"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matt 7:13-14.
This passage is COMMONLY understood as teaching what a sinner must do in order to avoid eternal destruction and to find eternal life: eternal destruction is avoided and eternal life is obtained by one's work of entering the strait gate and going on the narrow way.
It is very likely that this also what you have been taught, and believe, too.
It is very likely that this also what you have been taught, and believe, too.
Let us ask a few questions:
1. To whom did Christ address these words of exhortation? To those already born with eternal life or to those still dead in trespasses and sin??? Nearly all affirm the latter.
2. Is the destruction spoken of eternal destruction? Nearly all affirm 'yes.'
3. Is the life spoken of eternal life? Nearly all affirm 'yes.'
4. Or is it temporal destruction and the lost this temporal life spoken of? Very few hold this view.
Let us reason together. Consider a few thoughts.
Do those without eternal life - i.e. still spiritually dead in trespasses and sin and not regenerated by the Spirit of God - do they EVER enter at the strait gate and walk the narrow way in order to get eternal life? Do they ever walk in the way of godliness and righteousness?
"Except a man be born again, he cannot see... he cannot enter..." John 3:3,5. If a man who is not born again by the Spirit of God cannot even see nor enter the kingdom of God, how could he ever enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow way of godliness?
These words are specifically addressed to the disciples (Mt 5:2, Lk 6:20), and therefore those already born again by the Spirit of God and possess eternal life. These are exhorted to a discipleship of daily entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way. Only those with eternal life are able to enter at the strait gate and walk the narrow way to begin with. Only those with eternal life is able to take up the cross and follow Jesus Christ - i.e. entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way that leads to life... the passage DOESN'T say 'eternal life.'
But there are many with eternal life (regenerated by God's free and sovereign grace alone) who fail to enter the strait gate and walk the narrow way IN THEIR DAILY LIVES... much like their cousin Mr Lot. Many of God's children enter in the wide gate and walk the broad way in their daily lives. Like Lot, they pitched their dwelling toward Sodom, where the gate is wide and the way broad! Few of them walk like their father Abraham. Lot suffered terrible destruction in this life by his life of entering in the wide gate and walking the broad way. But Lot is in heaven by the free grace of God - a justified and righteous man... see 2Pet 2:6-6.
Abraham enjoyed the abundant of life by his life of entering in at the strait gate and walking the narrow road, away from the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot wasted and squandered away his life in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Abraham enjoyed the abundant of life by his life of entering in at the strait gate and walking the narrow road, away from the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot wasted and squandered away his life in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Let's assume that the passage is indeed speaking about eternal life (but please note that the passage says 'life' and not 'eternal life', they are not the same!).
1. Then according to the passage, ONLY FEW find eternal life! If that's the case, then the heaven would be VERY sparsely populated. However, this popular idea openly contradict the Scriptures itself, which declares: "After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes..." Rev 7:9.
2. If that's the case, then eternal life is no more by God's free grace. Instead it is the reward for those few who enter in at the strait gate and walk the narrow way, eternal life is a reward for their obedience; then eternal life is found by these few through their good works of entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way; eternal life is found by those who made the mark... who enter the strait gate well enough and walk the narrow way well enough! Then it must be concluded that those few saved themselves from eternal destruction by their entering the strait gate and walking the narrow way. In another word, this is nothing but eternal salvation by man's good works... the good works of entering at the strait gate and walking the narrow road secures eternal life as a reward. This plainly repudiates the biblical teaching of salvation by grace, and is clearly condemns by the Scriptures.
Our eternal life and eternal salvation is wholly by the free grace of God, bestowed upon us while we were spiritually dead in trespasses and sins. This free bestowal of eternal life enables us to heed the exhortation in Mt 7:13-14.
Our abundant of life and salvation from temporal destruction are by our daily entering in the strait gate and walking the narrow way in this life here on earth - it is living soberly, righteously and godly (Titus 2:12-13) - in obedience to God our Father.
God freely bestows eternal salvation to us that we might work out our own salvation here in this life on earth while journey to our eternal home. God is not just interested in the eternal salvation of His elect. He cares also for the temporal salvation of His elect here on earth too. That explains the command, "Go ye therefore , and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world."
The command here has NOTHING to do with bringing the eternal salvation of God's elect. The Triune God takes care of that all by Himself... Romans 8:28-29. The command here has to do with the temporal salvation of God's children - go and teach God's children that are found in all nations... in the teaching and preaching of God's word, God's children are made manifest by their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... these are to be baptized and gathered into NT churches... to be taught to observe the instruction of Christ here on earth as they trod through this world to their eternal home. They are daily to enter the strait gate and walk the narrow way if they are to experience and know an abundant of life. John 12:25.
There are TOO many Lot among God's children, and only few Abraham, i.e. the remnant.
Beware of the 'swiney' life of Lot and the prodigal son. Follow the princely life of Abraham.
In the eternal sense, both are equally saved by God's free grace: equally justified, equally regenerated, equally adopted, equally glorified - all by God's free and sovereign grace.
In the timely or temporal sense, Lot suffered destruction, Abraham experienced abundant of life.
Lot squandered away and waste the redeemed life... but Abraham saved his redeemed life.
There are churches that walk the popular way of Lot and there are churches that walk the lonely way of Abraham. We here have chosen the latter.
Now read John 12:25 and meditate on it.
Keep studying and learning... may our Lord bless you richly.
a student of God's word