Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Old School versus New School on Faith and Justification

October 7, 2023

On Faith and Justification

Dr John Gill: 1697-1771, was an early particular-baptist theologian, universally esteemed by his contemporaries of various denominations, and by...

Dr Robert L Reymond (1932-2013, was a renowned reformed theologian, highly regarded by many too.

Dr Reymond said of John Gill:
"Gill (1697-1771), a Baptist puritan pastor, writes a thorough defence of Calvinistic theology."

The above note is listed under "Selected General Theological Bibliography" on page 1137 of Dr. Robert L Reymond's "A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith" Nelson, 1998.

Dr John Gill on faith and justification:
"Faith is not the cause, but an effect of justification; it is not the cause of it in any sense; it is not the moving cause, that is the free grace of God... nor even the instrumental cause... it is not in any class of causes whatever; but it is the effect of justification... Now if faith is not the cause, but the effect of justification; then as every cause is before its effect, and every effect follows its cause, justification must be before faith, and faith must follow justification."
- A Body of Doctrinal Divinity Book II, Chapter V, section II. (1769)

Dr Robert L Reymond on faith and justification:
"The New Testament everywhere makes it plain that faith in Jesus Christ is the instrumental 'precondition' [in italic] of justification before God... Therefore, faith in Jesus Christ... must precede justification as its logical (not chronological) prius... Thus we have the order: effectual calling... and faith in Jesus Christ, justification, and glorification."
- A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, page 707. (1998, Nelson)

How vast is the difference between the old-school and the new-school theology?
- it is a gulf unbridgeable!

If the words of Mr Luther - "the doctrine of justification is the article of a standing or falling church" - were true, then how of the many reformed churches are standing churches today? Is your church standing?


I shared the above post with these Facebook groups
- Scripture Alone

- Theology for the Thinking Believer

- Reformed Christians/ Doctrines of Grace

It is REJECTED by the Administrators of ALL the three groups. 
How telling!

I don't doubt it. In my experience, the modern "Reformed" are unaware of how much their theology has been hijacked by Arminian ideas and uninterested in looking at the evidence that proves this point.

The change in how justification and faith are described between Gill (1769) and Reymond (1998) is enormous. Gill's clear understanding of the matter is in extremely short supply in our day. Reymond's take dominates the landscape of Arminian and Calvinists alike. This position fails to recognize that the gospel is a DECLARATION OF JUSTIFICATION for God's people. If God's people are not ALREADY JUSTIFIED by Christ, then faith has precisely nothing upon which to lay hold. The gospel comes to a child of God and says:

1. Christ HAS JUSTIFIED his people.
2. Those who believe this are among them.
3. Faith is the evidence of that fact.

The gospel is not offering a CHANCE AT JUSTIFICATION provided you do A, B, and C; though this idea is widely promoted in Christendom. The gospel declares that the sheep ARE JUSTIFIED by what Christ has done and that believing this declaration proves that you have faith (Galatians 5:22), are born again (John 3:3), and therefore are one of his chosen sons (Galatians 4:6). As a result of this gospel declaration, believers are exhorted to become a disciple of the one who JUSTIFIES the ungodly.

In the final mix we must recognize JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH is not BEDROCK JUSTIFICATION. God's people were TRANSACTIONALLY JUSTIFIED at Calvary by the blood of Christ (Romans 5:9). That is an extant fact that is independent of man's opinion of the matter. THAT is BEDROCK JUSTIFICATION and it is what the gospel declares. JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH is the experiential means whereby a child of God may come to know and find comfort in this declaration by believing it. It communicates the truth of JUSTIFICATION to the conscience as a cognitive reality. It affirms a pre-existing truth. It does not initiate one's state of JUSTIFICATION actually, it merely affirms it experimentally.

Gill says, "Faith is not the cause, but an effect of justification." I have often said, "Faith is not a CONDITION of the covenant; faith is a PROVISION of the covenant."

It very often vexes me that as I look around at all the people who claim the name of Christ have failed to realize that scripture itself speaks in volume of who He is and what His gospel is, His gospel not the gospel as we perceive it upon our own understanding, but upon a rightly dividing of His scriptures that speak so abundantly of what eternal justification is and isn’t. The degree of belief in that which is not another gospel but an exaltation of one’s own efforts rather than the work of Christ is quite pridefully sly in its message and very deceptive to its followers and those who would seek some form of glorification for their own justification rather than the justification that is actually had by Jesus Christ.

It seems to be an unwillingness to lay down self at the feet of the Lord and admit we are nothing in His sight without Christ. There’s a natural carnal desire to be confident in one’s own self in all aspects of life and to take that away from someone thinking carnally seems unthinkable to them.

Some years ago I heard a statement, "Some have faith in their faith." It was too profound for me then; now it makes some sense.