Free agency of man - renders him WITHOUT excuse.
Man's moral accountability to God stems from the fact that he, as a moral and rational creature made in the image of God, is a free agent.
Man, by his very constitution, is a free agent; he acts freely without
being coerced by any outside force or influence. Therefore he is justly
held fully accountable and responsible for his every act. This truth of
man lies at the foundation of God's moral government over man, His
Free agency is not the
same as free will. So don't raise a heckle if you have that scruple
against the fact that the will of fallen man is in bondage to his fallen
nature. Such a man still acts most freely without being influenced or
coerced by any external force.
Whether a man is dead in
trespasses and sins, or regenerated, he is equally a free agent. The
fall does not affect the free agency of man at all.