Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hypo or Hyper, Dumbo or Sounder! Which is which?

Photo: Hypo or Hyper, Dumbo or Sounder. Which is which? 
Do you know the difference?
Beware of throwing terms around carelessly.

A Calvinist asked, and answered:
Question: "What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical?"
Answer: A simple definition is this: hyper-Calvinism is the belief that God saves the elect through His sovereign will with little or no use of the methods of bringing about salvation (such as evangelism, preaching, and prayer for the lost).

Sing replied:
The answer betrays a serious ignorance of the distinction between eternal salvation by the free and sovereign saving activities of the Triune God WITHOUT any means, and the temporal salvation through the uses of the ordained means.

As for me, you can even remove the wee "little" from your answer above!!!
Even the least "little" will adulterate and contaminate, thus repudiate the truth of "GRACE ALONE." You don't seem to understand this basic point!!! Grace alone has NO PLACE for your "little" however little it is!!!

The former (eternal salvation) involves the activities of the Triune God ALONE in PRODUCING His own children... i.e. bringing into BEING His children. That is completely MONERGISTIC, by grace ALONE, plus NOTHING. 

The latter (temporal salvation) involves the means appointed by God for the WELL BEING of His children, those elect already PRODUCED by His own free and sovereign activities.

If you don't understand, don't disagree yet. Inquire for understanding of the truth. Thanks.

The Calvinist responded:
Not trying to make this a agree or disagree kind of blog but more of trying to understand how a hyper thinks. I am not hyper in the sense that there is no work for men to do. The bible tells us EPH 2:10, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." The new creation is a transformation of our will; it gives us new desires to do the will or the pleasure of the Lord. I find this scripture difficult to comprehend if I was working from a hyper position...Maybe you can expound from your position of a hyper.

Sing F Lau
You are fixated on the idea that some are hyper. That's not my concern. I'm interested in the truthfulness of what other said... no matter said by who!

Did you understand what I said above. Which part do you disagree? Is what I said above the same as you think of a hyper?

It is rightly dividing the word of truth - that's the issue. 

The Calvinist replied:
You have not said you were a hyper but as Surgeon said I agree with what a hyper believes I just believe there is more to what we are called to do. The issue is not we do not believe the same ... The issue is I believe there is ample scripture to support men are responsible and men are called into evangelizing the lost. GOD still saves whom HE will but those who are saved are called for a purpose....

Sing F Lau
It is NOT the matter of "there is more to what we are called to do."
The issue is what is the NATURE of what we are called to do!!!
What you are called to do HAS NOTHING to do with the ETERNAL salvation of God's elect. That's God's own work. 

You and other calvinists INSIST otherwise... thus ending up with SYNERGISM, and repudiating MONERGISM which you mouth so loudly! 


"Grace alone" deals with eternal salvation by the activities of the Triune God alone.

Means and instruments deal with the temporal salvation, the spiritual WELL BEING of those BEINGS ALREADY freely and sovereignly bestowed with eternal salvation
Hypo or Hyper, Dumbo or Sounder. Which is which?
Do you know the difference?
Beware of throwing terms around carelessly.

Hypo or Hyper, Dumbo or Sounder. Which is which?
Do you know the difference?
Beware of throwing terms around carelessly.

A Calvinist asked, and answered:
Question: "What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical?"
Answer: A simple definition is this: hyper-Calvinism is the belief that God saves the elect through His sovereign will with little or no use of the methods of bringing about salvation (such as evangelism, preaching, and prayer for the lost).

Sing replied:
The answer betrays a serious ignorance of the distinction between eternal salvation by the free and sovereign saving activities of the Triune God WITHOUT any means, and the temporal salvation through the uses of the ordained means.

As for me, you can even remove the wee "little" from your answer above!!!
Even the least "little" will adulterate and contaminate, thus repudiate the truth of "GRACE ALONE." You don't seem to understand this basic point!!! Grace alone has NO PLACE for your "little" however little it is!!!

The former (eternal salvation) involves the activities of the Triune God ALONE in PRODUCING His own children... i.e. bringing into BEING His children. That is completely MONERGISTIC, by grace ALONE, plus NOTHING.

The latter (temporal salvation) involves the means appointed by God for the WELL BEING of His children, those elect already PRODUCED by His own free and sovereign activities.

The means appointed by God are very necessary... but necessary ONLY for the reasons they are appointed only, not for the reasons the hypo-calvinists IMAGINED, i.e. instrumental in the eternal salvation of the elect!!!

If you don't understand, don't disagree yet. Inquire for understanding of the truth. Thanks.

The Calvinist responded:
Not trying to make this a agree or disagree kind of blog but more of trying to understand how a hyper thinks. I am not hyper in the sense that there is no work for men to do. The bible tells us EPH 2:10, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." The new creation is a transformation of our will; it gives us new desires to do the will or the pleasure of the Lord. I find this scripture difficult to comprehend if I was working from a hyper position...Maybe you can expound from your position of a hyper.

Sing F Lau
You are fixated on the idea that some are hyper. That's not my concern. I'm interested in the truthfulness of what other said... no matter said by who!

Did you understand what I said above. Which part do you disagree? Is what I said above the same as you think of a hyper?

What part did you and other man play in your NEW CREATION? Please tell us? Did a man's "evangelism, preaching, and prayer" assist the Triune in the new creation of you? Tell us, please. I find it hard believe the hypo's irrational view points It is rightly dividing the word of truth - that's the issue.

The Calvinist replied:
You have not said you were a hyper but as Surgeon said I agree with what a hyper believes I just believe there is more to what we are called to do. The issue is not we do not believe the same ... The issue is I believe there is ample scripture to support men are responsible and men are called into evangelizing the lost. GOD still saves whom HE will but those who are saved are called for a purpose....

Sing F Lau
It is NOT the matter of "there is more to what we are called to do."
The issue is what is the NATURE of what we are called to do!!!
What you are called to do HAS NOTHING to do with the ETERNAL salvation of God's elect. That's God's own work.

You and other calvinists INSIST otherwise... thus ending up with SYNERGISM, and repudiating MONERGISM which you mouth so loudly!

"Grace alone" deals with eternal salvation by the activities of the Triune God alone.
Means and instruments deal with the temporal salvation, the spiritual WELL BEING of those BEINGS ALREADY freely and sovereignly bestowed with eternal salvation.
When will the hypo - whether Arminians or their cousins haughty Calvinists - ever learn the truth of "grace alone" and stop throwing around terms carelessly?
Eternal salvation by divine grace ALONE:
- God ALONE purposed that salvation for all elect before time.

- Christ ALONE accomplished that salvation for all elect at the cross.
- The Holy Spirit ALONE applies that salvation to each elect personally.
- These divine activities ALONE, PLUS NOTHING, make a man perfectly fit for eternal glory.
- Nothing more is needed for a man's eternal salvation. 'It is finished!'

'Grace ALONE' means 'grace PLUS nothing,' not 'grace PLUS something.'' But the latter is really what many people actually believe!

Timely salvation (deliverance that pertains to the present life on earth) is conditioned upon the activities of God's children.
- These divine activities enable a child of God to perform activities that will secure him deliverance in the life here and now.

There is the eternal salvation that was already purposed and accomplished and applied to those dead in trespasses and sins.

And there is ALSO the timely salvation that God's children must work out for themselves with fear and trembling, in obedience to their Father's will for them.

Distinguish the two, and don't confuse them.
Is your eternal salvation by grace ALONE plus nothing?