Without justification by God (not by faith), regeneration and adoption, a man is not called to grace and salvation. |
Sola fide is refuted by the fact that man MUST also be born again. So, even before works are introduced it is not sola fide.
Sola fidei = sola ergon.
John 6
28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
(Brett Noll quoted a passage from Rm 4:1ff and insisted that faith is not work..... He has since deleted his three comments after my reply below.)
Brett, we have gone through this before. Study the article below and learn the three distinct sets of contrasts related to justification stated in the Scripture.
1. Faith of Christ for Brett vs Faith of Brett in Christ
2. Grace of God vs. Faith of Brett.
3. Faith of Brett vs Works of Brett observing some ceremonial laws like circumcision.
No. 1 deals with the GROUND of justification. By faith OF Christ
No. 2 deals with the MANNER of justification. Freely by grace.
No. 3 deals with the PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE of justification. Through faith.
Be cured of your sound-bytitis disease, putting it most kindly.
Three Distinct Sets of Contrast in the Biblical Doctrine of Justification.
"free grace"? Scripture itself makes sola fide the only alternative to a damning system of works-righteousness: "Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness" (Romans 4:4-5.)
I don’t know what happened to comments from yesterday.
In other words, those who trust Jesus Christ for justification by faith alone receive a perfect righteousness that is reckoned to them. Those who attempt to establish their own righteousness or mix faith with works only receive the terrible wage that is due all who fall short of perfection. So the individual as well as the church stands or falls with the principle of sola fide. Israel's apostasy was rooted in their abandonment of justification by faith alone: "For not knowing about God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God" (Romans 10:3).
Your problem: in your obsession with justification by faith alone, you are blinded to simple declaration of justification by the free grace of God - the MANNER of justification.
Romans 3:24 KJV — "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
Your problem: in your obtuseness, you willfully ignore justification by Christ - the GROUND of justification.
Your problem: you refused to see the distinct aspects of justification declared in the Scripture.
The problem of God's children among the Jews: they held on to their old covenant, works of observing the ceremonies INSTEAD of simply believing in Christ who has fulfilled them all.
Abraham was set before them to show that he experienced the blessings of his justified state WITHOUT observing any ceremonial laws.
"This is what all modern translations HAVE DONE!!! KJB alone retains the truth." Is the King James Bible the Only Inspired Scripture on Earth Today?
No translation is inspired. Irrelevant question.
Stick to the subject.
Do you believe that a work of the Holy Spirit is necessary to believe the gospel?
Justification by God, based upon the righteousness of Christ and the regeneration by the Spirit of God, and the grace of faith worked in the child of God is necessary to make it possible for him to hear and understand the gospel. Hearing and understanding the gospel are necessary before believing is possible. Faith cometh by hearing, Room 10.
Be cured of sound-bytitis, a crippling disease.
Abraham experienced the blessedness of his justified state, freely by God's grace, through simply believing on the words of God (Gen 15) and not through some works of observing some ceremonial laws.
That was the point the Apostle Paul wanted to demonstrate by marshaling the example of Abraham.
It is not enough to believe in Jesus in a general sense. You must believe in His promise of eternal life.
Salvation freely bestowed, when Brett was dead in trespasses and sins, makes believing possible. Stop putting the cart before the horse.
Your "it is not enough" betrays a repudiation of the biblical doctrine "for by grace are ye saved".
When are you justified? Is it when you believed in Jesus in general, or when you believed in Jesus’ promise?
Which aspect of justification are you inquiring?
- God decreed and purposed in eternity my justification in Christ;
- Christ secured my legal justification at the cross even as Adam secured my condemnation in the garden;
- God freely justified me personally when He effectually called me out of my native state of condemnation and death. This effectual calling enabled me to answer/response to the gospel call to faith in Jesus Christ.
- I experienced the blessedness of my justification by God's free grace in Jesus Christ when I believe the gospel of my salvation.
When were you justified by God?
Which of the many promises of Jesus did you believe?
Brett, are you done with justification yet?
(I deleted your last 3 comments on faith and works necessary for salvation).
I have no time to deal with all your problems. We have gone through them several times, only in circles.
Buy the truth: the effectual calling to grace and salvation embraces justification, regeneration and adoption, thus fitting a man for eternal glory. Amen.
Justification, regeneration, and adoption - the three distinct Divine activities in the effectual calling - are chronologically simultaneous but logically in that order.
Justification of life by God the Father based on the righteousness of Christ gives Divine warrant for God the Spirit to regenerate the one whom God the Father has applied personally the righteousness of Christ. The regenerated is adopted into the Divine family - made fit for eternal glory, given access to all the benefits and privileges of sonship.