The original TULIP - loathed by many, and admired and cloned but twisted by others - restated, simply:
T: Man's native state by nature
U: Salvation eternally purposed by God for the elect
L: Salvation perfectly accomplished by Christ for those elected
I: Salvation effectually applied by the Holy Spirit to each elect personally
P: Man's new spiritual state by God's free and sovereign grace
It is BY the free and sovereign activities of the Triune God ALONE, PLUS NOTHING, that a man is brought out of his native state of sin and death to that state of grace and salvation, from T to P
Restated this way, it shows clearly the free and sovereign activities of the Triune God to bring a man out of his native natural state of sin and death and condemnation to that new spiritual state righteousness and eternal life and justification.
Man, in his native natural state (T),
by the divine activities of the Triune God ALONE (U, L, I),
his new spiritual state (P)
BUT by the free grace of God ALONE, PLUS NOTHING, a man is immutably brought into, and IMMUTABLY REMAINS in the state of righteousness and salvation in Christ Jesus.
When the Triune God has freely and sovereignly brought a man out of his native state into that state of grace and salvation in Christ Jesus, then he is enabled to respond to the ministry of the word; the ministry of the word has relevance to him.
"EXCEPT a man is born again, he CANNOT... CANNOT..."
The new birth takes place when a man is effectually called out of his native state of sin, condemnation, and death to that spiritual state of righteousness, justification, and eternal life. The effectual call requires the distinct divine activities of justification, regeneration, and adoption; without these, a man is not called out of his native state.
It is a popular error to equate regeneration as the effectual call.