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Original meme is taken from this post on Protestant Reformation https://www.facebook.com/ReformedEvangelical/photos/a.2086688088018697/2149966205024218/?type=3&theater |
I DIDN'T lay my sins on Jesus. That's a fable.
The LORD God DID THAT, by His grace and mercy, freely and sovereignly, when Christ died on the cross. That's grace; yes grace alone, withOUT me doing the laying of my sins on Christ. (You see, man's works always keep creeping in so subtlely, undermining and contaminating grace. That is typical of EVEN the Reformed people who shout "grace alone" ever so loudly - oh that deformed inclination.)
Isa 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
You and I were not around to lay our sins on Christ. To say otherwise is just a plain delusion and a lie. Even if we had been around, we would be dead in trespasses and sins, with no possibility of us doing the laying of our sins to Christ.
Based solely upon the LORD having laid on Christ our sins, we were freely justified, regenerated, adopted and indwelt with the Spirit of adoption. Then we are brought to faith in Christ through the gospel ministry.
AFTER the Lord had saved me, I did and continue to cast my burden and care upon Christ, for He cares for me. 1Pet 5:7.