Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Perfect Harmony Between the Decretive and the Preceptive Will of God

New school Calvinists put up signs like this!!!

Can you accept this proposition as a self-evident truth:
The decretive will of God and the preceptive will of the SAME God, though distinct and separate, are perfectly consistent and harmonious, without any inconsistency or contradiction between them? But many believe in a schizophrenic god of their own imaginations!

1. IF the decretive will of God and the preceptive will of the SAME God, though distinct and separate, are perfectly consistent and harmonious, without any inconsistency or contradiction between them... THEN why do the new school Calvinists (e.g. reformed baptists):- IGNORE the decretive will, and believe and act contrary to God's decretive will.

God has decreed eternal redemption for a very specific and particular people, and Christ Jesus accomplished that redemption for the same particular and specific people, and the Holy Spirit applies that same eternal redemption to individuals personally of that exact same people. There is a perfect harmony of purpose among the three Persons of the Triune God.

God's preceptive will is consistent with his decretive will. He sends forth preachers to herald the gospel to the recipients of that eternal redemption, i.e. God's children (those elect whom God has effectually called out of their native state of sin and death to that state of to grace and salvation) that they may know the glorious things that God has done for them by His free and sovereign grace in Jesus Christ, and to gather them into NT churches.

THEN... THEN... pretend that the gospel call to believe in Jesus Christ applies to all men without distinction?

Why do the new school Calvinists ignore the decretive will of God, and go around offering, hawking, and pedaling the gospel - the good news of what God has done to save ONLY His own people - to all men without distinction???

2. IF the decretive will of God and the preceptive will of the SAME God, though distinct and separate, are perfectly consistent and harmonious, without any inconsistency or contradiction between them... THEN why do the new school Calvinists (e.g. reformed baptists):- IGNORE the decretive will, and believe and teach contrary to God's decretive will.

Why do the new school Calvinists pretend and teach that faith in Jesus Christ is the duty of every sinner, even those for whom Christ did not die, and God decreed not to save but leave them in their sin? Why do they insist that even those whom God has bypassed in His decree to save in Jesus Christ has the SAME duty to believe in Jesus Christ? Why do they teach that God requires some men to believe a lie?

It is the duty of a man to believe the truth. It is never the duty of a man to believe a lie. Only those whom God has saved have the duty to believe that Jesus Christ has saved them. But the new school Calvinists believe in a god that requires some men to believe a LIE!

The risen Lord Jesus gave pastors and teachers to His church to preach the truth of what God has done for His people in order to call out those He HAS SAVED, and gather them into HIS church.

A universalist believes that Christ died for all to make all savable, and therefore logically and consistently believes these things:
1. That the gospel call applies to all the listeners,
2. That faith is the duty of every sinner,
3. That the gospel "offers" Christ and salvation to all,
4. That the gospel offer of divine mercy is free and universal,
5. That the saving grace in Jesus Christ is common to all, and
6. That God has the same saving love for all, the elect and the non-elect.
     (the universalists, of course, curse the truth of election!)

Because of their theology of universal redemption, their method is wholly consistent.

BUT why do the new school Calvinists who boast in election and particular redemption ALSO believe the same method of the universalists?

Doesn't one's theology affect one's practice?