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The founding members and a few friends who witnessed the constituting of Sungai Dua Church. |
II. The Covenanting of the Church
A special meeting was held on Saturday afternoon, May 1, 1993, to constitute a group of believers into an NT church. The service is described below by a witness.
A. The Covenant of Members
In covenanting together as members of Sungai Dua Church (Reformed Baptist), it is our intention both to uphold and promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as summarized in our Doctrinal Statement, and solemnly and carefully to apply ourselves to the duties and privileges of membership of Christ's church.
As far as we are able, we will especially endeavour:
(a) To maintain the worship of God in spirit and in truth.
(b) In dependence upon the Holy Spirit, to live a life at all times which will be an example consistent with the faith we profess: with such love, patience and esteem for one another as will prove we are disciples of Jesus Christ, and will be to the spiritual prosperity of one another.
(c) To participate in such meetings for worship, teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers as the church shall arrange, and to seek to discover and exercise whatever gifts the Lord bestows upon us to the benefit of His church.
(d) To pray for and encourage the officers of the church in the discharge of their duty, and to contribute to the expenses of the church and the support of its pastor according to our means.
(e) To endeavour to avoid all causes and causers of division, and at all times seek to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
(f) To be discreet over matters discussed during church business meetings, and not divulge to others those matters that should be kept within the membership of the church.
(g) To abide by such rules as the church shall from time to time agree will assist the proper ordering of the church's affairs.
B. A Short Account of the Historic Event
The short article below appeared in the Gospel Highway (1993 No. 2). The author reported on the constituting of the Sungai Dua Church (Reformed Baptist) thus:
A New Church Constituted in Penang
May 1, 1993, is a historic occasion. I was privileged to witness the constituting of a new Reformed Baptist Church on the island of Penang. Everything went smoothly to plan, much to the relief of all those involved. We were full of thanksgiving and praise to our God.
At 8.00pm a group of about 16 people gathered at the premises of a kindergarten hall in Sungai Dua. The nine people who were covenanting together sat in the front whilst the rest apart behind.
Brother Lau Sing Foo led the service with an opening hymn ‘Who is on the Lord’s side’ and prayers. This was followed by an exhortation by Pastor Poh from 1Tim 3: 14-16 entitled ‘The Pillar and Ground of the Truth’ which reminded us of the church’s identity, uniqueness and purpose.
There were three important points in the message. The first is that the church is an identifiable body of believers who are covenanted together and with God.
Secondly, it is a consecrated body because it is set apart for God and is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Thirdly, it is a purposeful body because it is set apart for a purpose – which is t proclaim the gospel to those unsaved and to build up the faith of those who are believers. The church also has an obligation to uphold its purity and faithfulness.
The exhortation ended with the reminder that “the church of Jesus Christ is glorious, this church (i.e. the newly constituted Sungai Dua Church) is glorious.”
It was with this stirring note that the members were asked to stand with their right hand raised as they read aloud the covenant together. After that Pastor Poh conducted the Lord’s Supper which was restricted to those who were covenanted together. Continuing with the spirit of the message we closed with the hymn, ‘Glorious things of thee are spoken.’
One couldn’t help noticing the atmosphere of joyful solemnity and reverence to God that pervaded the service that night. Surely God had been in our midst.
Starting in May 1992, Pastor Poh [and Lau Sing Foo] had been visiting the group of believers in Penang on the first weekend of every month. Series of studies on the local church, the doctrines of grace, the charismatic issue, the Statement and the proposed Church constitution were covered. It was agreed that the 1689 Confession of Faith should form the doctrinal standard of the church. The group opted for the name of “Sungai Dua Church (Reformed Baptist)”.
Throughout that period, the churches in Kuala Lumpur region had been praying. Brother Lau Sing Foo and his family were at the same time considering going to Penang to minister full-time there.
Now that the church is constituted, with brother Sing ministering to them, let us continue to pray that it will continue to be faithful to the word of God and proclaim the gospel of salvation that many may be drawn to saving faith in our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
[Tina Fam, at the time a member of Sri Hartamas Church, KL]