Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Proverbs 箴言9:8

Proverbs 箴言9:8
by Solomon's Proverbs Commentary (Notes) on Friday, April 5, 2013 at 11:21pm

Read the English commentary below...
Proverbs 9:8
Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.



你当学习如何去判断。你能否辨认亵慢人和有智慧的人?你晓得如何彼此相待每一个人吗?上帝要你有智慧,懂得如何成功的与他人相处。你当避免那藐视者,因为他们不配得着真理,还会厌恨你 ;你当纠正智慧人,因为他们必因着你的责备而爱你。

看看你的未来。你若是一个亵慢人 — — 嘲讽或嘲笑父母或牧师。上帝就会差使者来向你发出警告 — — 祂已经把你从真理中除掉了。这样的前景必会使你感到惊恐。若你喜爱祂的警戒和使者,祂就会将更多的真理倾倒在你身上。



智慧人喜爱被纠正,因为他们知道这是得着更多智慧的唯一方法(箴言9:9)。即使被纠正时会深感疼痛,但这毕竟是一个真理 (诗篇141:5 !智慧人知道责备是出于真诚的爱,爱他们的人所加给他们的创伤是出于忠诚的,他们更喜欢这样的人胜过那些恨他们的却与他们连连亲嘴的敌人(箴言27:5-6)。当你谴责智慧人时,他会感激你,爱你,所以你当快快行动吧(箴言25:12

愚妄人不肯听人的劝教,他们以为自己眼中看的都是正确的;惟智慧人肯听人的劝教(箴言12:15; 23:9)。亵慢人比愚妄人更糟糕,因着他们肆虐的骄傲而不肯接受责备;他们会讨厌你的责备和辱罵那被差来的使者(箴言9:7)。他们的傲慢和自负导致他们鄙视指令、不肯聽人的勸教或警戒(箴言26:12)。亲爱的读者们,你当提防他们。

一个傲慢和自以为是的人会弃绝七个有道理的人 (箴言26:16)。心驕氣傲的人拒绝能拯救他们的听劝,原因是他们太过傲慢了,不肯被更正。他们一直以来都是行事狂妄,已经毫无希望了(箴言21:24)。褻慢人為人所憎惡(箴言24:9);如果你有智慧,你就会把它们趕出去 (箴言22:10)

为了要闭上他们的口,你可以责备他们数次(箴言 26:5),为了明智的理由,你也必须尽快结束你与他们的争论和辩论(箴言26:4; 23:9)。争吵,辩论或和褻慢人无知的辯论和空談,以及分爭,這都是虛妄无益的(提摩太后书2:16,23; 提摩太前书6:3-5; 提多书 3:9)。让来自这个建议的宝贵智慧来释放你,赐给你平安。

主耶稣在马太福音 7:6教导有关这一句箴言,祂吩咐你不要把聖物給狗,也不要把你們的珍珠丟在豬前。珍珠和聖物都是指神珍贵的智慧和真理。是祂赐给你两个明智的理由。这些自高自大、 野蛮的野兽首先会嘲笑你的话语,然后他们会扭曲这些话,使它们对你不利。


当学会去爱和領受责备,因为这是如何变得更有智慧的路径(箴言9:9; 19:20)。所罗门确定和认为若能够領受责备,就必得著見識,这是何等的智慧(箴言15:5, 31 。你要限制你所交的朋友,常行在智慧人当中 ,因为与智慧人同行的, 必得着更多的智慧(箴言13:20)。你在哪里可以找到这些智慧人呢?就是跟从神话语的教会里的人。

当耶稣遇到这些藐视者时,祂服从了这句箴言的教导。祂责备他们,令他们感到羞辱之后, 祂就走开了(路加福音 13:17)。祂说,"凡栽种的物,若不是我天父栽种的,必要拔出來。任凭他们吧!他们是瞎眼領路的;若是瞎子領瞎子,兩个人都要掉在坑里(马太福音 15:12-14)。"


Proverbs 9:8
Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

Test your character. Are you a scorner or a wise man? The difference is huge. It depends on how you take correction. Either you are the worst person in Proverbs, the best, or in between. God and good men will either show you more truth or let you live life in error.

Learn to judge. Can you identify a scorner and a wise man? Do you know how to treat each one? God wants you to be wise and successful with people. Avoid scorners, for they do not deserve truth and will hate you; correct wise men, and they will love you for it.

See your future. If you are a scorner – mocking or ridiculing parents or pastors God has sent to warn you – then He has already cut you off from truth. This prospect should terrify you. If you love His warnings and messengers, He will pour out more truth to you.

Men react two ways to reproof or rebuke; the difference shows their heart and character. Some appreciate correction, learn from it, and love the messenger. Others resent and reject it and hate the messenger. Build your character first, and then wisely judge others.

What are the lessons here? First, and less important, you must learn to respond like a wise man to correction. Second, and more importantly, you must recognize the character of others and treat them as the proverb states. Some men do not deserve reproof and God’s truth. Finally, if God tells you to reject scorners, guess what He has already done to them!

Wise men love to be corrected, for they know it is the only way to be wiser (Pr 9:9). This is true, even if the correction hurts (Ps 141:5)! They know that true love will rebuke and wound them, and they prefer this to the kisses and deceitful love of enemies (Pr 27:5-6). When you reprove such a man, he will appreciate and love you for it, so do it (Pr 25:12)!

But fools hate to be corrected, for their ignorant hearts presume they are right (Pr 12:15; 23:9). Scorners are even worse than fools, for their raging pride will not accept rebuke; they will hate the message and the messenger (Pr 9:7). Their haughty conceit causes them to despise instruction, correction, or warning (Pr 26:12). Beware of them, dear reader.

A haughty and self-righteous person will reject seven men with good reasons (Pr 26:16). Scorners reject advice that could save them, for they arrogantly hate being corrected. They have eaten the bread of conceit for so long, they are beyond hope (Pr 21:24). They are an abomination to men (Pr 24:9); if you are wise, you will throw them out (Pr 22:10).

While you might rebuke them a few times to shut their mouths (Pr 26:5), you must soon end arguing with them for wise reasons (Pr 26:4; 23:9). Wrangling, debating, or entertaining the questions of such persons is foolish and wrong (II Tim 2:16,23; I Tim 6:3-5; Tit 3:9). Let the precious wisdom of this advice set you free and give you peace.

The Lord Jesus taught this proverb in Matthew 7:6, where He commanded you not to cast your pearls before swine nor give holy things to dogs. The pearls and holy things are the precious jewels of God’s wisdom and truth. He gave two wise reasons. These conceited, brute beasts will first mock your words, and then they will twist them against you.

Avoid these wicked people. You are not obligated to debate them. Do not let your pride honor them by continuing to fight. You have been warned to leave them alone. If you get away from scorners, you can live in peace and quiet. In addition, correct any tendency in your life or family members to be like them. Such are not worthy of wisdom and truth.

Learn to love reproof, for that is how to get wiser (Pr 9:9; 19:20). Solomon identified the ability to take correction as one of the best measures of wisdom (Pr 15:5,31). Limit your friends to wise men, and you will be yet wiser (Pr 13:20). Where can you find such wise men? In a church of Jesus Christ following the old time religion of God’s word.

The Lord Jesus taught this proverb in Matthew 7:6, where He commanded you not to cast your pearls before swine nor give holy things to dogs. The pearls and holy things are the precious jewels of God’s wisdom and truth. He gave two wise reasons. These conceited, brute beasts will first mock your words, and then they will twist them against you.

Jesus obeyed this proverb toward scorners He met. After rebuking and shaming them, He would walk away (Luke 13:17). He said about them, “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matt 15:12-14).

To the degree you are a scorner, God has already left you in your arrogant ignorance, but you are too stupid to know it (Is 44:19-20). To the degree you are a wise man and love correction, God will show you more truth (Pr 4:18). This is the simple but profound rule of God’s dealing with men. Humble yourself like Solomon, and be wise (I Kgs 3:7-9).