Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Monday, March 7, 2022

What was accomplished at the cross?
March 6, 2021

A kind soul asked:
Sing, what was accomplished at the cross?


1. One thing is almost certain: ALL the sins of ALL the elect of God were IMPUTED to Christ, YES, even including all the sins of all the elect that were not even conceived yet.

2. Just as certain, Christ Jesus - the redeemer of all those that were given to Him by the Father - suffered and endured the divine curse of all those sins in the place of His people, and made complete satisfaction of the wages of sins owed by ALL of His elect.

Equally certain, there are misguided Christians who believe that their sins were imputed to Christ ONLY when they believed in Jesus Christ. They don't realize that any sin imputed to Christ POST/AFTER the cross-death-and-resurrection event would be tooooo late!

If a man's sins are not INCLUDED (by legal imputation to Christ) in the one-offering of Christ of Himself for sin, there is NO MORE atonement for those sins. He MISSED the one Sin-Ship! The Ship has left the harbour, never to return for more sins! The one Train that carried away sin has left the Station!

There is no more a second, or a third, or a fourth offering of Christ for sins at the WHIM and FANCY of some stupid (i.e. lacking common sense - not a derogatory term in any way, but an objective adjective!) people.

Silly misguided children of God DOOOOOOOOO believe fables that are so injurious to themselves! They think Christ is at their beckoning! Not surprising at all because they the mighty ones ACCEPTED a poor Jesus who begged at their doors for their ACCEPTANCE of Him! They have been sold a poor and pathetic Jesus! So they end up with this fable that it is they who decide when to surrender their sins to be imputed to Christ when they believe in Christ!

3. Just as certain, double imputations took place at the cross, i.e.

- The sins of all His elect were IMPUTED to Christ, and Christ rendered full and perfect satisfaction for all of them. That is why not one iota of sin was able to hold Him in the grave!

- The righteousness of Christ, from His life of perfect and sinless obedience to God, was IMPUTED to all His elect.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

p/s What is IMPUTED legally (a legal transaction) is APPLIED vitally (a personal transaction); the former doesn't need your personal existence, the latter requires it. What is applied freely by God's grace, i.e. when a man is dead in sins and trespasses, is EXPERIENCED through faith in Christ Jesus, whose righteousness is the sole basis and alone ground of God freely justifying the condemned, dead, alienated sinners. 

Peruse the note on "when is the righteousness of Christ imputed to the elect?