Wholly UN-natural, and self-destructive too...
Let me say this, and I will move on...
Same sex union is essentially a union of barrenness, and self-inflicted extermination.
It is the natural and survival instinct of any species to reproduce and propagate itself, but the same sex-union philosophy (if there is any 'philos' in such 'sophos' at all!) choose the direct opposite.
Those same sex-union folks will soon betray their hypocrisy by demanding to right to take the offspring of the natural [sic] heterosexual union. If only the same sex-union advocates and practitioners stay true and consistent to their philosophy, they will soon become extinct, being self-exterminated! They must prey on the offspring of the natural union to keep their cause alive.
From the natural and logical point of view - just leave out the legal, and religious ones for now - the same sex-union is wholly unnatural, and self-destructive.
And what do you call a legal verdict of supreme justices that upholds and defends a completely unnatural, and self-destructive choice?
There is no need to state my religious opinion.