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and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. |
Abundant Pardon
“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 55:7-8Go to this link to hear this great sermon:
Below is a portion from the sermon note... but listen to the sermon.
What is our pardon?
A. It is God’s complete and free forgiveness of our sins and declaration that we are freed from all charges and are now without blame in His sight by the satisfaction of Jesus Christ’s death.
B. Our God cannot simply pardon, acquit, or clear without satisfaction (Exodus 34:7; Nah 1:3).
C. It is based in God’s faithfulness to His justice through Christ’s death (I Jn 1:9; Rom 3:24-26).
D. There is none in heaven or earth that can charge or condemn us with anything (Ro 8:31-34).
E. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation – Jesus pardons sinners (I Tim 1:15)!
F. Men may pay for pardons on earth; our sovereign God Himself paid for our pardon! Glory!
G. And what price did He pay to grant a pardon to His enemies? The life of His beloved Son!
H. We cannot pardon ourselves or pay a ransom for pardon (Job 9:30-31; Jer 2:22; Ps 49:7-9).
What is abundant pardon?
A. Do not casually read the following verses. Devour them, meditate on them, and then rejoice!
B. To illustrate God’s thoughts and ways of pardon and forgiveness being higher than ours, consider gross and repeated infidelity in marriage by a whorish woman (Jer 3:1; Ezek 16:60).
C. God comforted Israel through John with great news of pardon by Jesus, through whom she received double for her sins; and all flesh, us Gentiles, saw this glorious thing (Is 40:1-11).
D. There is no God like our God, who pardons the iniquities of His people through His delight in mercy, among other glorious expressions of His forgiveness of sins (Micah 7:18-20).
E. Our God is ready to pardon and of great kindness, among other wonderful expressions of forgiveness, like the father running to meet his returning prodigal son (Neh 9:17; Luk 15:20).
F. Our God has manifold mercies (many and varied), in spite of great offences (Neh 9:18-25).
G. When God pardons, there are no sins remaining, and no sins can be found (Jeremiah 50:20).
H. When God pardons, He rejoices with joy, rests in His love, and joys with singing (Zep 3:17).
I. Our God is of great kindness, when we go to Him for pardon and blessing (Joel 2:12-14).
J. God pardons in order to get Himself a name for his great mercy and goodness (Jer 33:8-9).
K. God proves rightness by freely loving the repentant; wise men will grasp it (Hosea 14:1-11).
L. He rejoices over pardoned people like a bridegroom with his bride (Is 62:1-5). Beulah land!
M. It is important to know that God calls chastening and judgment His strange work (Is 28:21)!
N. It is helpful to know God takes no pleasure in the death of sinning children (Ezekiel 18:32)!
O. He would rather pardon and bless His children; He does not afflict willingly (Lam 3:31-33).
P. God is able to forgive and pardon our black sins to make us whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7-9).
Q. It is so good that God calls us to come and reason with Him about His virtues (Isaiah 1:18).
R. It is mercy and truth meeting, righteousness and peace kissing (Psalm 85:10; John 1:14-17).
S. It is publicly rebuking a religious Pharisee while pardoning a sinful woman (Luke 7:36-51)!
T. See a condemned thief! He was gloriously pardoned just before execution (Luke 23:42-43)!
U. How much did David argue and suffer to be pardoned for his great crimes (II Sam 12:13)?!
V. Our great God even pardoned the wicked King Ahab for his many sins (I Kings 21:27-29).
W. Our great God even pardoned the wicked King Manasseh for his sins (II Chron 33:11-13).
X. God is full of compassion and does not stir all His anger against sinning children (Ps 78:38).
Y. God pardons sins by plentiful mercy and infinite distance in two directions (Psalm 103:8-12).