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Debaters trying to convince each other! |
One day in early September 2014, a certain Pete Zakaroff added me to one of his several Facebook groups and the following exchanges took place.
I confess that I’m not a “groupie” man.
09/19/2014 9:31AM
Doctor Doctrine, Brother, thanks for adding me to the group. I have removed myself. I have debated the Calvinists for a long time... and I don't see the need to do it any further. The Calvinists don't seem to see that Calvinism is full of contradictions and inconsistencies... just like Arminianism. I left calvinism after 20 years. Thanks again.
Dr Zac
I appreciate that. However, there are varying degrees of Calvinism. We need to provide options for help to those who are in need. We can't give up on them.
I don't believe a non-Calvinist can be of any help to the elitist Calvinists who are so cocksure of their positions.
Dr Zac
Its called ministry service and discipleship
May our Lord bless your ministry service and discipleship - said with sincerity in Christ. I was converted from the errors of Calvinism.
And my fellow calvinistic RB wrote me off as a heretic!!! That's all history now.
Dr Zac
Then you should have a heart to help others
Tried that for 10 years... but hitting dead wall. Till a day my wise son advised me, "Dad, leave it to the Spirit to do the work."
Dr Zac
The Spirit is doing the work and we are protecting people on my page as this page is owned by me and I control everything.
You will have Administrative powers.
I love (simple present tense) the RBs to this day... but I'm a heretic to them. Our people pray (simple present tense) for them...
Dr Zac
As I said, we have control on this page. They can't get away with that here.
I will give you admin powers
The Calvinists has IMBIBED the idea that they have arrived... and thus very difficult to convert. I leave that to the Spirit.
So, thank you very much.
Dr Zac
The Spirit works through his people. Nervous people don't show up the Spirit can't do much. There will be no one there on the page to witness to them if we leave it up to the Spirit without us. The Spirit works through God's people
One day God's people will be taken to heaven in the rapture and the Spirit will not have the same ministry on earth I just fear it will be withdrawn with God's people.
How shall they hear without a preacher?
If you are silent who will tell them? Your son is not that mature
You are there all the time. That's your calling. May the Lord bless you. I will my thoughts on my page. Those whom the Lord wants to teach, they will search and find. Debates have help no one...
Dr Zac
Everyone is won to Christ by debate.
Without debate, NO one will be saved!
Witnessing IS debate (AND prayer).
One inquirer seeking to know
I beg to differ. Those who engage in debate on doctrinal points are already in Christ even though their understanding of the truth of their salvation in Christ may differ widely. Those who engage in debate are ALREADY SET and ENTRENCHED in their beliefs... the Calvinists trying to prove Arminians wrong and vice versa.
Witnessing is heralding the truth of the gospel to God's children who are ignorant of the truth of their salvation in Christ Jesus.
I can see now why you are so zealously promoting various pages of DEBATES. Well, I wish you well.
Dr Zac
Are Calvinists saved?
I'm not an arminian.
There are SAVED people in every religion - i.e. God has sovereignly and effectually called them out of their native state of sin and death to that of grace and salvation in Jesus Christ] - such needed to be called out by the gospel ministry. There are saved people bearing all sorts of labels... and there are all sorts of calvinists. Some arminians call themselves calvinists because they love the elitist 'calvinist' label...
No, I didn't assume anything of you. I only responded to what you ACTUALLY stated. Thanks. I'm off.
09/20/2014 3:38AM
Dr Zac
We only have one life. I want mine to count for the truth.
09/20/2014 9:02AM
I have one life only, and I don't want to waste it debating those who have no desire to learn the truth. I dedicate a whole lot of my life teaching those who come inquiring for the truth. In debate EGO and PRIDE prevent men to learn the truth.
Dr Zac
If they had no desire to learn the truth they wouldn't be debating you
If they had any desire to learn the truth, they would be INQUIRING, not debating. So I guess we will do it the different way. Thanks.
Dr Zac
Inquiring is a form of debating
You have the truth, but you don't want anyone else to be convinced of the truth that you have, do you? but you don't want anyone else to be convinced of the truth that you have, do you?
You accuse me of that just because I don't want to have any part of your debate group??? That's the end of our conversation then. Thank you.