause, the latter is the effect and manifestation.

That makes everything beautifully consistent; the nightmares of the inconsistencies I was acutely aware of were resolved... what blessed peace the Lord granted a disturbed mind.

Sing F Lau
Thomas, you have written long comments, going in so many different directions.

I didn't know you at all. But out of the blue, you private message me and directed me to one of your Facebook posts.

I commented on your simple answer to Ron's question, "how is man justified?"
If you can keep to that particular matter we can continue.

Sing F Lau
Thomas deleted all his comments.