Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Whetting the Appetite (2): Surveying John Gill’s “A Body of Divinity – Doctrinal & Practical”

Dr. John Gill, a particular Baptist theologian
highly respected by his Calvinistic contemporaries
of different denominations. 

June 15, 2022. Wednesday midweek meeting

Whetting the Appetite (2)
Surveying John Gill’s “A Body of Divinity– Doctrinal & Practical”
Book 2: Of The Internal Acts And Works Of God; And Of His Decrees In General

Book 2 has 16 chapters. Let us take a peep at the first two chapters.

Chapter 1
Of The Internal Acts And Works Of God; And Of His Decrees In General
- “The acts and works of God may be distinguished into internal and external. The “external” acts and works of God, are such as are done in time, visible to us, or known by us; as creation, providence, redemption, &c. His “internal” acts and works, which will be first considered, and are what were done in eternity, are commonly distinguished into personal and essential. Personal acts are such as are peculiar to each person, and distinguish the one from the other; and which have been taken notice of already, in treating of the doctrine of the Trinity. “Essential” acts are such as are common to them all…”

a. First, The proof to be given of them, that there are decrees and purposes in God; not merely ideas of things future, but settled determinations concerning them; which may be evinced from the nature and perfections of God.

b. Secondly, The extent of the decrees and purposes of God, deserve notice and consideration: and they reach to all things that come to pass in the world, from the beginning to the end of it. The world, and all things in it, were created by and according to the will and pleasure of God (Rev. 4:11).

c. Thirdly, The properties of the purposes and decrees of God, may next be considered:
- As they are internal acts, they are immanent ones; they are in God, and remain and abide in him…
- They are eternal; as God himself is eternal, so are they…
- The decrees of God are most free; they are the free acts of his will…
- They are most wise decrees; as God is a wise Being, and does all his works in wisdom…
- They are immutable and unalterable… signified by mountains, for their immoveableness, and by mountains of brass
- The decrees of God are always effectual; they cannot be frustrated or disannulled,or become of no effect…

Chapter 2
Of The Special Decrees Of God, Relating To Rational Creatures, Angels, And Men; And Particularly Of Election
a. The election of angels
b. The elect of men to grace and glory:
- the election of Christ (the Word made flesh) as a man and mediator, God’s first and chief elect!
- the character of the elect as given to Christ
- (i) the phrases by which election is expressed in Scriptures
- (ii) by whom it is made, and in whom it is made… by God… in Christ
- (iii) the objects of election…
- (iv) the time of election…
- (v) the moving cause of election…
- (vi) the means fixed for the execution of it…
- (vii) the ends/goals settled in the decree of election, both subordinate and ultimate…
- viii) the blessings and benefits flowing from the election are many: effectual calling, justification, adoption… communion,
- (ix) the several properties of election: it’s eternal, by God’s free and sovereign grace, absolute and unconditional, complete and perfect, immutable and irrevocable, special and particular, may be known by the object of it..

Chapter 3.
Of The Decree Of Rejection, Of Some Angels, And Of Some Men

Chapter 4
Of The Eternal Union Of The Elect Of God Unto Him

Chapter 5
Of Other Eternal And Immanent Acts In God, Particularly Adoption And Justification

Chapter 6
Of The Everlasting Council Between The Three Divine Persons, Concerning The Salvation Of Men

Chapter 7
Of The Everlasting Covenant Of Grace, Between The Father, And The Son, And The Holy Spirit

Chapter 8
Of The Part Which The Father Takes In The Covenant

Chapter 9
Of The Part The Son Of God, The Second Person, Has Taken In The Covenant

Chapter 10
Of Christ, As The Covenant Head Of The Elect

Chapter 11
 Of Christ, The Mediator Of The Covenant

Chapter 12
 Of Christ, The Surety Of The Covenant

Chapter 13
Of Christ, The Testator Of The Covenant

Chapter 14
 Of The Concern The Spirit Of God Has In The Covenant Of Grace

Chapter 15
 Of The Properties Of The Covenant Of Grace

Chapter 16
Of The Complacency And Delight God Had In Himself, And The Divine Persons In Each Other, Before Any Creature Was Brought Into Being.