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... giving the hope of salvation to all who turn from their sin... |
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Bad news is paraded as good news and spreads like fire - nearly 200 shares.
Saw this, and left a comment, then was censored.
Sing F Lau
"... giving the hope of salvation to all who would turn from their sin and believe on him."
This is NO gospel at all! It is another gospel! What use is the hope of salvation to all who are spiritually dead in trespasses and sins? What use is a truckload of McD, iced coke and french fries to dead men?
How could men spiritually dead in trespasses and sins turn from their sin and believe in Jesus Christ?
Christ, Himself said, "EXCEPT a man be born again, he CANNOT see..." - cannot perceive spiritual truth... cannot believe... for spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
No, Jesus did NOT give the hope of salvation; Jesus secured the eternal salvation for His people, those given to Him by the Father, and freely apply that salvation to each one of them personally by His Spirit, quickens them from their native state of spiritual death to eternal life.
Having quickened them and bestowed eternal salvation to them, He calls them to believe the truth of their salvation by God's free grace, i.e. salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ freely applied to them when they were dead in trespasses and sins.
The gospel preaching calls God's children - those whom God has regenerated and in whom the indwelling Spirit of God works faith, thus enabling them to believe - to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To such alone, the gospel is the message of God's power in saving them.
Cath Holland
'Whosoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved,'
Sing F Lau
Who can call on the name of the Lord - those still dead in trespasses and sins or those already born of God?
How does calling on the name of the Lord save a man? Is it the same way the Lord saves?
John Bessie
That's Called Calvinism And Its Heresy/False Doctrine/False "Gospel".
Sing F Lau
Christ, and not Calvin (who is he?) said this:
"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3
Christ, and not Calvin, said this:
"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand....My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." John 10:28-29.
Jesus said He gives to the dead eternal life; this is the gospel, GOOD NEWS. He did not offer the dead life nor the hope of life; the best and greatest offer of the hope of salvation or salvation to spiritually dead sinners is, at best, no good news, at worst, a mockery and insult to the dead.
It is a SHAME you resort to name-calling!
It was Calvin who said God offers salvation. Take a look here.
The last comment was marked as SPAM by the Administrator!
Is "Answers in Genesis" Arminian? Just asking.
Bad news paraded as good news! Worse, it spread like fire.