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When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. |
Out of the pink, a Mr Tan, whom I have met a few times, whatsapped me.
(At th time I was finishing up the notes for the 8pm bible study later...)
(At th time I was finishing up the notes for the 8pm bible study later...)
at [6:29 PM, 1/17/2018] Wednesday evening
Tan: Hello, pastor lau ! 😄
Tan: Hello, pastor lau ! 😄
me: Join us for bible study this evening. We are covering the first few verses of Titus 2. Your smile is wonderful.
Tan: Love d stories, especially d old part. d new part more confusing, if u cross reference between them
me: If you say the Bible is confusing, you are saying something about the author of the Bible. I know where the difficulty lies. Have a good day.
Tan: Nobody know for sure who wrote d bible, except maybe for Paul's part. Maybe confusing not very accurate, but sure is conflicting details among gospels
me: Have you read the Bible? Give examples of conflicting details? I would like to learn.
Tan: Find a day & lets sit down, it will b a long discussion... 😜
me: Why bother with a long discussion. State what you consider conflicting details.... they have been answered. There have been multitudes of skeptics like you who have raised the same issues. Just google what you consider as conflicting details if you wish to learn more.
Long discussion is a waste of time.
Tan: E.g. The women reported the resurrection to the men (Matt. 28:8). The women did not report the resurrection to the men (Mark 16:8).
me: You can either assume that there are contradictions in God's word, or you can assume that you have not understood the two passages in context.
Tan: U ask for contradiction, so i gave one out of d many lor 😁 God's word or not: all d evidence there is says otherwise lor. If it really is true, then somewhere down d line somebody copied or printed wrongly over d last 2 millenniums lor
me: Mt 28:8 ¶And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.
Mark 16:8¶ And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.
Read them again. They didn't speak to ANY MAN they met on the way but they did report the resurrection to the DISCIPLES. That is simple enough.
To Christ's DISCIPLES, to ANY MAN; you can't distinguish the two!
I'm off to my meeting.
To Christ's DISCIPLES, to ANY MAN; you can't distinguish the two!
I'm off to my meeting.
Tan: Told u di, can't resolve in short time one.
me: So, where is the contradiction in the two passages you have quoted? [It is such a simple plain matter, doesn't take more than 5 seconds to resolve what before you.]
Tan: Neither said anything to any man
me: How does that contradict Mt 28:8? Kindly enlighten.
Tan: Run to bring word
me: When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. 😢 Have a good day, Tan.
Tan: Which statement from me let u make such observation?
me: [Your statement that] the Bible is filled with contradictions. Thanks. I will end here.
Tan: Guess u have a change of mind after a good night sleep, or receive divine revelation after praying b4 sleep... 😜 Its ok, no worries
me: I feel sorry for you. The two passages are so plain and simple but you have made up your mind that there are contradictions. If you can't or refuse to see the harmony between the two, what's the point of I wasting time?
When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. 😢 Have a good day, Tan.
Tan: so “Neither said anything to any man” equals to “run to bring word” ? 😲 I may have failed all my previous English teachers... 😓
me: To say you are obtuse is mild. Let me explain and finish with the matter.
The women were at the tomb. They were told to report the resurrection news to the disciples in the city. So they did. Mark 16:8 says that the women did not speak to any man ON THE WAY to the city to bring the news to the disciples.
When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. 😢 Have a good day, Tan.
Tan: Did mark said d women manage to reach & inform d disciples? Didn't see mark wrote “on d way” either...
me: You decide, sir. Matthew said they did. You don't like the answer.
When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. 😢 Have a good day, C C.
Tan: So y didn't mark say they did ? Wats d reason for mark not doing so ?
me: You expect Mark to say everything to meet your fancy? What's the reason for Mark not saying do? Ask Mark if you do meet him in heaven. Matthew informed me they did. 😢
Tan: Tat means mark is incomplete
me: Not to your satisfaction of course. Mark didn't mention your name either. I hope you don't feel sore. 😢
When a mind has decided to see ghosts, it will see ghosts everywhere. 😢 Have a good day, C C.
Tan: & u try to interpret tat by adding words to Mark...
me: Thanks. Have a good day.
Tan: Funny, y u need to resort to personal attack when having simple discussion. Obtuse... My name not mentioned...etc. Tan: R all pastors like tat ?
or maybe all Christian r like tat...
me: What personal attack? I say you are obtuse because you refuse to see what is so simple. You have your arbitrary standard, expecting Mark to say what you want him to say, and then accuse him of being incomplete.
You impudently charged me of adding words to Mark when I helped you to understand Mark with Matthew's testimony.
me: Sir, I don't wish to waste further time with you. So, thank you for the brief exchanges.
Tan: When did i refuse? I merely answer ur question with quotation from excerpt tat u sent me, than without explaining u oledi decided i refused?
Even if i did refuse, tat give u d right to call me obtuse? If u didn't add words to mark y u type them in CAPITAL LETTERS ?
[1:40 PM, 1/18/2018] Tan: I can't see no “ON D WAY” from wat u sent me.