Things New and Old

Ancient truths revealed in the Scriptures are often forgotten, disbelieved or distorted, and therefore lost in the passage of time. Such ancient truths when rediscovered and relearned are 'new' additions to the treasury of ancient truths.

Christ showed many new things to the disciples, things prophesied by the prophets of old but hijacked and perverted by the elders and their traditions, but which Christ reclaimed and returned to His people.

Many things taught by the Apostles of Christ have been perverted or substituted over the centuries. Such fundamental doctrines like salvation by grace and justification have been hijacked and perverted and repudiated by sincere Christians. These doctrines need to be reclaimed and restored to God's people.

There are things both new and old here. "Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things"
2Ti 2:7.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

An Exposition of 1Cor. 12-14 Study 7: Orderliness in Church Meetings (14:26-40)

An Exposition of 1Cor. 12-14
Study 7: Orderliness in Church Meetings (14:26-40)

a. 1Cor 12-14 belong together. Apostle Paul patiently lay down the foundational principles before dealing directly with the problems - the abuse of spiritual gifts and the chaos and disorderliness.
- Having laid down all these foundation principles, apostle Paul begins to deal directly with the abuse of gifts and the confusion and chaos this caused in the church. Only after sound doctrines have been clearly laid down is the apostle Paul ready to ask, 'How is it then?' – what are the implications… ready to apply the truth to correct the errors, to spell out the implications of these doctrines. Sound doctrines/truth always have implications. Be ready for it.
## Righteous practice is always the result of sound doctrine. The mind must be instructed and be convinced first, the affection stirred, and the will moved to act in obedience to the truth. This is God's way with man.

1. Let Everything be Done in an Orderly Manner
a. The context: 'Whenever you come together' – i.e. the specific context is when the church comes together for public worship. However, the general principles laid down are applicable to all spheres of life.
- 'whenever' indicates an established practice of the church coming together for public worship services. Since apostolic times, Christian churches gather for public worship. eg Acts 2:42, 20:7; Heb 10:24-5
- 'whenever' means every occasion the church comes together, not just Sabbath day worship service only. It includes coming together for prayers, for the study of the Bible, etc. It is taken for granted that the church, and not just some members, meets for these purposes. This is the apostolic pattern! Hold fast to the pattern.
- They meet often for edification, exhortation and fellowship, not just for one meeting on Sunday morning!

b. The purpose: 'Let all things be done for edification.'
- The chief purpose for which the church comes together is for 'edification'. oikodomè means the act of building, (oikos - a house, demõ - to build). oikodomè is used only figuratively in the NT to mean the building up of spiritual growth of the church, the house of God.
- Christian love requires this. The unity of the body constrains us.
- Ignoring this principle is the cause of much trouble and chaos in the church. A lot of things which do not edify (build up saints in the most holy faith) will be introduced to the public meetings of the church.
- Don't mistake emotionalism and ecstasy with edification! A diet of jelly & sweets will not build up a child!

c. The means: '... psalm, teaching, tongue, revelation, interpretation...'
- The diversity of these means has a profound unity to it. They all convey the revealed truth of God in an intelligible manner which instructs the understanding and thus edifies (oikodomeõ) the saints.
- The great emphasis in public worship is intelligible communication of God's revealed truth for edification. So the exposition of the Holy Scripture must always be central when the church comes together to worship God.
- The Scriptures must be explained plainly and simply and applied to the hearers. This alone will build up the saints in the most holy faith.        2Tim 4:1f.
- Similarly, only hymns and psalms and spiritual songs which are full of sound doctrines are to be sung... not puerile and repetitive choruses which stir up emotions but left the mind and understanding empty.
## Have a biblical expectation in public meetings of the church. Don't enter a place where the word of God is NOT faithfully preached and honoured.
## Always come with an alert mind and a ready heart if you want to be built up in your most holy faith.

2. In the matter of speaking with Tongues
a. Several perfectly clear conditions must be complied with: (the gift was operating then…)
- don't forbid speaking with tongues. (the miraculous ability to speak the gospel in a foreign language. This was written when the gift was still in operation!).
- only two or three at the most may speak (laleõ) - speak, speaking real language, not babble or gibberish)
- each must speak in turns, one at a time, one by one orderly (else how will it be interpreted).
- the tongue must be interpreted, otherwise let him keep silent in the church.
- 'Let him speak to himself and God': this means he is to meditate upon the truth revealed to him, and praise God in his heart. Keeping silent does not prevent a person from worshipping God in spirit and truth!
- The mind doesn't cease to function just because one keeps silent.
## Cultivate a quietness of mind and heart to worship God in spirit and truth.
## Avoid the delusion of equating noise (emotional hallelujahs, repetitive choruses with loud and rhythmic music and clapping of hands and stomping of feet etc.) and other outward activities as worship. Ec 5:1-2 '...draw near…

3. In the matter of Prophesying
a. Several perfectly clear conditions must be complied with also:
- only two or three prophets speak; one by one, let others (the hearers) judge (diakrinõ).

b. 'judge': means to consider and weigh carefully what is said. Soundness and alertness in mind are absolutely necessary for this solemn duty. Therefore, the constant call to believers to be sober-minded! 1Th 5:6-8; 1Pet 1:13, 4:7, 5:8.
- 'diakrinétósan' is in the imperative mood, third person plural, present tense, ie. it is a divine command addressed to all the hearers of God's word to constantly do something.
- This cannot mean (as the charismatics love to claim) to sift out truth from the error as though biblical prophecy is a mixture of truth and error. That is why the charismatics can accommodate and even protect false prophets in their midst. Either a prophet is a true prophet or a false prophet.  False prophets are not to be tolerated in the churches of God. In the OT they were stoned to death, Deut 13 and 18:20-22.
- To 'judge' means to consider and weigh carefully with the view to implement the implication of the truth. Believers are not only commanded to hear God's word, but they are to hear in order to implement the truth in their lives, they are to hear in order to practice the truth shown to them.
## Reject unfaithful and false prophets or incur guilt by association. Truth above friendship. Ja 3:17.
## Prophets are duty-bound to preach faithfully. Hearers are commanded to hear and to 'judge' what is heard so that they may implement the implications of those truths in their life.
## How often we are hearers only... we don't engage our sound mind to weigh and consider (like a good judge handles the facts presented to him in order to come to a decision) we heard preached.

4. In the Conduct of Women at Church Meetings (33-35)
a. The basis: 'For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace...'
- This is the same basis of what has preceded and what follows. Therefore, the teaching in v33-35 flows out of the very character of God, and is not conditioned by the culture of the first century, or the view of a narrow and bigoted man and a women hater (popular view!). Note very carefully the basis of the appeal! Three folds:
- 'as the law also says': the whole revelation of God presupposes this order, eg in creation, family, Israel...
- 'as in all the churches': the apostolic pattern taught and practised in all the churches. cp 1Tm 2:9-15; Tit 2:1-5.
- 'the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord...' the Lord over His churches!!
## Beware of dismissing the abiding commands of God as merely something cultural! God is not mocked!

b. The extent: The commands apply to 'all churches of the saints.'
- Saints means the holy ones. No churches of God is excepted. Those who take exception, who reject these divine commands to maintain orderliness and peace in the church, may no longer be the churches of the saints, but assemblies of evil-doers. God may no longer be in the midst of such 'churches'.
- churches that reject these commands of God give many excuses... eg. no man, equality, gifted women, etc
## Beware of humanism and pragmatism... best not to fool around with God. Has He no right and honour to dictate how His children should conduct themselves in His household?

c. The commands: 'let your woman keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak...'
- the commands are given in the positive and restated in the negative, so that they may be no doubt as to their meaning, and to remove any loopholes. They are too clear to be misunderstood... but may be rejected!
- 'for it is shameful for women to speak in church': 'shameful' (aischron) is a very strong word, which means base and contemptible, devoid of honour or morality, that which is opposite to modesty or purity.
- Note the context very carefully. It is 'in church'. For a woman to speak (teach or preach) in a church service means she is devoid of honour or morality, she has failed to conduct herself honourably! She behaves in a base and contemptible manner. Is this a small matter to you! Such is not to be honoured!
## Women are not inferior to men, nor are men superior to women. This is God's will for His house. God sovereignly gives the teaching office to some (not all) men. Women are excluded from the teaching office.
## Women 'pastors/teachers' are among the most non-submissive and rebellious people around!
- 'let them ask their own husbands at home...' women ought to learn, but in a modest and discrete manner, not in an obtrusive and public manner. She should first seek help from her husband (assumed a believer). God expects the husbands to be teachers and guides of their wives in spiritual matters. Don't neglect this duty!
- The husband, and not your pastor, is the head of the wife. But how to teach if he himself is not taught.
## Wife, take note and be willing to be taught by your own husband. Ask him that he may begin to learn... help him!

5. Final Admonitions
a. The proud Corinthian believers are given some final and solemn admonitions:
- 'Came the word of God out from you?' Did the word of God come originally from you? This is holy sarcasm, a stern rebuke for unwillingness to submit to the word of God. Don't tell the Scripture what it ought to say! Hear what it says and obey it!!
- 'Or came it to you only' - was it you only that received it?' Holy sarcasm again. The word of God has gone out and given birth to a multitude of churches. See how all the churches of the saints received the word gladly and obey it.

b. The spiritual (the Corinthian believers were boastful of their spirituality!) ones have these marks:
- They acknowledge what the Apostle writes as the commandments of the Lord!!
- Those who refuse are the ignorant ones and will be given up to their ignorance. Leave such alone, don't waste time with them any longer. 
- No more hope is left - they have rejected the very thing (the word of God) which will do them any good.



1. What are some rules which govern the public meetings of a church? What can you do to promote these?


2. Why are woman 'pastors' so common today? What are some arguments for this disobedience?

    Why have the churches accept them?


3. What are the role of women in the church?


4. Why 'let the women ask their husband at home?'