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This gAspel sounds so good to so many, but it is ANOTHER gospel |
March 26, 2013
This gAspel sounds so good to so many, but it is ANOTHER gospel, which is no
gospel at all. It is very bad news, injurious and cruel, humiliating and
insulting to sinners who are dead in trespasses and sins.
Some who call themselves Reformed Baptists in
Malaysia preach this same gAspel too!
Sing F Lau
Let us call that another gospel gAspel... it
emits poisonous gas!
The "good news" of this gAspel is
as "obnoxious" as offering life to the dead man if he would only
accept the offer of life!!! Some think it is a great kindness to do so!!!
Why would a man be SO BLOODY* cruel and
wicked, as to injure, insult and humiliate and mock a dead man by offering him
life on condition that he accepts the offer??? Yet so many think it is great
kindness of them to do so!!! Can you imagine a man rocking a casket, calling
out to the dead man in it to accept his offer of life by just winking his eye?
*[bloody - adjective; informal chiefly Brit.
used to express shock.]
Why would a preacher of such a gAspel HATE
and REJECT the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that God Himself
sovereignly and freely regenerates the dead in trespasses and sins, bestows
them with eternal life... and calls them to believe the truth of what He has
done for them??? Why?
Why are such men so hateful of the gospel of
God? Why would they want to substitute the good news of God with something that
is so cruel, that insults, mocks, and humiliate the helplessly dead sinners?
Also, this so-called gAspel gives no hope
whatsoever to those who have no ABILITY to hear the gospel and those who have
no OPPORTUNITY to hear the gospel! Such are ALL DAMNED... and are damned
because those DAMNED preachers fail to bring the gospel to them! In this
gAspel, God has respect for men - those who have the ability to hear, and those who
have the opportunity to hear, and those who choose to believe are the ones who God
will save!!! God has respect for such!!!
Such a gAspel conditions the salvation of
God's people on the works of the preachers. No preaching, no hearing; no
hearing, no salvation. PERIOD! The preachers become INDISPENSABLE in this EVIL
and WICKED scheme! Even God becomes dependent upon them! BLASPHEMY of the
highest order, stinking to the heavens! But such an idea of indispensability sure
makes the preachers of such gAspel feel very IMPORTANT!!!
Maybe they just hate the biblical fact that
sinners are helpless and in enmity against God! And they also hate that Christ
DID FINISH everything needed for the redemption of His people, and the Holy
Spirit freely applies it to each elect personally, leaving NOTHING for them to
do to contribute the eternal salvation of God's elect!
They do HATE God's free grace because it put men in his right and proper place!!!
Sing F Lau
1. God sends His preachers:
- (but many send themselves... and they
preach ANOTHER gospel, like the Larry Dela Crude!)
- So that His CHILDREN, the elect whom God
has regenerated) out there may hear the gospel of their glorious salvation by
Jesus Christ.
2. The gospel is preached
- The gospel is good news of what God has
done and saved a people in Jesus Christ, calling such to believe what is
already true.
- The gospel is not what God will do if dead
sinners will do something. The gospel is good news, not a good offer.
- Believing the truth saves a child of God
from lies and superstitions and enables him to experience the love and
fellowship of God, assurance, peace, comfort, hope, etc.
3. The gospel is the good news of what God
HAS DONE to save His chosen people. The gospel is NOT spirit NOR life.
- The gospel is SPIRITUAL truth, and only
those with spiritual life is able to believe. The gospel declares the eternal
life that has been secured by the works of Jesus Christ, and is bestowed freely
to dead sinners, and such are called to believe the TRUTH, what is already
4. The gospel DOES NOT BRING faith...
- Dela Crude believes his preaching brings
along the faith to the dead, and the dead uses that faith to believe, and in
believing the dead is given eternal life! Poisonous lies!!!
- The preaching of the gospel DRAWS OUT faith
from the heart of a child of God. The grace of faith works in the heart by the
indwelling Spirit is drawn out by the preaching of the gospel, and that
manifests itself in believing the truth of the gospel!
5. The Holy Spirit DOES NOT move with the
- This is the same stupidity as saying that
the wind moves with the farmer! BODOH betul, dela Crude!!!
- Tooooooo crude even to a man on the
- The Holy Spirit moves independently and
6. The sinner hears the gospel....
- The sinner dead in trespasses and sins does
not hear nor discern the gospel. It is FOOLISHNESS to him; he scorned it.
- The children of God hear the gospel. Life
precedes the activities of that life. Christ himself declared that, "Except
a man be born again, he CANNOT...." Dela Crude insists and imagines
Those are 6 of the 12 points of lies.
Joey Candelaria
Larry Dela Cruz is the messenger according to
no.1, and he is the messenger of another jesus to deliver another gospel.
Dusty Phillips
That man promoted blatant heresy! He has no
understanding of the scriptures.
Sing F Lau
de Crude wrote:
Jn 1:12 they received Christ first and given
the right to be born again. Verse 13 new birth is the will and act of God to
those who receive the Son.
[sing: that is, so receive the son first, and then born
I replied:
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of
the will of man, but of God.
- "them that BELIEVE" - PRESENT
active participle, acting like verbal noun, i.e the believing ones.
- these "WERE born" - AORIST
passive indicative, a punctiliar action in the PAST.
If a man WON'T admit that the PAST tense
"were born" MUST precede the PRESENT tense "them that
believe" he is like an idiot who says that he posts the letter today and it
arrived yesterday!!! <LOOOOOL> Larry de Crude!!!
When a man CANNOT agree but rejects and
repudiates an obvious truth like "life MUST precede the activities of that
life" his mind is too perverse and twisted to understand the plain sense
of the Holy Scriptures.
Spiritual life must precede the spiritual
activities is a truth a child can understand but a man like de Crude is too wise
to receive it!!!
de Crude reiterated his point:
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God. RECEIVING came first before new
Sing F Lau
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of
the will of man, but of God.
There are a few distinct verb actions in
these two verses
- "received him"
- "to them GAVE he..."
- "them that believe" (verbal noun,
the believing ones)
- "were born..."
The Scriptures is very clear that by nature
the elect of God are dead in trespasses and sins. They too were conceived and
born in sin, like the rest of the Adam's race.
What is the greatest and immediate need of
those dead in trespasses and sins? They need to be brought to spiritual life.
And that is by the direct and immediate divine act of regeneration by the
Spirit of God, the new birth from above, born of God, given eternal life by
The BLIND teachers would say otherwise.
Preach to the spiritually dead, exhort and demand them to perform some
spiritual activities, plead and cajole them to respond to the great offer of
eternal life...
They don't really believe the spiritual
deadness of sinners.
They don't really believe when Christ
repeated, "Except a man be born again, he CANNOT..." They are
convinced those dead in trespasses and sins CAN... Shameless liars, and blind!
So, new birth must precede any spiritual
acts. The gift of spiritual life must precede all the spiritual activities
mentioned. The gift of spiritual life in the new birth ENABLES the performance
of spiritual activities like believing and receiving. Life precedes the
activities of that life... so simple yet great 'theologians' curse and reject
that obvious fact as a lie.
Believing and receiving Jesus as the Christ
of God secures for them the power from God, i.e. the divine right to call
themselves the sons of God. Believing in Jesus Christ give them the BRAGGING
RIGHT - the POWER to claim that they are the children of God. Power speaks of
authority and right. Receiving Jesus as Christ bestows them such power; it
evidences that they have been born of God AND have the power to claim such!
So, the order of those distinct action verbs
in John 1:12-13 is this:
Were born of God >>> them that
believe/received him >>> God gave them the POWER...
Please note that to be BORN of God and to be given the power to become children of God are COMPLETELY different and distinct matters. But careless students of God's word DON'T know how to rightly divide them!
Charles Page
Amazing that there are scriptures to prove
the 12 things that have to be done to be saved! If it is biblical then it must
be undeniable!
Sing F Lau
7. God opens the heart of His children to
understand the truth of their salvation.
But God DOES NOT open the heart of the dead!
God DOES NOT perform an autopsy on the DEAD. God
DOES NOT waste a move like that. Opening the heart of the dead does absolutely no
good to the dead!!!
God regenerates and quickens the dead, and
makes them His children.
He opens their hearts - to enable them to perceive and understand spiritual truth concerning their salvation by Christ.
PJ Walters
When a man cannot do something, he cannot do
Jane Yue
I wonder what those people who preach the
false gospel say about these two verses: "And the disciples came, and said unto
him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them,
Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,
but to them it is not given." - Matthew 13: 10-11 (KJB)
Sounds like they totally ignored it.